
Toussis Manolis manolis at
Thu Jul 10 17:53:54 CEST 2008

I try to make an animation loop in my applet... 
I figure out to init the custom animator in the init() method of my applet
and then to add a slot for the customAnimationFinished() in where I try to 
make a new custom animator

some code :
in init() of my applet:
    connect(Plasma::Animator::self(), SIGNAL (customAnimationFinished(int) ) 
,this , SLOT( animationFinished(int)));
    m_animID=Plasma::Animator::self()->customAnimation(10 , m_animDuration,

in animationUpdate slot:
void MyPlasma::animationUpdate(qreal progress)
  kDebug() << "progress:"<< progress<< " id:"<<m_animID;
  //just check out that animation timer runs ok

and on the slot of customAnimationFinished() :
void MyPlasma::animationFinished(int id)
  kDebug() << "animation end";
  if(id!=-1) Plasma::Animator::self()->stopCustomAnimation(id);
  m_animID=Plasma::Animator::self()->customAnimation(10 , m_animDuration,

As you can see when the animationFinished is run , it deletes the animation, 
and then it creates a new animation
The thing is that the animator runs only once... and then it freezes on the 
first animationUpdate() call:

plasmoidviewer(21585) PlasmaTvGr::animationUpdate: progress: 0.2  id: 1
plasmoidviewer(21585) PlasmaTvGr::animationUpdate: progress: 0.3  id: 1
plasmoidviewer(21585) PlasmaTvGr::animationUpdate: progress: 0.4  id: 1
plasmoidviewer(21585) PlasmaTvGr::animationUpdate: progress: 0.5  id: 1
plasmoidviewer(21585) PlasmaTvGr::animationUpdate: progress: 0.6  id: 1
plasmoidviewer(21585) PlasmaTvGr::animationUpdate: progress: 0.7  id: 1
plasmoidviewer(21585) PlasmaTvGr::animationUpdate: progress: 0.8  id: 1
plasmoidviewer(21585) PlasmaTvGr::animationUpdate: progress: 0.9  id: 1
plasmoidviewer(21585) PlasmaTvGr::animationUpdate: progress: 1  id: 1
plasmoidviewer(21585) PlasmaTvGr::animationFinished: animation end
plasmoidviewer(21585) PlasmaTvGr::animationUpdate: progress: 0  id: 1
and no more messages about animationUpdate

Any ideas what am I doing wrong?

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