July 2008 Archives by date
Starting: Tue Jul 1 00:07:33 CEST 2008
Ending: Mon Jul 21 23:31:57 CEST 2008
Messages: 1698
- update or repaint() slot in plasmoid and qtimer question
Aaron J. Seigo
- update or repaint() slot in plasmoid and qtimer question
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 165192] With compiz some Icons are hidden and other icons are out of the system tray
Javier G.
- [Bug 162826] Plasma crashed when trying to add Device Notifier to the panel
Bram Schoenmakers
- [Bug 165191] Pager only show 1 desktop with compiz
Javier G.
- [Bug 165454] New: Plasma crash when logging out
auxsvr at yahoo.com
- [Bug 165454] Plasma crash when logging out
auxsvr at yahoo.com
- [Bug 163630] Wish: allow icon hiding in system tray
owner at bugs.kde.org
- Fallen for you
bearleq2 at 7generations.org
- [Bug 165454] Plasma crash when logging out
Bram Schoenmakers
- [Bug 164411] Plasma Workspace crashed when adding a plasmoid via install from internet
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 154119] Moving/resizing applets on the panel
Vincenzo Di Massa
- [Bug 161552] plasma analog clock: the minute hand is too narrow -- looks like it shows seconds
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 161552] Analog clock: hand is too narrow / long
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 154119] Moving/resizing applets on the panel
Vincenzo Di Massa
- [Bug 164786] Some gtk apps don't show on the systemtray
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 165423] Is Plasma leaking memory?
Bráulio Barros de Oliveira
- [Bug 165423] Is Plasma leaking memory?
Bráulio Barros de Oliveira
- [Bug 154119] Moving/resizing applets on the panel
Bernd Steinhauser
- [Bug 154119] Moving/resizing applets on the panel
Aaron J.Seigo
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
Sebastian Kügler
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 154119] Moving/resizing applets on the panel
Rex Dieter
- [Bug 165462] New: Properties dialog is modal, disabling most of Plasma upon creation
David Benjamin
- update method in plasmoid
LECONTE Frédéric
- [Bug 165465] New: Plasma crashes when trying to delete file from desktop
Sagi Ben-Akiva
- [Bug 165448] widgets disposition in panels
Markus Mauder
- Review Request: shadowBlur and shadowText libplasma functions
- Review Request: Use shadowText for Folderview title
- [Bug 165465] Plasma crashes when trying to delete file from desktop
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 165465] Plasma crashes when trying to delete file from desktop
Sagi Ben-Akiva
- [Bug 165472] New: [testcase] High CPU usage of Plasma+X when panel overfills
Alexey Charkov
- [Bug 165472] [testcase] High CPU usage of Plasma+X when panel overfills
Alexey Charkov
- [Bug 165472] New: [testcase] High CPU usage of Plasma+X when panel overfills
Loïc Marteau
- [Bug 165472] [testcase] High CPU usage of Plasma+X when panel overfills
Loic Marteau
- [Bug 165472] [testcase] High CPU usage of Plasma+X when panel overfills
Alexey Charkov
- [Bug 165472] [testcase] High CPU usage of Plasma+X when panel overfills
Alexey Charkov
- [Bug 165472] [testcase] High CPU usage of Plasma+X when panel overfills
Alexey Charkov
- [Bug 165414] Analog clock applet: long hands on login.
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 165472] [testcase] High CPU usage of Plasma+X when panel overfills
Loic Marteau
- [Bug 165472] [testcase] High CPU usage of Plasma+X when panel overfills
Alexey Charkov
- [Bug 165472] [testcase] High CPU usage of Plasma+X when panel overfills
Loic Marteau
- [Bug 165046] Widgets installed from the internet does not appear in add new widgets dialog
Cyrill Helg
- [Bug 165137] desktop widgets should be positioned smartly
Cyrill Helg
- [Bug 163706] Show Desktop plasmoid messes up panel scaling
cyrus_xiii at yahoo.com
- [Bug 165478] New: panel not repositioned properly when new display is added and activated via xrandr
Johannes Rohr
- [Bug 165478] panel not repositioned properly when new display is added and activated via xrandr
Johannes Rohr
- [Bug 165479] New: KDE logoff: three times too many
Dotan Cohen
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 165420] plasma carshed on session start up
Marco Martin
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 165479] KDE logoff: three times too many
Markus Mauder
- [Bug 165484] New: Certain strange cycle of application submenu
Ladislav Nesnera
- [Bug 165484] Certain strange cycle of application submenu
Ladislav Nesnera
- [Bug 165484] Certain strange cycle of application submenu
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 165484] Certain strange cycle of application submenu
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 164320] Systemtray icons disappear on panel resize
- [Bug 164320] Systemtray icons disappear on panel resize
- [Bug 165484] Certain strange cycle of application submenu
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 164320] Systemtray icons disappear on panel resize
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 164320] Systemtray icons disappear on panel resize
Sebastian Sauer
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
Sebastian Kügler
- [Bug 160068] ghost taskbar blocks moving windows to top in multiple monitor setup
Lubos Lunak
- [Bug 154119] Moving/resizing applets on the panel
Vincenzo Di Massa
- [Bug 154119] Moving/resizing applets on the panel
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 165495] New: Plasma should save its settings more
Bráulio Barros de Oliveira
- [Bug 165496] New: Plasma should save its settings more
Bráulio Barros de Oliveira
- [Bug 154119] Moving/resizing applets on the panel
Bráulio Barros de Oliveira
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
- [Bug 165496] Plasma should save its settings more
Bráulio Barros de Oliveira
- [Bug 154119] Moving/resizing applets on the panel
Vincenzo Di Massa
- [Bug 165496] Plasma should save its settings more
Christophe Giboudeaux
- Wallpaper
Petri Damstén
- [Bug 154119] Moving/resizing applets on the panel
Bernd Steinhauser
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
Aaron J. Seigo
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
Aaron J. Seigo
- Wallpaper
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 162943] Taskbar Thumbnail not working
- [Bug 165496] Plasma should save its settings more
Michael Rudolph
- [Bug 165496] Plasma should save its settings more
Bráulio Barros de Oliveira
- Wallpaper
Petri Damstén
- [Bug 165528] New: Panel is cut off
Marinescu Gabriel
- [Bug 165528] Panel is cut off
Marinescu Gabriel
- [Bug 165478] panel not repositioned properly when new display is added and activated via xrandr
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 164786] Some gtk apps don't show on the systemtray
Nicolas Lécureuil
- [Bug 165528] Panel is cut off
Marinescu Gabriel
- [Bug 165478] panel not repositioned properly when new display is added and activated via xrandr
Johannes Rohr
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
Alexis Ménard
- [Bug 165414] Analog clock applet: long hands on login.
Dotan Cohen
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
- [Bug 165484] Certain strange cycle of application submenu
- [Bug 165545] New: krunner doesn't show results when making many searches and using the arrows to tab.
Augusto Leite
- Review Request: shadowBlur and shadowText libplasma functions
Fredrik Höglund
- [Bug 165555] New: Plasma crashed while dragging appletshow desktop in taskbar
- [Bug 165484] Certain strange cycle of application submenu
Ladislav Nesnera
- [Bug 165555] Plasma crashed while dragging appletshow desktop in taskbar
- [Bug 164827] corrupted background on logout screen
- [Bug 165555] Plasma crashed while dragging appletshow desktop in taskbar
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 165555] Plasma crashed while dragging appletshow desktop in taskbar
- [Bug 164827] corrupted background on logout screen
Yves Glodt
- [Bug 165565] New: drag 'n drop grouping in taskbar
Pascal d'Hermilly
- [Bug 164747] properties on desktop shortcut lacks some settings
- Adding a 'X-Plasma-MainScript' entry to plasmoid metadata.desktop files?
Richard Dale
- [Bug 165565] drag 'n drop grouping in taskbar
Christian Mollekopf
- [Bug 165573] New: show folder view content desktop
Alejandro Bonilla
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
Michael Rudolph
- Adding a 'X-Plasma-MainScript' entry to plasmoid metadata.desktop files?
Richard Moore
- [Bug 165134] desktop context menu: disable menu entries, do not remove them (HIG violation)
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 164102] Icons (like updater, kmixer) have a dark background retangle
sts at gmx.de
- [Bug 162704] after plasma crash and kde4 restart I can see only a grey background
sts at gmx.de
- [Bug 157525] REGRESSION: AMPM in wrong place
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
- Adding a 'X-Plasma-MainScript' entry to plasmoid metadata.desktop files?
Richard Dale
- [Bug 165573] show folder view content desktop
- Review Request: shadowBlur and shadowText libplasma functions
- [Bug 165573] show folder view content desktop
Alejandro Bonilla
- [Bug 165573] show folder view content desktop
Alejandro Bonilla
- [Bug 164813] The digital clock showing PH : MM : pm when configured without seconds
- [Bug 164813] The digital clock showing PH : MM : pm when configured without seconds
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 165585] New: freeze on KDE logout when some app quit confirmation pending
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 165586] New: aplication knotify make signal 11 (sigsegv)
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
Aaron J. Seigo
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
Marco Martin
- [Bug 165585] freeze on KDE logout when some app quit confirmation pending
Markus Mauder
- [Bug 165465] Plasma crashes when trying to delete file from desktop
owner at bugs.kde.org
- Adding a 'X-Plasma-MainScript' entry to plasmoid metadata.desktop files?
Aaron J. Seigo
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 165585] freeze on KDE logout when some app quit confirmation pending
Maciej Pilichowski
- A few issues of porting Google Gadgets to plasma
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 164813] The digital clock showing PH : MM : pm when configured without seconds
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 165585] freeze on KDE logout when some app quit confirmation pending
Markus Mauder
- [Bug 165573] show folder view content desktop
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 165585] freeze on KDE logout when some app quit confirmation pending
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 165585] freeze on KDE logout when some app quit confirmation pending
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 165585] freeze on KDE logout when some app quit confirmation pending
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 164786] Some gtk apps don't show on the systemtray
- [Bug 157525] REGRESSION: AM/PM in wrong place
James Richard Tyrer
- [Bug 165585] freeze on KDE logout when some app quit confirmation pending
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 165585] freeze on KDE logout when some app quit confirmation pending
Sebastian Sauer
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
Michael Rudolph
- Review Request: drop shadow to Plasma::Icon
Marco Martin
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
Marco Martin
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Plasma] looks and usability of applet handle frame
Loïc Marteau
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 164813] The digital clock showing PH : MM : pm when configured without seconds
David Faure
- [Bug 165147] Feature Request: Scrollbar display in Folderview applet
- [Bug 160429] Icon/taskbar tooltips are at wrong place when the panel is not at bottom
hutch at psfc.mit.edu
- [Bug 165604] New: Analog clock may still be moved when widgets are locked
Bráulio Barros de Oliveira
- [Bug 165391] please remove the toolbox/highlight around icons/plasmoids
- [Bug 164786] Some gtk apps don't show on the systemtray
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 165391] please remove the toolbox/highlight around icons/plasmoids
brian larochelle
- A few issues of porting Google Gadgets to plasma
Dong Tiger
- Can anyone confirm bug 162856?
Ben Goodrich
- [Bug 160429] Icon/taskbar tooltips are at wrong place when the panel is not at bottom
Aaron J.Seigo
- A few issues of porting Google Gadgets to plasma
Aaron J. Seigo
- Can anyone confirm bug 162856?
Aaron J. Seigo
- A few issues of porting Google Gadgets to plasma
Dong Tiger
- Obtaining a QGraphicsScene from a Plasma applet?
Kelly Miller
- [Bug 165612] New: Improve fuzzy clock localization strings
Viesturs Zarins
- Obtaining a QGraphicsScene from a Plasma applet?
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 165573] show folder view content desktop
Alejandro Bonilla
- [Bug 161894] Taskbar background of icons is not cleared
- [Bug 161894] Taskbar background of icons is not cleared
- [Bug 165086] Icon background is corrupted
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
- [Bug 165625] New: Desktop icon looses image when changing properties
Clemens Eisserer
- Adding a 'X-Plasma-MainScript' entry to plasmoid metadata.desktop files?
Richard Dale
- [Bug 165612] Improve fuzzy clock localization strings
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 165625] Desktop icon looses image when changing properties
Aaron J.Seigo
- Adding a 'X-Plasma-MainScript' entry to plasmoid metadata.desktop files?
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 165625] Desktop icon looses image when changing properties
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 161894] Taskbar background of icons is not cleared
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 161894] Taskbar background of icons is not cleared and looks corrupted
Sebastian Sauer
- Taskmanager with grouping support preview version
christian mollekopf
- [Bug 165462] Properties dialog is modal, disabling most of Plasma upon creation
Thomas Georgiou
- [Bug 152676] All desktops are stacked on first screen with dual-head
- A few issues of porting Google Gadgets to plasma
Sebastian Sauer
- Adding a 'X-Plasma-MainScript' entry to plasmoid metadata.desktop files?
Richard Moore
- [Bug 165462] Properties dialog is modal, disabling most of Plasma upon creation
Thomas Georgiou
- [Bug 165462] Properties dialog is modal, disabling most of Plasma upon creation
Thomas Georgiou
- [Bug 165604] Analog clock may still be moved when widgets are locked
Bráulio Barros de Oliveira
- A few issues of porting Google Gadgets to plasma
Rafael Fernández López
- [Bug 161894] Taskbar background of icons is not cleared and looks corrupted
- [Bug 161894] Taskbar background of icons is not cleared and looks corrupted
- [Bug 161894] Taskbar background of icons is not cleared and looks corrupted
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 165639] libplasma1 4.0.4-24.8 x86_64 crashes desktop workspace on login. Sigsegv 11
Thomas Georgiou
- [Bug 165639] libplasma1 4.0.4-24.8 x86_64 crashes desktop workspace on login. Sigsegv 11
Doug Glenn
- [Bug 165653] New: More filter options for Folder View plasmoid, plz!
- [Bug 165653] More filter options for Folder View plasmoid, plz!
Markus Mauder
- [Bug 165653] More filter options for Folder View plasmoid, plz!
Markus Mauder
- [Bug 165625] Desktop icon looses image when changing properties
Aaron J.Seigo
- Taskmanager with grouping support preview version
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 165667] New: menu folders with only one item should collapse and show that item on the parent level instead of the folder
Frederik Himpe
- [Bug 165670] New: plasma crashed when removing activity
Shrikant Khare
- [Bug 165675] New: Plasma crashed when logging off
Stephan Buehne
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
Sebastian Sauer
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
- [Bug 165680] New: application launcher doesn't properly handle "leave" menu operations
Fred Wells
- [Bug 165682] New: Folder View widget doesn't acknowledge hot keys
Fred Wells
- [Bug 165687] New: Plasma crashed overnight twice
Mark Van Beek
- [Bug 165687] Plasma crashed overnight twice
Mark Van Beek
- [Bug 165687] Plasma crashed overnight twice
Mark Van Beek
- [Bug 165682] Folder View widget doesn't acknowledge hot keys
Drew Fisher
- [Bug 165675] Plasma crashed when logging off
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 165691] New: Downloaded plasmoids are not in list
Dorian Vasco
- [Bug 165691] Downloaded plasmoids are not in list
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 165694] New: fullscreen workspace switcher does not show windows on other workspaces
Andreas Demmer
- [Bug 165694] fullscreen workspace switcher does not show windows on other workspaces
Andreas Demmer
- [Bug 165694] fullscreen workspace switcher does not show windows on other workspaces
Markus Mauder
- [Bug 165694] fullscreen workspace switcher does not show windows on other workspaces
Aaron J.Seigo
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
Petri Damstén
- Adding a 'X-Plasma-MainScript' entry to plasmoid metadata.desktop files?
