[PATCH] Picture navigation for the frame plasmoid

Anne-Marie Mahfouf annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr
Wed Jul 16 09:46:18 CEST 2008

On Wednesday 16 July 2008 00:25:36 Éric ALBER wrote:
> Hello,
> I worked a bit on the frame plasmoid to add picture navigation in slideshow
> mode.
> I implemented a Lightbox
> <http://www.lokeshdhakar.com/projects/lightbox2/>style image
> navigation
> I attach the patch to this mail. I created it in the kdeplasma-addons
> folder, so apply it in the same folder.
> Tell me what you think about that :)
> Regards,
> Eric

It does not work very well: the Next label stays even if there is no mouse 
over the picture.
Clicking on Next or Previous triggers a sort of zoom and does not switch on 
next picture or previous picture.

Also I don't like very much the way the handle also appears. Visually you have 
2 things happening at different places with the same mouse over.
Not sure how to solve this so the eyes are not assaulted!

I'll be away all next week from this Friday afternoon to Saturday 26th on 
holiday without internet so you'll have to rely on other people advices to 
implement this.
I'll be on IRC this evening Paris time to discuss it if you want!


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