
Bert Saxby bertsaxby at
Thu Jul 10 17:23:56 CEST 2008

>>one of the things i want to do in 4.2 is that when zoomed out is have the 
>>individual cashews disappear and become "action bars" along the bottom of each 
>>Activity. this way you don't have to point-click-hover-click on cashews and 
>>you can see all the possible actions at a glance (zoom in, remove, etc)

That would be nice but I wonder if it would make the interface look cluttered?
The cashews work nicely and the functionality is consistent with the desktop level.
it just gets covered up by my toolbar. I have since recalled why I had placed the toolbar
along the top of the vmware session is too long and results in infinite scrolling to
the bottom/top. The window controls get shunted off at the top when the toolbar is at the bottom.
It's a desktop app deficiency that I am working around because the vmware tools package isn't
working quite right just now. <sigh> I suppose I'm going to have to blow some time and figure out what
is wrong with that.

I don't like that at maximum zoom out, to zoom in completely to any particular
activity, it is a double action...Cashew>Zoom in>Cashew>Zoom in. I can however see where you
might want to only zoom to the middle layer perhaps to read something that you could not see
at the maximum zoom out. I think the compiz effect alt+tab effect with a zoom size equivalent to
the middle zoom level might be a nice effect when working at maximum zoom out.  Maybe to rectify the
double action there could be a zoom to> layer or Go to>layer...but that seems to be getting complicated
and 'non-visual'.  Personally complicated doesn't bother me, but the usability folks might start bleeding out of their eyes.

>>click on the panel's configuration box (the "cashew" or "magic bean" ;) and up 
>>will pop the panel controller. you can click 'n drag the controller to other 
>>areas of the screen and the panel will follow (there's a BR noting that this 
>>needs to be made more obvious; 4.2 work) or you can click "Remove this Panel"

Ha! Funny thing is I tried that...just grabbed wrong part of the panel.

Thanks Aaron.

I am still unable to close activities.  I don't have the latest SVN, I use whatever is available
from KDE:\Factory repositories for OpenSuSE. I think there is not a way to close them at
all on this version.  I'm sure an update from KDE:\Factory will sort it out some day. At least I know
there is an option on the way.

Thanks everyone.  I'll go back to sitting in the corner now.


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