Richard Dale
- [Bug 165669] taskbar dissapears when changeing resolution
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [Bug 165669] taskbar dissapears when changeing resolution
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
- Adding a 'X-Plasma-MainScript' entry to plasmoid metadata.desktop files?
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 165704] New: plasmoid picture frame: pause, previous, next
Vincent Fortier
- [Bug 161176] plasma does not mount removeable devices if needed
Vincent Fortier
- [Bug 165704] plasmoid picture frame: pause, previous, next
Vincent Fortier
- [Bug 165709] New: with compiz taskbar shows a closed programm as still open
Sebastian TurzaÅski
- [Bug 165709] with compiz taskbar shows a closed programm as still open
Sebastian TurzaÅski
- [Bug 165709] with compiz taskbar shows a closed programm as still open
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 161894] Taskbar background of icons is not cleared and looks corrupted
Sebastian TurzaÅski
- [Bug 161894] Taskbar background of icons is not cleared and looks corrupted
Sebastian TurzaÅski
- [Bug 165704] plasmoid picture frame: pause, previous, next
Pino Toscano
- [Bug 165709] with compiz taskbar shows a closed programm as still open
Sebastian TurzaÅski
- [Bug 165191] Pager only show 1 desktop with compiz
Iori Yagami
- [Bug 164507] changing properties of app icon should not have impact on system
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 165687] Plasma crashed overnight twice
Marco Martin
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
Michael Rudolph
- [Bug 152845] plasma crashes on closing "3d earth model" widget
Kevin Kofler
- [Bug 152845] plasma crashes on closing "3d earth model" widget
Jason Stubbs
- [Bug 165722] New: Panel should change color of the IM window, when an IM is received.
Anoop Chargotra
- [PATCH] frame plasmoid: Switch photo when the user clicks on it
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 165722] Panel should change color of the IM window, when an IM is received.
Pino Toscano
- [Bug 164512] marking taskbar entry does not work
owner at bugs.kde.org
- Light up the sky
nsolda at kyderby.com
- [PATCH] frame plasmoid: Switch photo when the user clicks on it
- [Bug 152845] plasma crashes on closing "3d earth model" widget
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 158781] Time remaining display for battery widget
Stas Verberkt
- [Bug 165675] Plasma crashed when logging off
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [Bug 163607] Plasma crashes at logout or shutdown
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [PATCH] frame plasmoid: Switch photo when the user clicks on it
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 163607] Plasma crashes at logout or shutdown
Christophe Giboudeaux
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
- [Bug 165191] Pager only show 1 desktop with compiz
Javier G.
- No subject
- [Bug 163607] Plasma crashes at logout or shutdown
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 162084] compile error when using old gcc
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 162084] compile error when using old gcc
- 4 days to RC1, planning for 4.2
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 165719] Workspace Plasma fails kde 4.0.84
Maxi Schimmel
- [Bug 165719] Workspace Plasma fails kde 4.0.84
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 163607] Plasma crashes at logout or shutdown
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 163607] Plasma crashes at logout or shutdown
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 165682] Folder View widget doesn't acknowledge hot keys
Fred Wells
- [Bug 165719] Workspace Plasma fails kde 4.0.84
Maxi Schimmel
- [Bug 163607] Plasma crashes at logout or shutdown
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 164454] Adding plasmoids should tile them.
Thomas Georgiou
- [Bug 161317] KSnapshot overlaps tasks in the taskbar during a screenshot.
Thomas Georgiou
- [Bug 165253] list of widgets to download from the internet is empty
Thomas Georgiou
- [Bug 159646] Plasma stops drawing widgets properly for a while.
Thomas Georgiou
- [Bug 162955] Pannel setting "left" failed
Thomas Georgiou
- [Bug 162984] Layout problem when locking plasmoids
Thomas Georgiou
- [Bug 165767] New: chnage screen brightness by scrolling on powersave applet
- [Bug 165719] Workspace Plasma fails kde 4.0.84
Maxi Schimmel
- [Bug 163001] Slow nx sessions, corrupt window frames
Thomas Georgiou
- [Bug 165253] list of widgets to download from the internet is empty
Andre Barboza
- [Bug 155587] Cannot start System Settings from Kickoff
George Goldberg
- [Bug 157322] Lots of repaints when hovering the taskbar
George Goldberg
- [Bug 165767] chnage screen brightness by scrolling on powersave applet
- [Bug 165767] chnage screen brightness by scrolling on powersave applet
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 157322] Lots of repaints when hovering the taskbar
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 158349] High CPU usage by X and plasma processes when moving mouse cursor near the plasmoid edge
George Goldberg
- 4 days to RC1, planning for 4.2
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 165767] chnage screen brightness by scrolling on powersave applet
- Clock painting broken
Ivan Čukić
- Clock painting broken (with scrsht)
Ivan Čukić
- [Bug 165711] desktop settings dialog shows wrong controls
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 165781] New: I am unable to do any of the exciting things Arron and other s blogs lead me to believe is in KDE 4
- [Bug 165781] I am unable to do any of the exciting things Arron and other s blogs lead me to believe is in KDE 4
Bernhard Friedreich
- [Bug 165682] Folder View widget doesn't acknowledge hot keys
Bernhard Friedreich
- [Bug 159355] error with displaying frame around plasmoids
Alex Merry
- [Plasma] looks and usability of applet handle frame
Loïc Marteau
- [Bug 159894] When plasma crashes on removing a plasmoid, remove it
Alex Merry
- [Bug 165784] New: I am unable to do any of the exciting things Arron and other s blogs lead me to believe is in KDE 4
- [Bug 160429] Icon/taskbar tooltips are at wrong place when the panel is not at bottom
Alex Merry
- [Bug 160640] position of preview wallpaper
Alex Merry
- [Bug 165784] I am unable to do any of the exciting things Arron and other s blogs lead me to believe is in KDE 4
Alex Merry
- [Bug 165781] I am unable to do any of the exciting things Arron and other s blogs lead me to believe is in KDE 4
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 161176] plasma does not mount removeable devices if needed
Alex Merry
- [Bug 161373] Too many entries in the desktop RMB context menu
Alex Merry
- [Bug 161389] Preview of actual selected app is annoying
Alex Merry
- [Bug 161518] taskbar plasma tooltip uses 100% cpu circles
Alex Merry
- [Bug 161731] crash on configuring the Digital Clock if this is not the most right widget in the panel
Alex Merry
- [Bug 163870] some plasmoids overlap each other in the panel
- [Bug 162003] New devices' icons overlays text labels
Alex Merry
- [Bug 162069] shrinking the panel causes items to display wrongly
Alex Merry
- [Bug 162069] shrinking the panel causes items to display wrongly
Alex Merry
- [Bug 165785] New: Plasmoid download via GetHotNewStuff Crash
Bernhard Friedreich
- [Bug 161176] plasma does not mount removeable devices if needed
- [Plasma] looks and usability of applet handle frame
Loïc Marteau
- [Bug 162590] missing quick start buttons applet
Alex Merry
- [Bug 163870] some plasmoids overlap each other in the panel
Alex Merry
- [Bug 162616] "open file" dialog from one widget should not disable other widgets
Alex Merry
- [Bug 165785] Plasmoid download via GetHotNewStuff Crash
Bernhard Friedreich
- [Bug 163870] some plasmoids overlap each other in the panel
- [Bug 162750] plasma crash on startup
Alex Merry
- [Bug 162826] Plasma crashed when trying to add Device Notifier to the panel
Alex Merry
- [Bug 163870] some plasmoids overlap each other in the panel
- [Bug 162943] Taskbar Thumbnail not working
Alex Merry
- [Bug 162952] Plasma crashed after being unresponsive for some time
Alex Merry
- [Bug 162952] Plasma crashed after being unresponsive for some time
Alex Merry
- [Bug 163015] Panel size issues when moving from horizontal to vertical position and back
Alex Merry
- [Bug 163153] Plasma sometimes hangs when taskmanager-widget shows tooltip
Alex Merry
- [Bug 163870] some plasmoids overlap each other in the panel
Alex Merry
- [Bug 163368] Click on a shortcut does not open the application, it opens the file itselves in an editor
Alex Merry
- [Bug 163377] Add versioning system for plasmoids
Alex Merry
- [Bug 163870] some plasmoids overlap each other in the panel
- [Bug 163384] Plasma crashes when changing any binary clock setting
Alex Merry
- [Bug 163384] Plasma crashes when changing any binary clock setting
Alex Merry
- [Bug 163457] CPU utilization goes very high, if we keep the mouse pointer on a minimized window or a shortcut on the panel
Alex Merry
- [Bug 163527] Panel is not displayed properly
Alex Merry
- [Plasma] looks and usability of applet handle frame
- [Bug 163870] some plasmoids overlap each other in the panel
Alex Merry
- [Bug 163870] some plasmoids overlap each other in the panel
- [Bug 165789] New: hovering the panel when adding plasmoids does not show the correct "drop-state"
- [Bug 165790] New: KDE crashes when installing new plasma widget
a cullen
- [Bug 163015] Panel size issues when moving from horizontal to vertical position and back
Jonathan Thomas
- [Bug 162623] Multihead corrupts plasma panel and desktop, after crash of plasma, panel and desktop are ok, but System Tray is missing
Mika Tikka
- [Bug 165719] Workspace Plasma fails kde 4.0.84
Pedro Piminchumo
- [Bug 165711] desktop settings dialog shows wrong controls
Andreas Demmer
- [Bug 165711] desktop settings dialog shows wrong controls
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 165792] New: panels cannot be stacked
Vedran Sego
- [Bug 165711] desktop settings dialog shows wrong controls
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 165711] desktop settings dialog shows wrong controls
Andreas Demmer
- [Bug 165795] New: Panel transparency control regardless of theme
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 164125] configurable plasmoid transparency when overlapping
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 160926] Panel Widgets push to top of screen
- [Bug 165797] New: plasma: cannot add plasmoids installed from add widgets dialog
missive at hotmail.com
- [Bug 165798] New: command plasmoid not umlaut-safe
Andreas Demmer
- [Bug 165800] New: Another plasma problem : aplication panel fail with kde 4.0.85
Pedro Piminchumo
- [Bug 159889] ability to Change transparency/opacity of the desktop applets
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 161518] taskbar plasma tooltip uses 100% cpu circles
- [Bug 162414] Plasma Panel not correctly drawn using twinview
Thomas Georgiou
- [Bug 162856] plasma does not resize/reposition the panel when rotating screen with xrandr
Thomas Georgiou
- [Bug 157629] New Device notifier drawing problem
Thomas Georgiou
- [Bug 162856] plasma does not resize/reposition the panel when rotating screen with xrandr
Ben Goodrich
- [Bug 159323] can't add widget to the left of the panel if the leftmost widget is the taskbar
Thomas Georgiou
- [Bug 164031] panel minimum size is ignored
Thomas Georgiou
- [Bug 157629] New Device notifier drawing problem
Arnout Boelens
- [Plasma] looks and usability of applet handle frame
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Plasma] looks and usability of applet handle frame
Aaron J. Seigo
- Clock painting broken (with scrsht)
Ivan Čukić
- Clock painting broken (with scrsht)
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 164031] panel minimum size is ignored
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 165806] New: Windows Title from Applications panel do not disappear after closing the window properly.
Pedro Piminchumo
- [Bug 165806] Windows Title from Applications panel do not disappear after closing the window properly.
Pino Toscano
- [Bug 165682] Folder View widget doesn't acknowledge hot keys
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 165806] Windows Title from Applications panel do not disappear after closing the window properly.
Pedro Piminchumo
- [Bug 165709] with compiz taskbar shows a closed programm as still open
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 165806] Windows Title from Applications panel do not disappear after closing the window properly.
Pedro Piminchumo
- [Bug 165781] I am unable to do any of the exciting things Arron and other s blogs lead me to believe is in KDE 4
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 165790] KDE crashes when installing new plasma widget
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 165795] Panel transparency control regardless of theme
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 165795] Panel transparency control regardless of theme
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 162955] Pannel setting "left" failed
Marco Martin
- [Bug 165795] Panel transparency control regardless of theme
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 165682] Folder View widget doesn't acknowledge hot keys
Fred Wells
- [Bug 165795] Panel transparency control regardless of theme
Maciej Pilichowski
- Fwd: Kudos for KDE4 :-)
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 165795] Panel transparency control regardless of theme
Dotan Cohen
- 4 days to RC1, planning for 4.2
- [Bug 165682] Folder View widget doesn't acknowledge hot keys
- [Bug 165670] plasma crashed when removing activity
- [Bug 165682] Folder View widget doesn't acknowledge hot keys
Bernhard Friedreich
- [Bug 162826] Plasma crashed when trying to add Device Notifier to the panel
Rosetzky Cedric
- [Bug 165682] Folder View widget doesn't acknowledge hot keys
- [Bug 165815] New: Panel plasmoids got misorderd after restart
Bernhard Friedreich
- [Bug 165815] Panel plasmoids got misorderd after restart
Bernhard Friedreich
- [Bug 165815] Panel plasmoids got misorderd after restart
Bernhard Friedreich
- [Bug 157017] Panel artifacts with openoffice opened
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Plasma] looks and usability of applet handle frame
- [Bug 165682] Folder View widget doesn't acknowledge hot keys
Bernhard Friedreich
- 4 days to RC1, planning for 4.2
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 165682] Folder View widget doesn't acknowledge hot keys
- [Bug 164856] mysterious bar between apps [visual]
Thomas Georgiou
- 4 days to RC1, planning for 4.2
- [Bug 164866] The application Plasma-Arbeitsfläche () crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV).
Thomas Georgiou
- [Bug 165815] Panel plasmoids got misorderd after restart
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 165792] panels cannot be stacked
Vedran Sego
- [Bug 165816] New: removing one plasmoid removes all of the same kind
David Mrowietz
- [Bug 165792] panels cannot be stacked
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 164856] mysterious bar between apps [visual]
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 164045] panel settings (widgets dialog): provide "remove widget" normal button
owner at bugs.kde.org
- 4 days to RC1, planning for 4.2
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 165815] Panel plasmoids got misorderd after restart
Bernhard Friedreich
- [Bug 165815] Panel plasmoids got misorderd after restart
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 165815] Panel plasmoids got misorderd after restart
Bernhard Friedreich
- [Bug 164861] Plasma crash on logout
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 165257] Regression: white artifacts in system tray
Thomas Georgiou
- [Bug 163607] Plasma crashes at logout or shutdown
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 163353] system tray flickers when a new icon is added
Thomas Georgiou
- [Bug 165820] New: kde desktop plasma crash at start
Ghost Kilah
- [Bug 165821] New: kde desktop plasma crash at start
Ghost Kilah
- [Bug 165785] Plasmoid download via GetHotNewStuff Crash
Andreas Silberstorff
- [Bug 165785] Plasmoid download via GetHotNewStuff Crash
Bernhard Friedreich
- Can anyone confirm bug 162856?
