[PATCH] fix for 165789 - easier dropping of applets onto panel

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Mon Jul 14 03:06:35 CEST 2008

On Sunday 13 July 2008, Mario Oschwald wrote:
> (Could be i'm mistaken here though, don't know if qt even generates drop
> events if a dragmove wasn't accepted before)

it doesn't.

quoting the QGraphicsItem documentation:

"Items can only receive drop events if the last drag move event was accepted."

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43

KDE core developer sponsored by Trolltech

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