
Bert Saxby bertsaxby at
Wed Jul 9 22:19:09 CEST 2008

>>ZUI interaction does need some work. :) we have some ideas for improving it, 
>>but still need to figure out some things...

>>I don't think double-click can magically know whether you want to zoom in or 
>>out, though ;)
Oh, I actually meant if you were at the top level in 'normal' desktop mode, if
you double clicked it it would 'zoom out'.  I understand as you dig down there are multiple
zoom levels so yes that would be a problem.

Maybe something like what you see in  the PDF viewers with a magnifying glass with the +/- when you hold down shift/control or something. From normal then it would be one action (unless your activity was off the main screen) to drill down. Hold control to select the - zoom out, next level would show, you could then select activity by double click (which would then zoom in/maximize)...or...continue holding control key and dig down/zoom out further...then you could double click from this view.

One problem also I have is I have the toolbar across the top which I set in KDE 4.0 prior ro installing the factory beta.  I have no way to relocate the toolbar and it seems that this is the most problematic place to have it when working with 4.X and trying to work inside the Zoom Out because it covers the cashews of all the activities on the top row. Know of a way I can move it?  Config file hack or something?


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