Ben Goodrich
- [Bug 163722] plasma crashed(SIGSEGV) at initial loading
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 165785] Plasmoid download via GetHotNewStuff Crash
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 157017] Panel artifacts with openoffice opened
Jonas Thorell
- [Bug 165826] New: The text beneath the icons is rather on and off in 4.0.85
Jonas Thorell
- [Bug 157017] Panel artifacts with openoffice opened
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 165827] New: Windows sometimes end up partially behind a top panel
Jonas Thorell
- [Bug 165781] I am unable to do any of the exciting things Arron and other s blogs lead me to believe is in KDE 4
- [Bug 165820] kde desktop plasma crash at start
Ghost Kilah
- [Bug 164856] mysterious bar between apps [visual]
Andrew Lake
- [Bug 165257] Regression: white artifacts in system tray
- [Bug 165828] New: Folderview should honor (some) settings in Dolphin
Jonas Thorell
- 4 days to RC1, planning for 4.2
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 165830] New: plasma crash during shutdown
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
- [Bug 165830] plasma crash during shutdown
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
- [Bug 163607] Plasma crashes at logout or shutdown
owner at bugs.kde.org
- Odd behavior with show timezone in digital clock applet (probably all clock applets)
Stephen Battey
- Odd behavior with show timezone in digital clock applet (probably all clock applets)
Stephen Battey
- [Bug 162069] shrinking the panel causes items to display wrongly
David J.Knowles
- [Bug 165827] Windows sometimes end up partially behind a top panel
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 162069] shrinking the panel causes items to display wrongly
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 165781] I am unable to do any of the exciting things Arron and other s blogs lead me to believe is in KDE 4
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 165781] I am unable to do any of the exciting things Arron and other s blogs lead me to believe is in KDE 4
- [Bug 162069] shrinking the panel causes items to display wrongly
David J.Knowles
- [Bug 165827] Windows sometimes end up partially behind a top panel
Jonas Thorell
- [Bug 165781] I am unable to do any of the exciting things Arron and other s blogs lead me to believe is in KDE 4
Robert Knight
- [Bug 165781] I am unable to do any of the exciting things Arron and other s blogs lead me to believe is in KDE 4
- [Bug 165781] I am unable to do any of the exciting things Arron and other s blogs lead me to believe is in KDE 4
- [Bug 165781] I am unable to do any of the exciting things Arron and other s blogs lead me to believe is in KDE 4
- [Bug 165826] The text beneath the icons is rather on and off in 4.0.85
Jonas Thorell
- [Bug 165781] I am unable to do any of the exciting things Arron and other s blogs lead me to believe is in KDE 4
- [Bug 165781] I am unable to do any of the exciting things Arron and other s blogs lead me to believe is in KDE 4
- [Bug 165781] I am unable to do any of the exciting things Arron and other s blogs lead me to believe is in KDE 4
- [Bug 165781] I am unable to do any of the exciting things Arron and other s blogs lead me to believe is in KDE 4
- [Bug 165828] Folderview should honor (some) settings in Dolphin
Michael Rudolph
- [Bug 165850] New: Plasma crash when adding widget to new containment
Bernhard Friedreich
- [Bug 165850] Plasma crash when adding widget to new containment
Bernhard Friedreich
- [Bug 165850] Plasma crash when adding widget to new containment
Bernhard Friedreich
- [Bug 154286] crash after executing application using krunner
Bernhard Friedreich
- [Bug 165792] panels cannot be stacked
Marco Martin
- [Bug 165854] New: Adding second Powersave Plasmoid flickers the screen
Michael Braun
- [Bug 157017] Panel artifacts with openoffice opened
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 154119] Moving/resizing applets on the panel
Bernhard Friedreich
- [Bug 154119] Moving/resizing applets on the panel
Lionel Lecoq
- [Bug 157017] Panel artifacts with openoffice opened
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 165484] Certain strange cycle of application submenu
Marco Martin
- [Bug 165854] Adding second Powersave Plasmoid flickers the screen
Thomas Georgiou
- [Bug 164479] pager accepts app drops
Thomas Georgiou
- [Bug 165828] Folderview should honor (some) settings in Dolphin
Jonas Thorell
- [Bug 165872] New: Plasma does not allow me to add plasmoids to the panels
Jonas Thorell
- [Bug 164479] pager accepts app drops
Marco Martin
- [Bug 165872] Plasma does not allow me to add plasmoids to the panels
Marco Martin
- [Bug 165872] Plasma does not allow me to add plasmoids to the panels
Jonas Thorell
- [Bug 154286] crash after executing application using krunner cause of dbus timeout
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 165872] Plasma does not allow me to add plasmoids to the panels
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 165879] New: mouse hover behaviour with the kickoff menu
John Wilson
- [Bug 165872] Plasma does not allow me to add plasmoids to the panels
Jonas Thorell
- [PATCH] frame plasmoid: Switch photo when the user clicks on it
Frederik Himpe
- [Bug 165882] New: Plasma produces constant CPU load of about 50%
Vedran Sego
- [Bug 165792] panels cannot be stacked
Vedran Sego
- [Bug 165882] Plasma produces constant CPU load of about 50%
- [Bug 165882] Plasma produces constant CPU load of about 50%
Vedran Sego
- [Bug 165854] Adding second Powersave Plasmoid flickers the screen
Michael Braun
- [Bug 165882] Plasma produces constant CPU load of about 50%
- [Bug 165882] Plasma produces constant CPU load of about 50%
Vedran Sego
- [Bug 165882] Plasma produces constant CPU load of about 50%
Vedran Sego
- [Bug 165882] Plasma produces constant CPU load of about 50%
Loic Marteau
- [Bug 165882] Plasma produces constant CPU load of about 50%
Vedran Sego
- Odd behavior with show timezone in digital clock applet (probably all clock applets)
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 165882] Plasma produces constant CPU load of about 50%
Loic Marteau
- [Bug 165887] New: Overal performance of plasma when moving widgets around desktop
- [Bug 164545] plasma add activity replaces all activities until zoom in and zoom out
Thomas Georgiou
- [Bug 165854] Adding second Powersave Plasmoid flickers the screen
Thomas Georgiou
- [Bug 165064] folderview: item highlight renders slowly at borders
Thomas Georgiou
- [Bug 165892] New: System not responsive while starting any Get Hot New Stuff 2 window (and this is long time).
- [Applet handle] Problem with new implementation
Loïc Marteau
- [Bug 158094] Sysytem try icon backgrounds are not transparent
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 161894] System tray background of icons is not cleared and looks corrupted
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 165257] Regression: white artifacts in system tray
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 165854] Adding second Powersave Plasmoid flickers the screen
Michael Braun
- [Bug 165854] Adding second Powersave Plasmoid flickers the screen
Thomas Georgiou
- [Bug 164660] Battery applet is not updated when battery is removed
Frederik Schwarzer
- [Bug 163155] Crash when loading MacOS applet (SIGSEGV)
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 165908] New: Plasma, task manager, tooltip, freeze
S Hubble
- [Bug 161904] entries in the taskbar in plasma panel are too small and narrow
- [Bug 158094] system-tray icon backgrounds are not transparent
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 165257] Regression: white artifacts in system tray
- [Bug 165680] application launcher doesn't properly handle "leave" menu operations
Fred Wells
- [Bug 165682] Folder View widget doesn't acknowledge hot keys
Fred Wells
- [Bug 158094] system-tray icon backgrounds are not transparent
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 165064] folderview: item highlight renders slowly at borders
Stephan Burkhardt
- [Bug 163353] system tray flickers when a new icon is added
Haris Kouzinopoulos
- [Bug 162943] Taskbar Thumbnail not working
- [PATCH] frame plasmoid: Switch photo when the user clicks on it
- [Bug 165933] New: Spread two windows vertically / horizontally
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 165933] Spread two windows vertically / horizontally
Lucas Murray
- [Bug 165933] Spread two windows vertically / horizontally
Lucas Murray
- [Bug 165936] New: Binary Clock Plasmoid shrinks on each reload
Ugra Dániel
- [Applet handle] Problem with new implementation
Loïc Marteau
- [Bug 165933] Tile windows by taskbar group
Lucas Murray
- [Bug 165933] Tile windows by taskbar group
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 165937] New: pager on a panel is not vertically centered
Thomas Zander
- [Bug 163648] items in add widget dialog not properly rendered
Mathias Soeken
- [Bug 165938] New: Select all (ctrl-a) doesn't work in plasmoid
Thomas Zander
- [Bug 165939] New: Binary Clock Plasmoid shrinks on each reload
Ugra Dániel
- [Bug 165465] Plasma crashes when trying to delete file from desktop
Dean Landry
- [Bug 165798] command plasmoid not umlaut-safe
Louai Al-Khanji
- [Bug 165933] Tile windows
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 161894] System tray background of icons is not cleared and looks corrupted
Dean Landry
- [Bug 165465] Plasma crashes when trying to delete file from desktop
Bernhard Friedreich
- [Bug 165933] Tile windows by taskbar group
Lucas Murray
- [Bug 161894] System tray background of icons is not cleared and looks corrupted
Dean Landry
- [Bug 165669] taskbar dissapears when changeing resolution
- [Bug 165933] Tile windows by taskbar group
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 165257] Regression: white artifacts in system tray
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 158094] system-tray icon backgrounds are not transparent
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 158094] system-tray icon backgrounds are not transparent
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 165257] Regression: white artifacts in system tray
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 162943] Taskbar Thumbnail not working
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 161894] System tray background of icons is not cleared and looks corrupted
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 165937] pager on a panel is not vertically centered
Thomas Georgiou
- [Applet handle] Problem with new implementation
- Taskmanager with grouping support preview version
christian mollekopf
- [Bug 165484] Certain strange cycle of application submenu
Ladislav Nesnera
- [Bug 165953] New: "nowplaying" applet: support for mpd (music player daemon)
Jerome Quelin
- [Bug 165872] Plasma does not allow me to add plasmoids to the panels
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 165963] New: Weird krunner crash (can't even provide backtrace)
Bernhard Friedreich
- [Bug 165963] Weird krunner crash (can't even provide backtrace)
Bernhard Friedreich
- [Bug 165963] Weird krunner crash (can't even provide backtrace)
Bernhard Friedreich
- [Bug 165966] New: comic applet should have retry mechanism
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
- [Bug 165966] comic applet should have retry mechanism
Christopher Blauvelt
- [Bug 165966] comic applet should have retry mechanism
Pino Toscano
- [Bug 165967] New: drag plasma clock in twinview from monitor to monitor
Trenton Carr
- [Bug 165967] drag plasma clock in twinview from monitor to monitor
Trenton Carr
- [Bug 165967] drag plasma clock in twinview from monitor to monitor
Marco Martin
- [Bug 165484] Certain strange cycle of application submenu
Marco Martin
- [Bug 165423] Is Plasma leaking memory?
Marco Martin
- [Bug 158094] system-tray icon backgrounds are not transparent
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 164850] downloading new wallpapers blocks plasma
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 164103] Kmenu gets corrupted entries from time to time
- Taskmanager with grouping support preview version
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 164103] Kmenu gets corrupted entries from time to time
- [Bug 164103] Kmenu gets corrupted entries from time to time
- [Bug 164103] Kmenu gets corrupted entries from time to time
- [Bug 165484] Certain strange cycle of application submenu
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 164850] downloading new wallpapers blocks plasma
- [Bug 164120] No way to move or copy files saved in a Plasma widget
Marco Martin
- [Bug 165938] Select all (ctrl-a) doesn't work in plasmoid
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 165937] pager on a panel is not vertically centered
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 164022] Kickoff menu does not remember config
Marco Martin
- [Bug 165963] Weird krunner crash (can't even provide backtrace)
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 164120] No way to move or copy files saved in a Plasma widget
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 158094] system-tray icon backgrounds are not transparent
- [Bug 158094] system-tray icon backgrounds are not transparent
- [Bug 165854] Adding second Powersave Plasmoid flickers the screen
Michael Braun
- [Bug 165257] Regression: white artifacts in system tray
- [Bug 165872] Plasma does not allow me to add plasmoids to the panels
Jonas Thorell
- [Bug 158595] plasma panel icons doesn't adapt to left panel position
aldo-public at laposte.net
- Taskmanager with grouping support preview version
christian mollekopf
- [Bug 165827] Windows sometimes end up partially behind a top panel
Jonas Thorell
- [Bug 166004] New: Graphical indication of plasma widget locking does not work reliably
Andreas Eckstein
- [Bug 166004] Graphical indication of plasma widget locking does not work reliably
Andreas Eckstein
- [Bug 166004] Graphical indication of plasma widget locking does not work reliably
Andreas Eckstein
- [Bug 166006] New: It is impossible to set action "Show Dashboard" on both win-keys.
- [Bug 165423] Is Plasma leaking memory?
Bráulio Barros de Oliveira
- [Bug 165872] Plasma does not allow me to add plasmoids to the panels
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166006] It is impossible to set action "Show Dashboard" on both win-keys.
Aaron J.Seigo
- Taskmanager with grouping support preview version
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 164827] corrupted background on logout screen
Clas Rurik
- [Bug 165872] Plasma does not allow me to add plasmoids to the panels
Jonas Thorell
- [Bug 165872] Plasma does not allow me to add plasmoids to the panels
Jonas Thorell
- [Bug 165872] Plasma does not allow me to add plasmoids to the panels
Jonas Thorell
- [Bug 166009] New: plasma panel missing after logging out and in
Clas Rurik
- [Bug 163870] some plasmoids overlap each other in the panel
- [Bug 158094] system-tray icon backgrounds are not transparent
Jason Stubbs
- [Bug 165257] Regression: white artifacts in system tray
Jason Stubbs
- [Bug 165257] Regression: white artifacts in system tray
- [Bug 165257] Regression: white artifacts in system tray
Jason Stubbs
- [Bug 158094] system-tray icon backgrounds are not transparent
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 164512] marking taskbar entry does not work
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 158094] system-tray icon backgrounds are not transparent
Jason Stubbs
- [Bug 162943] Taskbar Thumbnail not working
- [Bug 165963] Weird krunner crash (can't even provide backtrace)
Bernhard Friedreich
- [Bug 165967] drag plasma clock in twinview from monitor to monitor
Trenton Carr
- [Bug 164022] Kickoff menu does not remember config
Dustin Steiner
- [Bug 154535] ability to remove zoom in/out tool like any other applet
Robert Kight
- [Bug 154535] ability to remove zoom in/out tool like any other applet
Cyrille Berger
- [Bug 165937] pager on a panel is not vertically centered
Thomas Zander
- [Bug 165937] pager on a panel is not vertically centered
Thomas Zander
- [Bug 166017] New: Two pager plasmoids should have different configs
Thomas Zander
- [Bug 166004] Graphical indication of plasma widget locking does not work reliably
Florian Sievert
- [Bug 166020] New: frame applet does not remember slide show status after dropping a directory
Mario Oschwald
- [Bug 166020] frame applet does not remember slide show status after dropping a directory
Mario Oschwald
- [Bug 158094] system-tray icon backgrounds are not transparent
Lubos Lunak
- [Bug 164038] Switch menu in kickoff, not entire plasma widget
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 164038] Switch menu in kickoff, not entire plasma widget
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 165963] Weird krunner crash (can't even provide backtrace)
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166009] plasma panel missing after logging out and in
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 154535] ability to remove zoom in/out tool like any other applet
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166017] Two pager plasmoids should have different configs
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 165827] Windows sometimes end up partially behind a top panel
Aaron J.Seigo
- Taskmanager with grouping support preview version
christian mollekopf
- [Bug 166017] Two pager plasmoids should have different configs
Lucas Murray
- [Bug 154535] ability to remove zoom in/out tool like any other applet
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 158094] system-tray icon backgrounds are not transparent
Jason Stubbs
- battery's hover broken when unlocked?
Sebastian Kügler
- [Bug 166035] New: Dragging application links is broken
Frank Schmitt
- [Bug 166035] Dragging application links is broken
Marco Martin
- [Bug 166046] New: Pager suddenly 1-row high instead of 2, lost configuration?
