kickoff fusion idea and mockup

Loïc Marteau loic.marteau at
Fri Jul 11 19:17:25 CEST 2008

Hey :) !

2008/7/11 J.R. Mauro <jrm8005 at>:

> Why are we clicking? (smart) Search is the best way to solve this, along
> with presenting what you use often in the default view.
> If you know the app name, type it, if you know the category, type it. If a
> new user wants to discover something they only need a rough idea, and
> can type "images" or "games," and then they get a list. With one click they
> can get what they want. With a 2 clicks they can add it to favorites
> (although I think that could be made better by adding a little star to the
> entries like in the add plasma widget menu) Hey, KDE maintainers, there's
> a good feature, no? I hope you think so! :-)

Yes search and favorites use is exactly that i do, but the problem with this
argument is than in fact you said it is usable if you dont use it...

For example I'm thinking of new user that want to discover is new interface
and computer apps without having any idea of what he will do... he just want
to discover and enjoy the new hot kde stuff : he can't do it easily, not
really good for a first impression.

I'm totally agree than there is a lot of other way to starts apps and than
whatever you do with apps menu it is not the better way.

But this apps menu is the worst  than i ever seen, sorry.

Best regards

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