PROPOSAL: create an alias plasma-devel at that points to this mailing list

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at
Sat Jul 12 21:44:06 CEST 2008

Il Thursday 19 June 2008 09:03:20 Kevin Ottens ha scritto:
> Le Wednesday 18 June 2008, Sebastian Kuegler a écrit :
> > We should just rename panel-devel to plasma-devel and take over the list
> > of subscribers.
> It's something I already discussed with one of our sysadmins a while ago
> (was about another set of lists at that time), and it's frowned upon
> because it's a mess to rename and because it generates quite some troubles
> regarding the archives. Apparently mailman doesn't really like this kind of
> operations...

What about just creating a plasma-devel ml anyways, and then just adding a 
warning in the mailman info page stating that archives of the mailing list 
previous to blabla can be found in the panel-devel ml?
And then possibly disable it (with notice of the migration sent out each time 
it receives an e-mail?), just keeping the archives, and let the migration 
happen. And eventually make panel-devel an alias just after.
What do you think of this?

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