Clemens Eisserer
- [Bug 165933] Tile windows by taskbar group
Lubos Lunak
- [Bug 158094] system-tray icon backgrounds are not transparent
Lubos Lunak
- [Bug 158094] system-tray icon backgrounds are not transparent
Jason Stubbs
- [Bug 166055] New: Make Kickoff theme consistent with plasma theme.
Nikos Lefkaditis
- [Bug 164786] Some gtk apps don't show on the systemtray
Juha Tuomala
- [Bug 165933] Tile windows by taskbar group
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 165013] Crash when resizing folderview plasmoid
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 166055] Make Kickoff theme consistent with plasma theme.
rodrigo pelorosso
- Taskmanager with grouping support preview version
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 166072] New: F2: Confusing completion method
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 166072] F2: Confusing completion method
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 163630] Wish: allow icon hiding in system tray
Iuri Fiedoruk
- [Bug 165198] KDE4 vertical task bar wastes space.
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 164120] No way to move or copy files saved in a Plasma widget
Frederik Himpe
- [Bug 165198] KDE4 vertical task bar wastes space.
Dotan Cohen
- RC1 release criteria
Sebastian Kügler
- [Bug 166079] New: Redundant items in krunner
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 166079] Redundant items in krunner
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 166079] Redundant items in krunner
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 164786] Some gtk apps don't show on the systemtray
Rex Dieter
- Taskmanager with grouping support preview version
christian mollekopf
- [Bug 166100] New: crash on startup after restarting udev
Oliver Sloss
- [Bug 166101] New: Plasma crash at shutdown
Clemens Eisserer
- [Bug 166009] plasma panel missing after logging out and in
Clas Rurik
- [Bug 166009] plasma panel missing after logging out and in
Clas Rurik
- [Bug 166009] plasma panel missing after logging out and in
Clas Rurik
- [Bug 166009] plasma panel missing after logging out and in
Clas Rurik
- [Bug 166009] plasma panel missing after logging out and in
Clas Rurik
- [Bug 166009] plasma panel missing after logging out and in
Clas Rurik
- [Bug 166009] plasma panel missing after logging out and in
Clas Rurik
- [Bug 166009] plasma panel missing after logging out and in
Clas Rurik
- [Bug 166009] plasma panel missing after logging out and in
Clas Rurik
- Taskmanager with grouping support preview version
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 154535] ability to remove zoom in/out tool like any other applet
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166079] Redundant items in krunner
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166079] Redundant items in krunner
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166100] crash on startup after restarting udev
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 164786] Some gtk apps don't show on the systemtray
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 158526] plasma crashed on logging into KDE4 environment.
bill verreen
- [Bug 163630] Wish: allow icon hiding in system tray
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 166079] Redundant items in krunner
- [Bug 164545] Add activity focuses view on the new activity (hiding the old one) until zoom level changes
- [Bug 158094] system-tray icon backgrounds are not transparent
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 158094] system-tray icon backgrounds are not transparent
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 164856] mysterious bar between apps [visual]
- Plasma IRC Meeting - Weather Applet (Mockup)
Shawn Starr
- [Bug 165963] Weird krunner crash (can't even provide backtrace)
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 154535] ability to remove zoom in/out tool like any other applet
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 164786] Some gtk apps don't show on the systemtray
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 166111] New: Plasma crash while adding plasma applets to the desktop seemingly arbitrarily
Pieter Steyn
- [Bug 166111] Plasma crash while adding plasma applets to the desktop seemingly arbitrarily
Pieter Steyn
- [Bug 166111] Plasma crash while adding plasma applets to the desktop seemingly arbitrarily
Pieter Steyn
- KDirOperator inside plasma Applet?
Julian Hernandez Gomez
- KDirOperator inside plasma Applet?
Julian Hernandez Gomez
- KDirOperator inside plasma Applet?
Aaron J. Seigo
- KDirOperator inside plasma Applet?
Julian Hernandez Gomez
- KDirOperator inside plasma Applet?
Aaron J. Seigo
- KDirOperator inside plasma Applet?
Aaron J. Seigo
- KDirOperator inside plasma Applet?
Julian Hernandez Gomez
- [Bug 154535] ability to remove zoom in/out tool like any other applet
- [Bug 165327] No button available to remove an activity
Antonio Bulgheroni
- [Bug 152676] All desktops are stacked on first screen with dual-head
- Plasma IRC Meeting - Weather Applet (Mockup)
- [Bug 163607] Plasma crashes at logout or shutdown
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 165021] Plasma crash on logout
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [Bug 163607] Plasma crashes at logout or shutdown
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [PATCH] applet handle side selection
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 154119] Moving/resizing applets on the panel
Edwin Boersma
- [Bug 166122] New: Pager widget doesn't highlight correct desktop when switching desktop with shortcut keys
Daniel Andre Eikeland
- [Bug 166122] Pager widget doesn't highlight correct desktop when switching desktop with shortcut keys
Daniel Andre Eikeland
- [Bug 166122] Pager widget doesn't highlight correct desktop when switching desktop with shortcut keys
Bernhard Friedreich
- [Bug 166128] New: Taskbar crashes when I click on it
Carsten Niehaus
- [Bug 166128] Taskbar crashes when I click on it
Carsten Niehaus
- [Bug 166128] Taskbar crashes when I click on it
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166128] Taskbar crashes when I click on it
Carsten Niehaus
- [Bug 166128] Taskbar crashes when I click on it
Carsten Niehaus
- [PATCH] applet handle side selection
Marco Martin
- Plasma IRC Meeting - Weather Applet (Mockup)
Marco Martin
- [Bug 158094] system-tray icon backgrounds are not transparent
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 158094] system-tray icon backgrounds are not transparent
Jason Stubbs
- [Bug 166072] F2: Confusing completion method
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 166079] Redundant items in krunner
Dotan Cohen
- [PATCH] applet handle side selection
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 155341] Session cannot be saved
Paul van Erk
- [Bug 166009] plasma panel missing after logging out and in
Clas Rurik
- [Bug 166079] Redundant items in krunner
Andreas Pakulat
- [PATCH] applet handle side selection
Aaron J. Seigo
- Plasma IRC Meeting - Weather Applet (Mockup)
Shawn Starr
- [Bug 166079] Redundant items in krunner
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 166079] Redundant items in krunner
Andreas Pakulat
- [PATCH] applet handle side selection
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [Bug 164856] mysterious bar between apps [visual]
Bernhard Friedreich
- [Bug 166149] New: Plasma applet position reverts after move
Jonathan Thomas
- [PATCH] applet handle side selection
- [Bug 166151] New: moving panel items: move arrows are behind systray items
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 164786] Some gtk apps don't show on the systemtray
Helio Chissini de Castro
- [PATCH] applet handle side selection
Sebastian Kügler
- [Bug 166159] New: Plasma crash at logout when destroying panel
Frederik Himpe
- [PATCH] applet handle side selection
- [Bug 164786] Some gtk apps don't show on the systemtray
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 166072] F2: Confusing completion method
Jonathan Thomas
- [Bug 164512] marking taskbar entry does not work
Marco Martin
- Activities
Bert Saxby
- [Bug 166072] F2: Confusing completion method
Andrew Lake
- [Bug 166072] F2: Confusing completion method
Dotan Cohen
- Activities
- [Bug 166072] Confusing krunner autocompletion method (colours and caret position)
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 166011] "To Current Desktop" useless/Right-click on panel shouldn't change current virtual desktop
S Clark
- [Bug 166079] Redundant items in krunner
Dotan Cohen
- Activities
Bert Saxby
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/systemtray
Riccardo Iaconelli
- Fwd: kdeplasmoids to kdeplasma-addons rename
- Activities
Sebastian Kügler
- Activities
- [Bug 166185] New: kickoff show double search results
Martin Klapetek
- [Bug 166185] kickoff show double search results
Martin Klapetek
- [Bug 166185] kickoff show double search results
Martin Klapetek
- [Bug 166149] Plasma applet position reverts after move
Mario Oschwald
- [Bug 166149] Plasma applet position reverts after move
Mario Oschwald
- [Bug 166149] Plasma applet position reverts after move
Mario Oschwald
- Activities
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 166072] Confusing krunner autocompletion method (colours and caret position)
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166185] kickoff show double search results
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166149] Plasma applet position reverts after move
Mario Oschwald
- [Bug 166192] New: Tab completing executable commands makes enter do nothing
Jonathan Thomas
- [Bug 166193] New: Misspelled applications execute after spelling is corrected
Jonathan Thomas
- backporting policy
Aaron J. Seigo
- plasma 4.2 planning meeting
Aaron J. Seigo
- plasma 4.2 planning meeting
- [Bug 166122] Pager widget doesn't highlight correct desktop when switching desktop with shortcut keys
- [Bug 166193] Misspelled applications execute after spelling is corrected
- plasma 4.2 planning meeting
Ivan Čukić
- plasma 4.2 planning meeting
Aaron J. Seigo
- plasma 4.2 planning meeting
Kevin Ottens
- plasma 4.2 planning meeting
Jared Kells
- plasma 4.2 planning meeting
Aaron J. Seigo
- irc log of an interesting conversation
Aaron J. Seigo
- Request moving libplasmaappletdialog from kdeplasma-addons to kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma
Laurent Montel
- [Bug 166072] Automatic autocompletion method improvements (colours and caret position)
Dotan Cohen
- Request moving libplasmaappletdialog from kdeplasma-addons to kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 166072] Automatic autocompletion method improvements (colours and caret position)
Pino Toscano
- [Bug 166185] kickoff show double search results
Martin Klapetek
- irc log of an interesting conversation
Jared Kells
- [Bug 164512] marking taskbar entry does not work
Maciej Pilichowski
- plasma 4.2 planning meeting
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- irc log of an interesting conversation
- Request moving libplasmaappletdialog from kdeplasma-addons to kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma
Laurent Montel
- Taskmanager with grouping support preview version
christian mollekopf
- irc log of an interesting conversation
Marco Martin
- plasma 4.2 planning meeting
Marco Martin
- plasma 4.2 planning meeting
Sebastian Kügler
- irc log of an interesting conversation
Sebastian Kügler
- irc log of an interesting conversation
Marco Martin
- [Bug 166232] New: Invisible widgets on the desktop
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [Bug 166232] Invisible widgets on the desktop
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [Bug 166232] Invisible widgets on the desktop
Marco Martin
- Webkit applet
Petri Damstén
- irc log of an interesting conversation
Robert Knight
- [Bug 166234] New: rotate and resize of folderview - crash of plasma
- [Bug 154119] Moving/resizing applets on the panel
Christian A.Reiter
- [Bug 164317] Removing task manager from panel messes up layout of plasmoids in panel
Jan Mette
- [Bug 166232] Invisible widgets on the desktop
- kickoff fusion idea and mockup
Florian Busson
- Activities
Bert Saxby
- irc log of an interesting conversation
Aaron J. Seigo
- animators
Toussis Manolis
- Taskmanager with grouping support preview version
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 166244] New: Integrate SSH, SSHFS, network sound, and eventually Screen, FreeNx, and VMs into K-Menu
Eike Welk
- [Bug 166245] New: Integrate SSH, SSHFS, network sound, and eventually Screen, FreeNx, and VMs into K-Menu
Eike Welk
- [Bug 166244] Integrate SSH, SSHFS, network sound, and eventually Screen, FreeNx, and VMs into K-Menu
Eike Welk
- Webkit applet
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 166246] New: slow launch applications from folder view
- animators
Aaron J. Seigo
- kickoff fusion idea and mockup
Aaron J. Seigo
- animators
Toussis Manolis
- [Bug 166234] rotate and resize of folderview - crash of plasma
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 154119] Moving/resizing applets on the panel
Aaron J.Seigo
- kickoff fusion idea and mockup
Florian Busson
- [Bug 154119] Moving/resizing applets on the panel
Christian A.Reiter
- plasma 4.2 planning meeting
Riccardo Iaconelli
- kickoff fusion idea and mockup
Aaron J. Seigo
- plasma cpu usage
Toussis Manolis
- [Bug 166009] plasma panel missing after logging out and in
Clas Rurik
- plasma 4.2 planning meeting
- [Bug 160640] position of preview wallpaper
Mario Oschwald
- [Bug 160640] position of preview wallpaper
Mario Oschwald
- plasma 4.2 planning meeting
Richard Moore
- [Bug 166232] Invisible widgets on the desktop
- [Bug 166265] New: random crash on logout
- [Bug 166265] random crash on logout
- [Bug 162560] Widgets (plasmoids) placed on KDE 4 Panel disappear after reboot
Sebastian TurzaÅski
- [Bug 166267] New: Repainting problem in krunner
- [Bug 166267] Repainting problem in krunner
- plasma 4.2 planning meeting
Sebastian Kügler
- [Bug 162616] "open file" dialog from one widget should not disable other widgets
Mario Oschwald
- [Bug 166267] Repainting problem in krunner
Aaron J.Seigo
- Fwd: kdeplasmoids to kdeplasma-addons rename
Thomas Fjellstrom
- [Bug 166267] Repainting problem in krunner
Julian Hernandez Gomez
- [Bug 154119] Moving/resizing applets on the panel
Edwin Boersma
- plasma 4.2 planning meeting
Petri Damstén
- [Bug 166267] Repainting problem in krunner
- [Bug 166284] New: Icon for program launching breaks
Frank Schmitt
- [Bug 154119] Moving/resizing applets on the panel
Christian A.Reiter
- [Bug 166298] New: Dashboard disappears when KWallet pops up the password dialog
Carsten Niehaus
- [Bug 165166] folderview plasmoid is noticeably slow and hogs the cpu
Jorden Mauro
- Plasma does not show all windows in expose or grid
J.R. Mauro
- Plasma does not show all windows in expose or grid
Sebastian Kügler
- Plasma does not show all windows in expose or grid
Sebastian Kügler
- [PATCH] Webcontent scrolling
William Viana
- Plasma does not show all windows in expose or grid
Lucas Murray
- Plasma does not show all windows in expose or grid
J.R. Mauro
- Plasma does not show all windows in expose or grid
Sebastian Kügler
- [Bug 157017] Panel artifacts with openoffice opened
David Strozzi
- kickoff fusion idea and mockup
Florian Busson
- kickoff fusion idea and mockup
J.R. Mauro
- [Bug 164800] kickoff does not save size, after logout size is back to default
Luiz Felipe Talvik
- kickoff fusion idea and mockup
Loïc Marteau
- kickoff fusion idea and mockup
Loïc Marteau
- kickoff fusion idea and mockup
J.R. Mauro
- kickoff fusion idea and mockup
J.R. Mauro
- [Bug 165815] Panel plasmoids got misorderd after restart
Bernhard Friedreich
- kickoff fusion idea and mockup
Loïc Marteau
- kickoff fusion idea and mockup
J.R. Mauro
- [Bug 166317] New: Tooltip showing whole name for files with long name
- kickoff fusion idea and mockup
Loïc Marteau
- kickoff fusion idea and mockup
J.R. Mauro
- kickoff fusion idea and mockup
Florian Busson
- kickoff fusion idea and mockup
J.R. Mauro
- kickoff fusion idea and mockup
Florian Busson
- [Bug 166317] Tooltip showing whole name for files with long name
- [Bug 166265] random crash on logout
Frank Reininghaus
- [Bug 166159] Plasma crash at logout when destroying panel
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 166326] New: folderview highlighted icons do not un-highlight when lost focus
Cadé David
- [Bug 166159] Plasma crash at logout when destroying panel
Frank Reininghaus
- [Bug 163607] Plasma crashes at logout or shutdown
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 166151] moving panel items: move arrows are behind systray items
David Mrowietz
- plasma 4.2 planning meeting
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 166326] folderview highlighted icons do not un-highlight when lost focus
Cadé David
- [PATCH] Webcontent scrolling
Aaron J. Seigo
- Thanks plasma developers!
