
Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Wed Jul 9 22:29:55 CEST 2008

Alle 19:21, 01/07/2008, Aaron J. Seigo ha scritto:
> On Tuesday 01 July 2008, pinheiro wrote:
> > i would not mind doing small systemtry icons for every app that would
> > need it, in fact i think that aystem try icons should have its hown
> > subset of icons more simple and less on your face.
> agreed.
> hmmm... why don't we make it an actual goal for 4.3 to have a New systray
> spec in place and implemented? i'll meet up with Lubos at Akademy and push
> to get it defined in the 4.2 time frame and a production implementation
> ready by 4.3.

Definitely yes, make sure to call me when discussing this, I'd like to at 
least assist. I have the sensation I have some good ideas about that, just 
can't figure out what they are right now. :P

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