RFC: wallpaper and containment handling in 4.2

Thomas Fjellstrom tfjellstrom at shaw.ca
Sat Jul 12 12:42:39 CEST 2008

On July 11, 2008, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> * we will need a way to migrate all the applets from one Containment to
> another, destroy the first and set the geometry (and screen and desktop) of
> the second one in its place

Quick thought, (and a hack at that),

void Containment::migrage(Containment *dest) {
	QList<Applet> apps = removeChildren();
	dest->addChildren(apps); // insertChildren?

	Containment *old = current;
	Containment *new = getUserSelection();

Or some such. (as you may notice, I haven't taken a proper look at the api)

Thomas Fjellstrom
tfjellstrom at shaw.ca

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