Plugins: Use Qt plugin art. or XML?

Kelly Miller lightsolphoenix at
Mon Jul 14 08:32:53 CEST 2008

2008/7/14 Chani <chanika at>:

> I'm not sure... what exactly would such plugins do? what sort of
> integration
> do you mean?

I mean, where the plasmoid itself is programmed to use a generic class, and
then each media player has a class that inherits from the generic class
used.  That way, all that has to be done to add support for a media player
is to write a single class library.

> I'd imagine that, if it were done the Plasma Way, there would be a
> dataengine
> for each media player (or maybe just one for those that have that standard
> dbus interface I vaguely remember hearding of?), and then either one or
> several applets providing the UI... could you use essentially the same UI
> for
> any media player, or would they all have to be different?

That is my intention (to use the same, or at least a very similar UI for all
media players), but I'm not familiar with dataengines...

As for what XML has to do with this, one idea I had was to use a single XML
file for each "media player driver", and then follow the instructions there
to properly communicate with the media player chosen...
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