Jesper Lundgren
- [Bug 160250] Please Make It Possible To Sort Icons In The Kmenu Alphabetically By Either Name or Description
- [Bug 166328] Allow users to add quicklaunch icons to klauncher
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166328] Allow users to add quicklaunch icons to krunner
Michael Pyne
- [Bug 166328] Allow users to add quicklaunch icons to krunner
- [Bug 166298] Dashboard disappears when KWallet pops up the password dialog
Aaron J.Seigo
- kickoff fusion idea and mockup
Bert Saxby
- plasma security constraints
- [Bug 166333] New: plasma crashes by shutting down
Sascha Manns
- kickoff fusion idea and mockup
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 166333] plasma crashes by shutting down
Frank Reininghaus
- [Bug 163607] Plasma crashes at logout or shutdown
owner at bugs.kde.org
- RFC: wallpaper and containment handling in 4.2
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 166338] New: Crash when setting my desktop
Percy Camilo Triveño Aucahuasi
- [Bug 166338] Crash when setting my desktop
Percy Camilo Triveño Aucahuasi
- RFC: wallpaper and containment handling in 4.2
- No subject
- [Bug 157017] Panel artifacts with openoffice opened
Percy Camilo Triveño Aucahuasi
- RFC: wallpaper and containment handling in 4.2
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 157017] Panel artifacts with openoffice opened
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 158694] "Configure Desktops..." button does not work
Luciano Leveroni
- [Bug 166347] New: Trash green arrow does not go away when widgets are locked
Luciano Leveroni
- [Bug 166348] New: Usability: Left click should open menu of trash in panel.
Luciano Leveroni
- [Bug 166349] New: Kickoff disappears while resizing (composite enabled)
Luciano Leveroni
- [Bug 164800] kickoff does not save size, after logout size is back to default
Luiz Felipe Talvik
- [Bug 166350] New: Usability: Task Manager notifications are not clear enough.
Luciano Leveroni
- plasma 4.2 planning meeting
Riccardo Iaconelli
- [Bug 166349] Kickoff disappears while resizing (composite enabled)
Drew Fisher
- irc log of an interesting conversation
Riccardo Iaconelli
- [Bug 166338] Crash when setting my desktop
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 165785] Plasmoid download via GetHotNewStuff Crash
f.esser at baer.rwth-aachen.de
- [Bug 166356] New: Choosing Widgets which should stay Only in the Dashboard
Nicolò Rebughini
- [Bug 166357] New: Plasma Package Manager crashed and caused signal 6 (SIGABRT)
- [Bug 161894] System tray background of icons is not cleared and looks corrupted
- RFC: wallpaper and containment handling in 4.2
Thomas Fjellstrom
- [Bug 152676] All desktops are stacked on first screen with dual-head
wrd4wrd at gmail.com
- [Bug 166363] New: plasma cpu-usage raises to 25 percent with many taskbar-items
Roman K.
- [Bug 158094] system-tray icon backgrounds are not transparent
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [PATCH] bug in animator?
Marco Martin
- [Bug 166368] New: Cannot open files in folderview widget if it is configured to show the desktop folder
Ivo Anjo
- [Bug 166363] New: plasma cpu-usage raises to 25 percent with many taskbar-items
Loïc Marteau
- [Bug 166363] plasma cpu-usage raises to 25 percent with many taskbar-items
Loic Marteau
- More storytelling
Michael Rudolph
- [Bug 166370] New: Lock and logout widgets indistinguishable
David Jarvie
- RFC: wallpaper and containment handling in 4.2
Marco Martin
- [Bug 166370] Lock and logout widgets indistinguishable
Loic Marteau
- [Bug 166370] Lock and logout widgets indistinguishable
David Jarvie
- [Bug 166347] Trash green arrow does not go away when widgets are locked
Florian Sievert
- [Bug 166370] Lock and logout widgets indistinguishable
Loic Marteau
- [Bug 166374] New: clock runs at double speed
- [Bug 166370] Lock and logout widgets indistinguishable
David Jarvie
- [Bug 166370] Lock and logout widgets indistinguishable
David Jarvie
- [Bug 166370] Lock and logout widgets indistinguishable
Loic Marteau
- [Bug 166370] Lock and logout widgets indistinguishable
David Jarvie
- [Bug 166370] Lock and logout widgets indistinguishable
Loic Marteau
- RFC: wallpaper and containment handling in 4.2
Petri Damstén
- [Bug 166370] Lock and logout widgets indistinguishable
David Jarvie
- [Bug 166375] New: disable cashew zoom icon
Bartemius Crouch
- [Bug 166370] Lock and logout widgets indistinguishable
Loïc Marteau
- [Bug 166370] Lock and logout widgets indistinguishable
Loic Marteau
- [Bug 166377] New: controlpanel prevents windowmovement in multimonitor
Bartemius Crouch
- [Bug 166378] New: background slideshow random multimonitor
Bartemius Crouch
- [Bug 166370] Lock and logout widgets indistinguishable
David Jarvie
- [Bug 166384] New: systemtray is square and does not resize on the desktop
Bartemius Crouch
- [Bug 166375] disable cashew zoom icon
Michael Rudolph
- [Bug 166370] Lock and logout widgets indistinguishable
Loic Marteau
- RFC: wallpaper and containment handling in 4.2
Marco Martin
- Blankdesktop containment
Michael Rudolph
- [Bug 166375] disable cashew zoom icon
Bartemius Crouch
- [Bug 166370] Lock and logout widgets indistinguishable
David Jarvie
- [Bug 166375] disable cashew zoom icon
Luca Beltrame
- Blankdesktop containment
Luca Beltrame
- [Bug 166370] Lock and logout widgets indistinguishable
Loic Marteau
- [Bug 166375] disable cashew zoom icon
Michael Rudolph
- [Bug 166384] systemtray is square and does not resize on the desktop
Pino Toscano
- [Bug 165785] Plasmoid download via GetHotNewStuff Crash
owner at bugs.kde.org
- Blankdesktop containment
- [Bug 166350] Usability: Task Manager notifications are not clear enough.
- [Bug 166357] Plasma Package Manager crashed and caused signal 6 (SIGABRT)
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [Bug 154535] ability to remove zoom in/out tool like any other applet
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 166395] New: a11y: panel size widgets are undistinguishable
Maciej Pilichowski
- Blankdesktop containment
Michael Rudolph
- [Bug 164059] plasmoids are placed under the top panel
netterfield at astro.utoronto.ca
- [Bug 166399] New: when trying to add plasmoid from web, the wizard crashes.
- PROPOSAL: create an alias plasma-devel at kde.org that points to this mailing list
Riccardo Iaconelli
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/trash
Marco Martin
- [Bug 166348] Usability: Left click should open menu of trash in panel.
Marco Martin
- [Bug 166348] Usability: Left click should open menu of trash in panel.
Marco Martin
- [Bug 166350] Usability: Task Manager notifications are not clear enough.
Marco Martin
- [Bug 165785] Plasmoid download via GetHotNewStuff Crash
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 166350] Usability: Task Manager notifications are not clear enough.
Luciano Leveroni
- kickoff fusion idea and mockup
J.R. Mauro
- Taskmanager with grouping support preview version
christian mollekopf
- [Bug 166410] New: Pager crashes while trying to rotate
kunst uber alles
- [Bug 166412] New: Insufficient information in KRunner Settings.
David Johnson
- [Bug 166416] New: KRunner rendering and performance terribly slow
David Johnson
- [Bug 159716] plasma handles are slippery devils
David Johnson
- [Bug 166418] New: Very long lag in displaying plasmoid border
David Johnson
- [Bug 166420] New: Rendering error in logout screen
David Johnson
- RFC: wallpaper and containment handling in 4.2
Aaron J. Seigo
- RFC: wallpaper and containment handling in 4.2
Aaron J. Seigo
- RFC: wallpaper and containment handling in 4.2
Aaron J. Seigo
- [PATCH] bug in animator?
Aaron J. Seigo
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/trash
Aaron J. Seigo
- place for design docs
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 157914] Plasma doesn't react well (on the fly) after connecting a second monitor and running xrandr
zeiglerr at gmail.com
- place for design docs
Celeste Lyn Paul
- [Bug 166234] rotate and resize of folderview - crash of plasma
- plasma security constraints
Riccardo Iaconelli
- place for design docs
- More storytelling
Riccardo Iaconelli
- [Bug 159716] plasma handles are slippery devils
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 166420] Rendering error in logout screen
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [PATCH] bug in animator?
Marco Martin
- More storytelling
Marco Martin
- [Bug 166418] Very long lag in displaying plasmoid border
Loic Marteau
- [Bug 164055] plasmoid toolboxes: if possible maintain position
Loic Marteau
- [PATCH] Webcontent scrolling
William Viana
- [Bug 164055] plasmoid toolboxes: if possible maintain position
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 164055] plasmoid toolboxes: if possible maintain position
Maciej Pilichowski
- [PATCH] Webcontent scrolling
William Viana
- [PATCH] Webcontent scrolling
Marco Martin
- [Bug 166370] Lock and logout widgets indistinguishable
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 166370] Lock and logout widgets indistinguishable
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma
Sebastian Sauer
- [Bug 166445] New: systray widget makes icons jump wildly
kde at spatium.org
- [Bug 166445] systray widget makes icons jump wildly
kde at spatium.org
- [Bug 166449] New: panel position prevents window maximize
kde at spatium.org
- [Bug 157979] krunner fail to unlock session
Valentin RUSU
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma
Marco Martin
- [Bug 160640] position of preview wallpaper
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 160640] position of preview wallpaper
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [PATCH] Webcontent scrolling
William Viana
- [PATCH] Webcontent scrolling
William Viana
- [Bug 162913] menu on plasmoid shows behind other plasmoids
Andrej Dundovic
- [Bug 166453] New: plasma crashs after I have add the system monitor widget
sts at gmx.de
- [Bug 166347] Trash green arrow does not go away when widgets are locked
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [PATCH] for Bug 162913
Mario Oschwald
- [PATCH] for Bug 162913
Mario Oschwald
- [Bug 162913] menu on plasmoid shows behind other plasmoids
Davide Ferrari
- [PATCH] Webcontent scrolling
Aaron J. Seigo
- plasma security constraints
Aaron J. Seigo
- [PATCH] bug in animator?
Aaron J. Seigo
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma
Aaron J. Seigo
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 165967] drag plasma clock in twinview from monitor to monitor
Trenton Carr
- [PATCH] for Bug 162913
Aaron J. Seigo
- place for design docs
Riccardo Iaconelli
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma
Marco Martin
- [Bug 166469] New: wine corrupts panel drawing
rodrigo pelorosso
- plasma security constraints
- [Bug 166470] New: Analog Clock applet resizes itself with Fuzzy Clock
Dotan Cohen
- plasma security constraints
- place for design docs
Riccardo Iaconelli
- [Bug 166370] Lock and logout widgets indistinguishable
David Jarvie
- [Bug 166470] Analog Clock applet resizes itself with Fuzzy Clock
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 157017] Panel artifacts with openoffice opened
owner at bugs.kde.org
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma
Marco Martin
- place for design docs
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 154127] Adding plasmoids to the panel appends to the end
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 164856] mysterious bar between apps [visual]
rodrigo pelorosso
- [Bug 154127] Adding plasmoids to the panel appends to the end
Luca Beltrame
- place for design docs
Aaron J. Seigo
- plasma security constraints
Richard Moore
- [Bug 165967] drag plasma clock in twinview from monitor to monitor
Trenton Carr
- plasma security constraints
Marco Martin
- plasma security constraints
- plasma security constraints
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 166410] Pager crashes while trying to rotate
Drew Fisher
- [PATCH] for Bug 162913
Mario Oschwald
- [Bug 166370] Lock and logout widgets indistinguishable
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 166370] Lock and logout widgets indistinguishable
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 165789] hovering the panel when adding plasmoids does not show the correct "drop-state"
Beat Wolf
- plasma security constraints
Alex Merry
- [PATCH] Fix for applet handles: Bug 166004
Alex Merry
- [Bug 166004] Graphical indication of plasma widget locking does not work reliably
Alex Merry
- [Bug 166481] New: New Menu do not respect xdg files
Nicolas Lécureuil
- [Bug 166481] New Menu do not respect xdg files
Nicolas Lécureuil
- [Bug 166481] New Menu do not respect xdg files
Nicolas Lécureuil
- [Bug 166267] Repainting problem in krunner
premierSullivan at gmail.com
- [PATCH] Fix for applet handles: Bug 166004
Aaron J. Seigo
- [PATCH] Fix for applet handles: Bug 166004
Alex Merry
- [PATCH] fix for 165789 - easier dropping of applets onto panel
Mario Oschwald
- [Bug 166418] Very long lag in displaying plasmoid border
David Johnson
- [Bug 166487] New: folderview widget badly rendered
David Johnson
- [Bug 166487] folderview widget badly rendered
David Johnson
- [Bug 166488] New: Hovering Panel Control buttons makes them redraw uncorrectly.
rodrigo pelorosso
- [Bug 166488] Hovering Panel Control buttons makes them redraw uncorrectly.
rodrigo pelorosso
- [Bug 166418] Very long lag in displaying plasmoid border
Loic Marteau
- [PATCH] Plasma::Service fixes
Alex Merry
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma
Alex Merry
- [PATCH] Fix for applet handles: Bug 166004
Aaron J. Seigo
- [PATCH] fix for 165789 - easier dropping of applets onto panel
Aaron J. Seigo
- [PATCH] fix for 165789 - easier dropping of applets onto panel
Mario Oschwald
- [PATCH] Plasma::Service fixes
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 166487] folderview widget badly rendered
Aaron J.Seigo
- [PATCH] fix for 165789 - easier dropping of applets onto panel
Aaron J. Seigo
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma
Aaron J. Seigo
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma
Sebastian Sauer
- Plugins: Use Qt plugin art. or XML?
Kelly Miller
- [Bug 166418] Very long lag in displaying plasmoid border
David Johnson
- [Bug 166487] folderview widget badly rendered
David Johnson
- Plugins: Use Qt plugin art. or XML?
Thomas Fjellstrom
- Plugins: Use Qt plugin art. or XML?
- Plugins: Use Qt plugin art. or XML?
Kelly Miller
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma
Aaron J. Seigo
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 165789] hovering the panel when adding plasmoids does not show the correct "drop-state"
Aaron J.Seigo
- Plugins: Use Qt plugin art. or XML?
