[Review Board] transparency for plasma-overlay

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Mon Jul 21 20:08:44 CEST 2008

On Sunday 20 July 2008, Chani wrote:
> On July 20, 2008 20:54:42 Chani wrote:
> > http://reviewboard.vidsolbach.de/r/97/
> > no screenshot of the .ui tonight, maybe I'll do one tomorrow

neat, idle vs active opacity. note that opacity is really, really slow since 
it is all done in software. until there is a competent opengl bckend for 
qpainter, there's no way this is going to get better either.

in any case, the patch looks alright, though good practice isn't to use == to 
compare floats due to rounding errors. safer is to do something like:

if (int(m_idleOpacity * 10) == 10) 

this would test to the tenths place with accuracy. but even better is to just 

if (qFuzzyCompare(m_idleOpacity, 1.0))

probably a number of places in plasma we should be doing this =0

this patch also reminds me of the cmplexity of your project, and how a 
document in workspace/plasma/design/ is certainly called for! =)

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Trolltech

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