place for design docs

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at
Sun Jul 13 20:32:42 CEST 2008

Alle 05:21, 13/07/2008, Celeste Lyn Paul ha scritto:
> On Saturday 12 July 2008 21:45:43 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> I think a wiki makes sense because it makes them easier to edit, access,
> and publicly available.  In this case, the public == future design
> contributors and not users.  Hiding them in SVN would make it difficult for
> both contribution and access.  Developers are familiar and comfortable with
> that type of data access, but most designers I know (outside of FLOSS)
> don't even know what SVN is, yet alone feel comfortable working with it.
> Granted, we don't have many non-developer designers in KDE, but I think it
> should still be brought up.  I have an SVN account, but I would probably be
> less likely to add/update an SVN document than a wiki document or link to
> archive file in a wiki.

You make a point here... to combine the offline access aspect and the easiness 
of editing you get with a wiki, I think that I can just wrap up a web 
interface wiki-like to it: the markup syntax is almost the same, and it 
should be a very easy job for me.

After all it's just a textedit which has the contents of a file...

You will just need to provide a log after modifying the text...

Yeah, this will be much fun indeed to make! :-))

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