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 166349] Kickoff disappears while resizing (composite enabled)
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 164512] marking taskbar entry does not work
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166395] a11y: panel size widgets are undistinguishable
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166395] a11y: panel size widgets are undistinguishable
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 164512] marking taskbar entry does not work
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 166370] Dragging from Leave page in kickoff menu results in indistinguishable icons
David Jarvie
- [Bug 157017] Panel artifacts with openoffice opened
- RFC: wallpaper and containment handling in 4.2
Petri Damstén
- [Bug 159716] plasma handles are slippery devils
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 166481] New Menu do not respect xdg files
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 159716] plasma handles are slippery devils
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 166487] folderview widget badly rendered
Luca Beltrame
- [Bug 165346] Krunner doesn't save autocompletion entries
jarl at yaeda.org
- [Bug 159716] plasma handles are slippery devils
Maciej Pilichowski
- RFC: wallpaper and containment handling in 4.2
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 166505] New: plasmoid handles: show full frame around, not only one-sided rectangle
Maciej Pilichowski
- Ihr UPS Paket N7024955943
UPS Packet Service
- [Bug 166370] Dragging from Leave page in kickoff menu results in indistinguishable icons
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 166505] plasmoid handles: show full frame around, not only one-sided rectangle
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 166505] plasmoid handles: show full frame around, not only one-sided rectangle
Loic Marteau
- [Bug 166481] New Menu do not respect xdg files
Nicolas Lécureuil
- [Bug 166185] kickoff show double search results
Martin Klapetek
- [Bug 166481] New Menu do not respect xdg files
Nicolas Lécureuil
- [Bug 166481] New Menu do not respect xdg files
Nicolas Lécureuil
- [Bug 166514] New: Garbage image on kde startup
- [Bug 166505] plasmoid handles: show full frame around, not only one-sided rectangle
Maciej Pilichowski
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/dataengines/nowplaying
Alex Merry
- [Bug 166518] New: High system load when desktop effects are enabled
mstarkey at wcsgabon.org
- [Bug 166522] New: Adding PlasmoBiff widget crashes plasma
mstarkey at wcsgabon.org
- [Bug 166528] New: Plasma crash on shutdown.
mstarkey at wcsgabon.org
- [Bug 166514] Garbage image on kde startup
Marco Martin
- Data Engines [WAS: KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/dataengines/nowplaying]
Jason Stubbs
- [Bug 166518] High system load when desktop effects are enabled
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [Bug 166537] New: multiscreen breaks plasma performance
Bartemius Crouch
- [Bug 166537] multiscreen breaks plasma performance
Bartemius Crouch
- [Bug 163607] Plasma crashes at logout or shutdown
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 166384] systemtray is square and does not resize on the desktop
Bartemius Crouch
- More storytelling
Michael Rudolph
- [Bug 166284] Icon for program launching breaks
Jason Stubbs
- [Bug 166537] multiscreen breaks plasma performance
Médéric Boquien
- [Bug 166538] New: stay on top for plasmoids
Bartemius Crouch
- [Bug 166539] New: resize / placing strategy for plasmoids
Bartemius Crouch
- Data Engines [WAS: KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/dataengines/nowplaying]
Alex Merry
- [Bug 166537] multiscreen breaks plasma performance
Bartemius Crouch
- [Bug 166538] stay on top for plasmoids
Bartemius Crouch
- [Bug 166539] resize / placing strategy for plasmoids
Bartemius Crouch
- Health care center answering your health questions.
h.kallis at kgv.ac.uk
- [Bug 166537] multiscreen breaks plasma performance
Bartemius Crouch
- RFC: wallpaper and containment handling in 4.2
Ismael Asensio
- Data Engines [WAS: KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/dataengines/nowplaying]
Jason Stubbs
- [Bug 166514] Garbage image on kde startup
- [Bug 166546] New: incorrect taskbar entry width when closing
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 166416] KRunner rendering and performance terribly slow
David Johnson
- [Bug 163155] Crash when loading MacOS applet (SIGSEGV)
Julien Grossholtz
- [Bug 166551] New: Move/dettach applets from panel to desktop
Bráulio Barros de Oliveira
- Data Engines [WAS: KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/dataengines/nowplaying]
Alex Merry
- [Bug 166505] plasmoid handles: show full frame around, not only one-sided rectangle
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 166505] plasmoid handles: show full frame around, not only one-sided rectangle
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 166522] Adding PlasmoBiff widget crashes plasma
Marco Martin
- [Bug 166538] stay on top for plasmoids
Marco Martin
- [Bug 166284] Icon for program launching breaks
Marco Martin
- [Bug 166487] folderview widget badly rendered
Luca Beltrame
- Plugins: Use Qt plugin art. or XML?
Kelly Miller
- [Bug 166185] kickoff show double search results
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166284] Icon for program launching breaks
Aaron J.Seigo
- place for design docs
Riccardo Iaconelli
- Data Engines [WAS: KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/dataengines/nowplaying]
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 166185] kickoff show double search results
Luca Beltrame
- Data Engines [WAS: KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/dataengines/nowplaying]
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 166185] kickoff show double search results
Martin Klapetek
- [Bug 166514] Garbage image on kde startup
Aaron J.Seigo
- Plugins: Use Qt plugin art. or XML?
Alex Merry
- Plugins: Use Qt plugin art. or XML?
Alex Merry
- Plugins: Use Qt plugin art. or XML?
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 162568] Task manager hardly usable with a large number of windows open
Jarle Thorsen
- Plugins: Use Qt plugin art. or XML?
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 162952] Plasma crashed after being unresponsive for some time
Alex Merry
- [Bug 166570] New: Taskmanager should be able to only show minimized windows (like KDE3 can do)
Jarle Thorsen
- [Bug 166572] New: Plasma has no "show desktop" button
Philip Ashmore
- [Bug 166572] Plasma has no "show desktop" button
Loic Marteau
- [Bug 162568] Task manager hardly usable with a large number of windows open
Jarle Thorsen
- [Bug 166370] Dragging from Leave page in kickoff menu results in indistinguishable icons
David Jarvie
- RFC: wallpaper and containment handling in 4.2
Aaron J. Seigo
- Plugins: Use Qt plugin art. or XML?
Kelly Miller
- [Bug 166582] New: Second line of the digital clock applet should be centered
Jonathan Thomas
- [Bug 166370] Dragging from Leave page in kickoff menu results in indistinguishable icons
Loic Marteau
- [Bug 166370] Dragging from Leave page in kickoff menu results in indistinguishable icons
David Jarvie
- [Bug 166514] Garbage image on kde startup
- [Bug 166587] New: Dragging from Leave page in kickoff menu results in indistinguishable icons
Loic Marteau
- [Bug 159330] [PATCH] Delay applet handle creation
Loic Marteau
- plasma 4.2 planning meeting
Riccardo Iaconelli
- [Bug 166582] Second line of the digital clock applet should be centered
- [Bug 166514] Garbage image on kde startup
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166538] stay on top for plasmoids
Bartemius Crouch
- [Bug 166599] New: system tray icons placed wrong or disappear
Bartemius Crouch
- [Bug 160640] position of preview wallpaper
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 166370] Lock/logout widgets : icons indistinguishable
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 166537] multiscreen breaks plasma performance
Bartemius Crouch
- [Bug 166587] Dragging from Leave page in kickoff menu results in indistinguishable icons
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 166537] multiscreen breaks plasma performance
Bartemius Crouch
- [Bug 165785] Plasmoid download via GetHotNewStuff Crash
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 154535] ability to remove zoom in/out tool like any other applet
Bartemius Crouch
- [Bug 165785] Plasmoid download via GetHotNewStuff Crash
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 165196] Panel configuration not intuitive
Yves Glodt
- [Bug 166605] New: Black background in Notes in text which has been pasted
Michal Borek
- [Bug 162952] Plasma crashed after being unresponsive for some time
Pino Toscano
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/tasks
Marco Martin
- [Bug 166605] Black background in Notes in text which has been pasted
Sebastian Kügler
- [Bug 166605] Black background in Notes in text which has been pasted
Michal Borek
- [Bug 166613] New: Plasma crash on lock widgets
- [Bug 165196] Panel configuration not intuitive
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 160640] position of preview wallpaper
Mario Oschwald
- [4.2 Talk] Grids in panel
Loïc Marteau
- [Bug 166619] New: Pager shows the window twice if it is moved from one virtual desktop to another with "Active Desktop Boarders"
- [4.2 Talk] Grids in panel
Sebastian Kügler
- [Bug 166605] Black background in Notes in text which has been pasted
Marco Martin
- [Bug 166625] New: Plasma analog clock does not update
Maarten Wisse
- [4.2 Talk] Grids in panel
Loïc Marteau
- [4.2 Talk] Grids in panel
Marco Martin
- [4.2 Talk] Grids in panel
Loïc Marteau
- [4.2 Talk] Grids in panel
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 165785] Plasmoid download via GetHotNewStuff Crash
Aaron J.Seigo
- design documentation
Aaron J. Seigo
- design documentation
Ivan Čukić
- Can anyone confirm bug 162856?
Ben Goodrich
- [Bug 166599] system tray icons placed wrong or disappear
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166636] New: Plasma Workspace (plasma) crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
Arthur Bogard
- [Bug 166636] Plasma Workspace (plasma) crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
Loic Marteau
- [Bug 166605] Black background in Notes in text which has been pasted
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 166625] Plasma analog clock does not update
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166625] Plasma analog clock does not update
Maarten Wisse
- [Bug 164512] marking taskbar entry does not work
Dmitry Suzdalev
- Can anyone confirm bug 162856?
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 164512] marking taskbar entry does not work
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 165785] Plasmoid download via GetHotNewStuff Crash
Michael Leupold
- Plugins: Use Qt plugin art. or XML?
Kelly Miller
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/tasks
- [Bug 155587] Cannot start System Settings from Kickoff
Juha Tuomala
- [Bug 166646] New: plasmoid handle width is hardcoded (double size pixels)
Maciej Pilichowski
- Plugins: Use Qt plugin art. or XML?
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 166646] plasmoid handle width is hardcoded (double size pixels)
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 166605] Black background in Notes in text which has been pasted
Marco Martin
- [Bug 157979] krunner fail to unlock session
Valentin RUSU
- RFC: wallpaper and containment handling in 4.2
Petri Damstén
- [Bug 166646] plasmoid handle width is hardcoded (double size pixels)
Aaron J.Seigo
- plasma corruption
Matthew Woehlke
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/battery
Loic Marteau
- RFC: wallpaper and containment handling in 4.2
Aaron J. Seigo
- [4.2 Talk] Grids in panel
Marco Martin
- [4.2 Talk] Grids in panel
Sebastian Kügler
- [4.2 Talk] Grids in panel
Sebastian Kügler
- [Bug 166652] New: Plasma crashes on startup
- [Bug 166605] Black background in Notes in text which has been pasted
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- plasma.kde.org, was: Re: design documentation
Sebastian Kügler
- [Bug 166658] New: double sized-pixels: incorrect panel icons rendering
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 166659] New: double sized-pixels: incorrect icons rendering
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 166661] New: double sized-pixels: incorrect KMenu items rendering
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 166666] New: Plasma Crashes Every Time I Try To Add "Show Desktop" To the Panel.
Jeremy LaCroix
- [Bug 166667] New: My desktop set up isn't saved after I log out.
Jeremy LaCroix
- [Bug 166668] New: KNewsTicker crashes Desktop, plasma
Jeremy LaCroix
- [Bug 166669] New: Vanilla KDE 4.1 RC1 Install Has No Background Wallpaper
Jeremy LaCroix
- Plasma Addons at Ohloh
Ivan Čukić
- [Bug 166646] plasmoid handle width is hardcoded (double size pixels)
- [Bug 166666] Plasma Crashes Every Time I Try To Add "Show Desktop" To the Panel.
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 166669] Vanilla KDE 4.1 RC1 Install Has No Background Wallpaper
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 166668] KNewsTicker crashes Desktop, plasma
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 166667] My desktop set up isn't saved after I log out.
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 166646] plasmoid handle width is hardcoded (double size pixels)
Loic Marteau
- plasma.kde.org, was: Re: design documentation
Michael Rudolph
- Plugins: Use Qt plugin art. or XML?
Kelly Miller
- plasma.kde.org, was: Re: design documentation
Aaron J. Seigo
- plasma corruption
Aaron J. Seigo
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/battery
Aaron J. Seigo
- plasma.kde.org, was: Re: design documentation
Aaron J. Seigo
- Plugins: Use Qt plugin art. or XML?
Aaron J. Seigo
- [PATCH] Picture navigation for the frame plasmoid
- [Bug 166009] plasma panel missing after logging out and in
Clas Rurik
- [Bug 166009] plasma panel missing after logging out and in
Clas Rurik
- [Bug 166009] plasma panel missing after logging out and in
Clas Rurik
- [Patch] replace hardcoded icon size with correct system value in applet handle
Loïc Marteau
- Plugins: Use Qt plugin art. or XML?
Kelly Miller
- [Bug 166666] Plasma Crashes Every Time I Try To Add "Show Desktop" To the Panel.
Jeremy LaCroix
- [Bug 166669] Vanilla KDE 4.1 RC1 Install Has No Background Wallpaper
Jeremy LaCroix
- [Bug 166669] Vanilla KDE 4.1 RC1 Install Has No Background Wallpaper
Jeremy LaCroix
- [PATCH] Picture navigation for the frame plasmoid
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 166666] Plasma Crashes Every Time I Try To Add "Show Desktop" To the Panel.
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Patch] replace hardcoded icon size with correct system value in applet handle
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 166009] plasma panel missing after logging out and in
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166009] plasma panel missing after logging out and in
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166666] Plasma Crashes Every Time I Try To Add "Show Desktop" To the Panel.
Jeremy LaCroix
- [Bug 166666] Plasma Crashes Every Time I Try To Add "Show Desktop" To the Panel.
Jeremy LaCroix
- plasma corruption
Matthew Woehlke
- [Bug 166669] Vanilla KDE 4.1 RC1 Install Has No Background Wallpaper
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166669] Vanilla KDE 4.1 RC1 Install Has No Background Wallpaper
Jeremy LaCroix
- [Bug 166666] Plasma Crashes Every Time I Try To Add "Show Desktop" To the Panel.
Jeremy LaCroix
- plasma corruption
Aaron J. Seigo
- design documentation
Riccardo Iaconelli
- [Bug 166666] Plasma Crashes Every Time I Try To Add "Show Desktop" To the Panel.
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166669] Vanilla KDE 4.1 RC1 Install Has No Background Wallpaper
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166666] Plasma Crashes Every Time I Try To Add "Show Desktop" To the Panel.
Jeremy LaCroix
- [Bug 166690] New: Taskbar Drag and Drop
- [Bug 166669] Vanilla KDE 4.1 RC1 Install Has No Background Wallpaper
Jeremy LaCroix
- [Bug 166666] Plasma Crashes Every Time I Try To Add "Show Desktop" To the Panel.
Jeremy LaCroix
- [Bug 166691] New: Taskbar Applications Rearrange Feature
- [Bug 166669] Vanilla KDE 4.1 RC1 Install Has No Background Wallpaper
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166669] Vanilla KDE 4.1 RC1 Install Has No Background Wallpaper
Jeremy LaCroix
- design documentation
Aaron J. Seigo
- Elegance plasma theme update: include in 4.1 branch?
- [Bug 166669] Vanilla KDE 4.1 RC1 Install Has No Background Wallpaper
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166693] New: Plasma Workspace crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
- [Bug 166669] Vanilla KDE 4.1 RC1 Install Has No Background Wallpaper
Jeremy LaCroix
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma
Loic Marteau
- [Bug 166699] New: "Only show tasks from the current screen" functionality for the task manager widget does not function properly
Stephen Ostrow
- [Bug 166699] "Only show tasks from the current screen" functionality for the task manager widget does not function properly
Lucas Murray
- Elegance plasma theme update: include in 4.1 branch?
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 164331] The application Plasma Workspace crashed and caused the signal 6 (SIGABRT)
Pablo Arévalo
- [Bug 166699] "Only show tasks from the current screen" functionality for the task manager widget does not function properly
Stephen Ostrow
- [Bug 162856] plasma does not resize/reposition the panel when rotating screen with xrandr
Ben Goodrich
- [Bug 162856] plasma does not resize/reposition the panel when rotating screen with xrandr
Ben Goodrich
- Can anyone confirm bug 162856?
Ben Goodrich
- Elegance plasma theme update: include in 4.1 branch?
Ivan Čukić
- [Bug 166009] plasma panel missing after logging out and in
Clas Rurik
- [PATCH] Picture navigation for the frame plasmoid
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 166704] New: Plasma Workspace crashed and caused signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
stevebakerj at freeuk.com
- [Bug 166706] New: Plasma panel artifacts when switching virtual desktops
Bartek Iwaniec
- Plugins: Use Qt plugin art. or XML?
Kelly Miller
- [Bug 166714] New: parts of the dashboard background are white and opaque
Stefan Majewsky
- [Bug 166714] parts of the dashboard background are white and opaque
Stefan Majewsky
- [Bug 166718] New: after locking widget You can still move them
Sebastian TurzaÅski
- [Bug 154119] Moving/resizing applets on the panel
Georgi Ivanov
- [Bug 154119] Moving/resizing applets on the panel
Georgi Ivanov
- [Bug 166069] signal SIGSEGV when I log-out
Lukas Appelhans
- [Bug 160494] Cannot install new widgets from the internet
- Data Engines [WAS: KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/dataengines/nowplaying]
Jason Stubbs
- [Bug 166723] New: Top left hand corner
- [PATCH] Picture navigation for the frame plasmoid
- [Bug 166725] New: Jewel launcher button plasmoids
- [Bug 166726] New: Plasma crash on logout
BogDan Vatra
- [Bug 166727] New: Folderview text shoulld be customisable
- [Bug 165709] with compiz taskbar shows a closed programm as still open
Sebastian TurzaÅski
- [Bug 163846] Labels for folder views
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 165785] Plasmoid download via GetHotNewStuff Crash
- Folderview mimetype support
Rafael Fernández López
- Folderview mimetype support
Rafael Fernández López
- [Bug 166737] New: with few items in the panel systray grows too big
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 166738] New: with few items in the panel binary and digital clocks grow too big
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 154119] Moving/resizing applets on the panel
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 166739] New: remote controller is turned off when some app gets focus
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Patch] replace hardcoded icon size with correct system value in applet handle
Loïc Marteau
- [Bug 166740] New: Systray can not be moved within the panel
Jonas Thorell
- [Bug 166741] New: plasma workspace crash after changing plasma theme
- [Bug 166744] New: Graphical glitches in Panel controller
Luciano Leveroni
- [Bug 166744] Graphical glitches in Panel controller
Luca Beltrame
- [Bug 166744] Graphical glitches in Panel controller
Luca Beltrame
- [Bug 166738] with few items in the panel binary and digital clocks grow too big
Jonathan Harper
- [Bug 166748] New: plasma desktop doesn't work with Nvidia 64bit Version.
Hendrik Sander
- [Bug 163935] Taskbar doesn't show tasks in multiple rows
Jonathan Harper
- [Bug 158850] Multi head multi X servers causes desktops to be rendered on top of one another
Jonathan Harper
- Elegance plasma theme update: include in 4.1 branch?
Riccardo Iaconelli
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma
Riccardo Iaconelli
- [Bug 166738] with few items in the panel binary and digital clocks grow too big
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 166738] with few items in the panel binary and digital clocks grow too big
- Can anyone confirm bug 162856?
Aaron J. Seigo
- Plugins: Use Qt plugin art. or XML?
Aaron J. Seigo
- Data Engines [WAS: KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/dataengines/nowplaying]
Aaron J. Seigo
- [PATCH] Picture navigation for the frame plasmoid
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Patch] replace hardcoded icon size with correct system value in applet handle
Aaron J. Seigo
- Folderview mimetype support
Aaron J. Seigo
- plasma corruption
Matthew Woehlke
- [Bug 166735] log out shuts down the computer
Eduardo Robles Elvira
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma
Alex Merry
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma
Alex Merry
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma
David Faure
- [Bug 166009] plasma panel missing after logging out and in
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166699] "Only show tasks from the current screen" functionality for the task manager widget does not function properly
Aaron J.Seigo
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma
Jason Stubbs
- [Bug 166735] log out shuts down the computer
Sebastian TurzaÅski
- plasma corruption
Aaron J. Seigo
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma
Aaron J. Seigo
- plasma corruption
Matthew Woehlke
- [Bug 160494] Cannot install new widgets from the internet
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 164317] Removing task manager from panel messes up layout of plasmoids in panel
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 164317] Removing task manager from panel messes up layout of plasmoids in panel
owner at bugs.kde.org
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma
Sebastian Kügler
- [Bug 166714] parts of the dashboard background are white and opaque
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 164331] The application Plasma Workspace crashed and caused the signal 6 (SIGABRT)
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166739] remote controller is turned off when some app gets focus
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 160494] Cannot install new widgets from the internet
Sebastian TurzaÅski
- [Bug 166765] New: Plasma crash on closing desktop settings window
Bernhard Friedreich
- [Bug 166766] New: Plasma Overlay Crash when using Screensaver with plasmoids
Bernhard Friedreich
- [Bug 164317] Removing task manager from panel messes up layout of plasmoids in panel
Elias Probst
- [Bug 166739] remote controller is turned off when some app gets focus
Andreas Pakulat
- [Bug 166768] New: plasma widgets unlock on startup
Gary Steinert
- [Bug 158662] immediately upon starting KDE, plasma crashes
andy.reddy at jarf.de
- [Bug 166769] New: Plasma crashes on login
andy.reddy at jarf.de
- [Bug 166770] New: Cashew missing on one screen on dual screen
Adam Burton
- [Bug 166768] New: plasma widgets unlock on startup
aseigo at bddf.ca
- [Bug 160494] Cannot install new widgets from the internet
- [Bug 166739] remote controller is turned off when some app gets focus
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 166779] New: plasma crashes with SIGSEGV: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)
Dorian Vasco
- [Bug 166739] remote controller is turned off when some app gets focus
Andreas Pakulat
- [Bug 166769] Plasma crashes on login
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166782] New: Folderview won't open displayed folders - "Could not open - File not found"
- [Bug 165423] Is Plasma leaking memory?
Bráulio Barros de Oliveira
- [Bug 164325] KRunner makes my screen blink
Grósz Dániel
- [Bug 166783] New: multiple taskbar items for only one application
rodrigo pelorosso
- [Bug 166785] New: Many menu items stop working after a while
Torquil Macdonald Sørensen
- [Bug 166769] Plasma crashes on login
andy.reddy at jarf.de
- Plugins: Use Qt plugin art. or XML?
Alex Merry
- Plugins: Use Qt plugin art. or XML?
Kelly Miller
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma
Riccardo Iaconelli
- [Bug 166744] Graphical glitches in Panel controller
Luciano Leveroni
- [Bug 166741] plasma workspace crash after changing plasma theme
- [Bug 166796] New: Plasma panel show big glitches when a Java application is currently active
Paulo Cesar
- [Bug 163935] Taskbar doesn't show tasks in multiple rows
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 166796] Plasma panel show big glitches when a Java application is currently active
Paulo Cesar
- [Bug 166799] New: Plasma Trash Icon Doesn't Refresh When Emptied
Jeremy LaCroix
- [Bug 166799] Plasma Trash Icon Doesn't Refresh When Emptied
Jeremy LaCroix
- [Bug 157017] Panel artifacts with openoffice opened
- [Bug 166800] New: Crash on startup: NULL deref in Plasma::toolTip::setContent
Josh Berry
- [Bug 166801] New: plasma crash on Lock Widgets
- [Bug 166802] New: plasma crash on starup
- [Bug 165257] Regression: white artifacts in system tray
Emmanuel Surleau
- [Bug 166802] plasma crash on starup
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 165257] Regression: white artifacts in system tray
Emmanuel Surleau
- [Bug 166806] New: quickaccess plasmoid stays visually focussed
Andreas Demmer
- [Bug 166807] New: plasma configuration switching with profiles
Karsten König
- [Bug 166806] quickaccess plasmoid stays visually focussed
Andreas Demmer
- [Bug 166806] quickaccess plasmoid stays visually focussed
Andreas Demmer
- [Bug 166809] New: empty space on panel after removing a plasmoid
- [Bug 166809] empty space on panel after removing a plasmoid
- [Bug 166809] empty space on panel after removing a plasmoid
- [Bug 166811] New: deleted plasmoid is recreated on every kde-login
- [Bug 166811] deleted plasmoid is recreated on every kde-login
- [Bug 166811] deleted plasmoid is recreated on every kde-login
- [Bug 163870] some plasmoids overlap each other in the panel
- [Bug 163870] some plasmoids overlap each other in the panel
- [Bug 163870] some plasmoids overlap each other in the panel
- [Bug 166726] Plasma crash on logout
- [Bug 166768] plasma widgets unlock on startup
- [Bug 166739] remote controller is turned off when some app gets focus
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 166768] plasma widgets unlock on startup
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 166817] New: make the remote controller modal
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 166818] New: Rotated widget- menu also rotated, problem with repaint
Juraj VanÄo
- [Bug 166714] parts of the dashboard background are white and opaque
Stefan Majewsky
- [Bug 162913] menu on plasmoid shows behind other plasmoids
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 166739] remote controller is turned off when some app gets focus
owner at bugs.kde.org
- plasma changelog
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 166822] New: graphics for not-fullsized panel
Manuel Mommertz
- [Bug 166817] make the remote controller modal
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 166811] deleted plasmoid is recreated on every kde-login
- [Bug 166809] empty space on panel after removing a plasmoid
- [Bug 166824] New: Plasma Panel Crashes when adding widgit
Brad Opferman
- [Bug 166827] New: Systray icon resize/rendering does no longer work after changing settings in xorg.conf
- [Bug 166827] Systray icon resize/rendering does no longer work after changing settings in xorg.conf
- [Bug 166824] Plasma Panel Crashes when adding widgit
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [Bug 157017] Panel artifacts with openoffice opened
- [Bug 166829] New: add maxpect wallpaper position
Anton Khirnov
- [Bug 166824] Plasma Panel Crashes when adding widgit
Brad Opferman
- [Bug 166827] Systray icon resize/rendering does no longer work after changing settings in xorg.conf
- [Bug 166833] New: Applications scrollbar disappears randomly
auxsvr at yahoo.com
- [Bug 166836] New: remote controller: make the size widgets (triangles) sticky
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 166836] remote controller: make the size widgets (triangles) sticky
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 157017] Panel artifacts with openoffice opened
- [Bug 157017] Panel artifacts with openoffice opened
- [Bug 166836] remote controller: make the size widgets (triangles) sticky
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 163606] Typing a command to run in krunner causes a crash
- [Bug 166843] New: plasma crashes when changing setting for "Arbeitsflächen"
m.wege at gmx.net
- [Bug 166843] plasma crashes when changing setting for "Arbeitsflächen"
m.wege at gmx.net
- [Bug 166785] Many menu items stop working after a while
Torquil Macdonald Sørensen
- [Bug 163283] icon size in kickoff should be configurable
m.wege at gmx.net
- [Bug 166847] New: classic menu sometimes blocks itself
m.wege at gmx.net
- [Bug 163676] Plasma desktop/panel does not react properly when the screen size is enlarged due to higher resolution
Brad Opferman
- [Bug 166849] New: panel resizing allows sizes which are smaller then possible icon sizes
m.wege at gmx.net
- [Bug 166843] plasma crashes when changing setting for "Arbeitsflächen"
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [Bug 166850] New: plasma crashes shorty after changing to christal SVG-icon set
m.wege at gmx.net
- Folderview mimetype support
Rafael Fernández López
- [Bug 163283] icon size in kickoff should be configurable
- [Bug 166853] New: setting for colour of the panel
m.wege at gmx.net
- [Bug 157572] Digital Clock plasmoid shoud allow one to change font size.
m.wege at gmx.net
- [Bug 166854] New: Plasma crashes when starting OpenOffice
Gregor Waluga
- [Bug 166811] deleted plasmoid is recreated on every kde-login
- [Bug 166850] plasma crashes shorty after changing to crystal SVG-icon set
Pino Toscano
- [Bug 158526] plasma crashed on logging into KDE4 environment.
Thomas Kamps
- [Bug 158526] plasma crashed on logging into KDE4 environment.
Thomas Kamps
- [Bug 166854] Plasma crashes when starting OpenOffice
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [Bug 166859] New: Make Plasma Icons on desktop / in Dolphin change mouse icon when mouse hoves over them.
Mike Williams
- [Bug 166860] New: Adding Plasma panel to the top of the screen covers the plasma icon in the upper right hand corner.
Mike Williams
- More storytelling
Michael Rudolph
- [Bug 166868] New: plasma starts squished horizontally, then crashes X when apps start that draw to the panel
Joseph Tate
- [Bug 166868] plasma starts squished horizontally, then crashes X when apps start that draw to the panel
Joseph Tate
- Plugins: Use Qt plugin art. or XML?
Alex Merry
- [Bug 166850] plasma crashes shorty after changing to crystal SVG-icon set
m.wege at gmx.net
- Plugins: Use Qt plugin art. or XML?
Kelly Miller
- Plugins: Use Qt plugin art. or XML?
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 166824] Plasma Panel Crashes when adding widgit
Brad Opferman
- [Bug 158526] plasma crashed on logging into KDE4 environment.
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166860] Adding Plasma panel to the top of the screen covers the plasma icon in the upper right hand corner.
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166824] Plasma Panel Crashes when adding widgit
Mario Oschwald
- Can anyone confirm bug 162856?
Ben Goodrich
- [Bug 166824] Plasma Panel Crashes when adding widgit
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166824] Plasma Panel Crashes when adding widgit
Mario Oschwald
- [Bug 166875] New: remove activity misnamed menu
Dan Weatherill
- [Bug 166875] remove activity misnamed menu
Dan Weatherill
- [Bug 166876] New: Annoying line under the tray icons
Oliver Haag
- [Bug 166824] Plasma Panel Crashes when adding widgit
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166875] remove activity misnamed menu
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166876] Annoying line under the tray icons
- can't display international characters in the taskmanager
Ningyu Shi
- [Bug 166009] plasma panel missing after logging out and in
Clas Rurik
- Plugins: Use Qt plugin art. or XML?
Alex Merry
- [Bug 166883] New: Layout issues - digital clock doesn't resize itself and content
Elias Probst
- [Bug 166883] Layout issues - digital clock doesn't resize itself and content
Elias Probst
- [Bug 166883] Layout issues - digital clock doesn't resize itself and content
Elias Probst
- [Bug 166885] New: Plasma has issues handling (hide/move) it's tooltips
Elias Probst
- [Bug 166885] Plasma has issues handling (hide/move) it's tooltips
Elias Probst
- [Bug 166886] New: (nearly) impossible to open the 'Task Manager Settings' dialog when the task manager's list is full
Elias Probst
- can't display international characters in the taskmanager
Aaron J. Seigo
- can't display international characters in the taskmanager
Ningyu Shi
- [Bug 166876] Annoying line under the tray icons
Oliver Haag
- [Bug 166892] New: Plasma Workspace crashed causing signal 11 with "folder view" plasmoid
Arthur Bogard
- [Bug 166384] systemtray is square and does not resize on the desktop
- [Bug 165257] Regression: white artifacts in system tray
Julian Hernandez Gomez
- [Bug 165257] Regression: white artifacts in system tray
Julian Hernandez Gomez
- [Bug 165257] Regression: white artifacts in system tray
Shawn Starr
- [PATCH] secure config action for my soc project
- [Bug 166896] New: Plasma panel crash in VNC on mouse hover.
daryll q
- [Bug 166896] Plasma panel crash in VNC on mouse hover.
daryll q
- Kickoff multiple columns
Luiz Felipe Talvik
- [Bug 166897] New: krunnner crash and stay in panel
- Program launcher plasmoid gone?
Kelly Miller
- [Bug 166899] New: Cannot move plasmoids on desktop
William Lahti
- [Bug 166900] New: resizing a panel sometimes fails to resize it's plasmoids
William Lahti
- [Bug 166899] Cannot move plasmoids on desktop
William Lahti
- [Bug 166901] New: taskbar entry gaps are inconsistent
William Lahti
- [Bug 166901] taskbar entry gaps are inconsistent
William Lahti
- [Bug 166902] New: right click while dragging plasmoid causes two copies + possible crash
William Lahti
- [Bug 166903] New: plasma crash while moving plasmoid in the dashboard view
William Lahti
- [Bug 164850] downloading new wallpapers blocks plasma
sourtooth at gmail.com
- Kickoff multiple columns
Aaron J. Seigo
- Program launcher plasmoid gone?
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 166896] Plasma panel crash in VNC on mouse hover.
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166903] plasma crash while moving plasmoid in the dashboard view
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [PATCH] secure config action for my soc project
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 166892] Plasma Workspace crashed causing signal 11 with "folder view" plasmoid
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 166806] quickaccess plasmoid stays visually focussed
Andreas Demmer
- [Bug 166907] New: Plasma crash during startup
Felix Seeger
- [Bug 166907] Plasma crash during startup
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [Bug 166907] Plasma crash during startup
Felix Seeger
- [Bug 166910] New: Twitter Plasmoid should show remaining characters counter
Patrick Hanft
- [Bug 166914] New: [4.2+] Display items in taskbar only from current activity
Luca Beltrame
- [Bug 166900] resizing a panel sometimes fails to resize it's plasmoids
Loic Marteau
- [BKO] Ideas to ameliorate the workflow of the bugs reports for plasma
Loïc Marteau
- [Bug 166714] parts of the dashboard background are white and opaque
Stefan Majewsky
- [Bug 166919] New: Contents of window flickering with KDE 4.1 RC1 but not GNOME
- [PATCH] Picture navigation for the frame plasmoid
- [Bug 166919] Contents of window flickering with KDE 4.1 RC1 but not GNOME
Pino Toscano
- [Bug 166924] New: "Run command" isn't removed from taskbar using twinview
Florian Sievert
- [Bug 165191] Pager only show 1 desktop with compiz
Javier G.
- [Bug 158526] plasma crashed on logging into KDE4 environment.
Thomas Kamps
- [Bug 166928] New: Plasma crashes when locking widgets
Patrick Hoffmann
- [Bug 166928] Plasma crashes when locking widgets
Patrick Hoffmann
- [Bug 166770] Cashew missing on one screen on dual screen
- [Bug 166931] New: make it possible to let application windows cover the plasma panel
- [Bug 158556] Plasma Panel cannot be hidden
ken manheimer
- [Bug 166770] Cashew missing on one screen on dual screen
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 163283] icon size in kickoff should be configurable
- [Bug 163283] icon size in kickoff should be configurable
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 166924] "Run command" isn't removed from taskbar using twinview
Lucas Murray
- [Bug 166892] Plasma Workspace crashed causing signal 11 with "folder view" plasmoid
Arthur Bogard
- [Bug 166860] Adding Plasma panel to the top of the screen covers the plasma icon in the upper right hand corner.
Mike Williams
- [Bug 166860] Adding Plasma panel to the top of the screen covers the plasma icon in the upper right hand corner.
Mike Williams
- [Bug 166860] Adding Plasma panel to the top of the screen covers the plasma icon in the upper right hand corner.
Mike Williams
- kde-look GHNS Install Plasma Widgets workaround proposal for 4.1
- [Bug 166945] New: Impossible to rename icon title without automatically renaming referred file name
- [Bug 166860] Adding Plasma panel to the top of the screen covers the plasma icon in the upper right hand corner.
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166801] plasma crash on Lock Widgets
owner at bugs.kde.org
- 4.2 design meeting
Aaron J. Seigo
- [PATCH] secure config action for my soc project
- [Bug 166284] Icon for program launching breaks
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 158094] system-tray icon backgrounds are not transparent
owner at bugs.kde.org
- kde-look GHNS Install Plasma Widgets workaround proposal for 4.1
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 166445] systray on desktop not showing icons properly
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 166445] systray on desktop not showing icons properly
owner at bugs.kde.org
- Kickoff multiple columns
Luiz Felipe Talvik
- [PATCH] secure config action for my soc project
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 166824] Plasma Panel Crashes when adding widgit
Brad Opferman
- [Bug 166947] New: Option filter to hide extensions in folderview
Javier G.
- [Bug 166824] Plasma Panel Crashes when adding widgit
Brad Opferman
- [Bug 166824] Plasma Panel Crashes when adding widgit
Brad Opferman
- [Bug 166949] New: Show Desktop and Show Dashboard not working in panel anymore
Markus Haag
- [Bug 166950] New: Panel Settings - arrow to move the plasmoids on the panel isn't shown correctly in the systemtray plasmoid
Markus Haag
- 4.2 design meeting
Riccardo Iaconelli
- [Bug 166952] New: pure qt4 application doesn't work with oxygen style
- [Bug 166151] moving panel items: move arrows are behind systray items
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 166899] Cannot move plasmoids on desktop
William Lahti
- [Bug 166766] Plasma Overlay Crash when using Screensaver with plasmoids
- 4.2 design meeting
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 166807] plasma configuration switching with profiles
- [Bug 166853] setting for colour of the panel
- [Bug 166886] (nearly) impossible to open the 'Task Manager Settings' dialog when the task manager's list is full
- [Bug 166445] systray on desktop not showing icons properly
- [Bug 166914] Display items in taskbar only from current activity
- [Bug 166931] make it possible to let application windows cover the plasma panel
- [Bug 166481] New Menu do not respect xdg files
Nicolas Lécureuil
- [Bug 164856] mysterious bar between apps [visual]
rodrigo pelorosso
- KWin and Plasma integration
Sebastian Kügler
- [Bug 166970] New: Classic menu style separators can't be customized by translators
Daniel Calviño Sánchez
- [PATCH] secure config action for my soc project
- [Bug 162856] plasma does not resize/reposition the panel when rotating screen with xrandr
Casey Link
- [Bug 162856] plasma does not resize/reposition the panel when rotating screen with xrandr
Casey Link
- 4.2 design meeting
Jordi Polo
- [Bug 166899] Cannot move plasmoids on desktop
Loic Marteau
- 4.2 design meeting
Ivan Čukić
- [Bug 166982] New: Plasma crashes while shuting down
Tony Wolf
- [Bug 166983] New: Handles on applets fade in too slowly
David Short
- [Bug 166860] Adding Plasma panel to the top of the screen covers the plasma icon in the upper right hand corner.
- [Bug 166997] New: wish : krunner could use libqalculate or google search for evaluating maths
Jonathan-David Schröder
- [Bug 164355] Resize plasmoids like windows
Sel Goona
- [Bug 164355] Resize plasmoids like windows
Maciej Pilichowski
- KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/plasma
Marco Martin
- [Bug 164582] White dashboard background on second activity
Marco Martin
- [Bug 164552] Layout of user name and picture in application launcher
Georg Wittenburg
- [Bug 164660] Battery applet is not updated when battery is removed
Georg Wittenburg
- [Bug 164558] Special pull-down menus in desktop settings appear and immediately disappear
Georg Wittenburg
- [Bug 164660] Battery applet is not updated when battery is removed
Georg Wittenburg
- [Bug 167014] New: Inconsistency in "Leave" caption between desktop and traditional menu
Daniel Calviño Sánchez
- [Bug 167021] New: plasma crashes while trying to move plasmoid
Tony Wolf
- [Bug 164355] Resize plasmoids like windows
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 164558] Special pull-down menus in desktop settings appear and immediately disappear
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166860] Adding Plasma panel to the top of the screen covers the plasma icon in the upper right hand corner.
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 167024] New: "Switch user" in classic menu should behave like it did in KDE 3.5
Daniel Calviño Sánchez
- [Bug 166997] wish : krunner could use libqalculate or google search for evaluating maths
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 166726] Plasma crash on logout
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 167025] New: plasma crashes while using kickoff menu
Thomas Fasching
- [Bug 167032] New: applets are losing orientation on moving them between screens.
Florian Sievert
- [Bug 167032] applets are losing orientation on moving them between screens.
Florian Sievert
- [Review Board] Fixes in kickoff
Loïc Marteau
- [Bug 166768] plasma widgets unlock on startup
Gary Steinert
- [Bug 164355] Resize plasmoids like windows
Grósz Dániel
- [Bug 167043] New: Plasma crashes when comic strip is added...
- [Bug 164355] Resize plasmoids like windows
Sel Goona
- [Bug 165424] Widget the Notes ignored key for diacritic in the Czech keyboard layout
DarÃo Andrés
- [Review Board] Fixes in kickoff
Loïc Marteau
- [Bug 166883] Layout issues - digital clock doesn't resize itself and content
DarÃo Andrés
- [Bug 166883] Layout issues - digital clock doesn't resize itself and content
DarÃo Andrés
- [Bug 166883] Layout issues - digital clock doesn't resize itself and content
DarÃo Andrés
- [Bug 166883] Layout issues - digital clock doesn't resize itself and content
Elias Probst
- [Bug 164355] Resize plasmoids like windows
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 155341] Session cannot be saved
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 164969] panel always on top - application windows cannot cover panel.
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 167025] plasma crashes while using kickoff menu
Loic Marteau
- [Bug 155341] Session cannot be saved
Paul van Erk
- [Bug 155341] Session cannot be saved
Nicolas Lécureuil
- [Bug 166985] When selecting Leave and then Switch User in the kde menu there is no list of users but instead a run dialog is shown
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 155341] Session cannot be saved
ken manheimer
- [Bug 167025] plasma crashes while using kickoff menu
Thomas Fasching
- [Bug 166985] When selecting Leave and then Switch User in the kde menu there is no list of users but instead a run dialog is shown
- meeting wrap up
Aaron J. Seigo
- more on CHANGELOG
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 163332] Usability: Allow room for bigger descriptions in result boxes and/or use a vertical table for easier selection/display
Thomas Zander
- [Bug 166267] Repainting problem in krunner
DarÃo Andrés
- [Bug 167095] New: please make buttons/tasks in taskbar movable
RafaÅ Malinowski
- [Bug 167100] New: Contents of taskbar buttons are not vertically centralized in vertical plasma panel
Marcelo Sales
- [Bug 167100] Contents of taskbar buttons are not vertically centralized in vertical plasma panel
Marcelo Sales
- [Bug 167100] Contents of taskbar buttons are not vertically centralized in vertical plasma panel
Marcelo Sales
- [Bug 167024] "Switch user" in classic menu should behave like it did in KDE 3.5
Daniel Calviño Sánchez
- [Bug 166896] Plasma panel crash in VNC on mouse hover.
daryll q
- [Bug 167024] "Switch user" in classic menu should behave like it did in KDE 3.5
Aaron J.Seigo
- [Bug 159510] krunner doesn't store settings
Carsten Schlipf
- [Bug 167104] New: Dragging Folder View to Panel makes plasma crash
Luciano Leveroni
- again on widgets
Marco Martin
- Using git-svn with review board?
- [Bug 166693] Plasma Workspace crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
- [Bug 166985] When selecting Leave and then Switch User in the kde menu there is no list of users but instead a run dialog is shown
- [Bug 167095] please make buttons/tasks in taskbar movable
- [Bug 163332] Usability: Allow room for bigger descriptions in result boxes and/or use a vertical table for easier selection/display
monstermunch at fmail.co.uk
- [Bug 167104] Dragging Folder View to Panel makes plasma crash
Pino Toscano
- [Bug 167110] New: Optiondialog in Shutdowndialog isn't on top
- [Bug 167110] Optiondialog in Shutdowndialog isn't on top
- No subject
- Folderview mimetype support
Rafael Fernández López
- Using git-svn with review board?
Aaron J. Seigo
- again on widgets
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 159510] krunner doesn't store settings
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 55020] shell tab completion work-alike
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 163332] Usability: Allow room for bigger descriptions in result boxes and/or use a vertical table for easier selection/display
Aaron J.Seigo
- Something hot
Erwin Sheehan
- [Bug 167119] New: Percent capacity stays when Battery Monitor applet is resized
Rodney Gedda
- [Bug 167119] Percent capacity stays when Battery Monitor applet is resized
Rodney Gedda
- [Bug 165046] Widgets installed from the internet does not appear in add new widgets dialog
- [Review Board] transparency for plasma-overlay
- [Review Board] transparency for plasma-overlay
- [Bug 154286] crash after executing application using krunner cause of dbus timeout
owner at bugs.kde.org
- again on widgets
Marco Martin
- [Bug 167128] New: krunner remembers enter when no results are shown
Viesturs Zarins
- [Bug 166350] Usability: Task Manager notifications are not clear enough.
Martin Schnieders
- [Bug 164856] mysterious bar between apps [visual]
Martin Schnieders
- [Bug 166193] Misspelled applications execute after spelling is corrected
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 163607] Plasma crashes at logout or shutdown
Andreas Aardal Hanssen
- [Bug 167132] New: some plasmoids are far too big on a vertical panel
Peter Lewis
- [Bug 167132] some plasmoids are far too big on a vertical panel
Peter Lewis
- www.ucuzasatiyoruz.com en ucuz en güvenl alışveriş
- [Bug 167143] New: plasma crash on logout after resizing panel vertically
- [Bug 160692] krunner crashes now and then when running commands
Lubos Lunak
- [Bug 161787] "ALT+F2" Crash after launching command
Lubos Lunak
- [Bug 163751] KRunner crashes sometimes when pressing return before all matches have completed. Program still launches though.
Lubos Lunak
- [Bug 167148] New: KRunner crash under heavy load
Vitor Boschi da Silva
- [Bug 167148] KRunner crash under heavy load
Vitor Boschi da Silva
- [Bug 167149] New: deleting .desktop files from /usr/share/applications causes several major problems with Application Menu Launcher
Soren Harward
- Can anyone confirm bug 162856?
Ben Goodrich
- black folderview background
Sebastian Kügler
- [Bug 167148] KRunner crash under heavy load
Pino Toscano
- Folderview mimetype support (revisited)
Rafael Fernández López
- [Bug 167157] New: Plasmoids movement slow on first move
- [Review Board] transparency for plasma-overlay
Aaron J. Seigo
- Folderview mimetype support (revisited)
Aaron J. Seigo
- again on widgets
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 167165] New: Plasma crashed and left the desktop as a white panel when reloading window manager (emerald)
- Can anyone confirm bug 162856?
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Review Board] transparency for plasma-overlay
- Can anyone confirm bug 162856?
Ben Goodrich
- Folderview mimetype support (revisited)
- Can anyone confirm bug 162856?
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Review Board] transparency for plasma-overlay
Aaron J. Seigo
- again on widgets
Marco Martin
- black folderview background
Aaron J. Seigo
- again on widgets
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Bug 166726] Plasma crash on logout
owner at bugs.kde.org
- Welcome the Amero
mmendonca at stamant.mb.ca
- [Bug 165826] The text beneath the icons is rather on and off in 4.0.85
Jonas Thorell
Last message date:
Mon Jul 21 23:31:57 CEST 2008
Archived on: Mon Jul 21 23:32:13 CEST 2008
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).