[PATCH] applet handle side selection

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Wed Jul 9 14:33:07 CEST 2008

On Wednesday 09 July 2008, Marco Martin wrote:
> On Wednesday 09 July 2008, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:

> a small problem i found is that it seems to calculate a too little minimum
> size since assumes that there are 3 icons so the last one can be drawn
> outside theshape, the attached one just puts 4, better abounding :)

whoops, that was left over from something else i was playing with ... thanks 
for noticing it =)

> > * shows the handle on the the side of the applet the mouse enters on,
> > unless that would end up putting the handle off screen; if both sides
> > would be off scren, we try and pick the one that is least worst (most on
> > screen)
> tried to play around with it, still didn't manage to confuse it, it seems
> quite reliable

great.. so i'll try to get it working with the re-show as well (so it can 
change sides if necessary) as well as this:

> > what this patch does not do:
> >
> > * put the close button at the bottom of the handle
> agree

> > * recalculate where the rect should be in the case we rehover quickly and
> > the applet handle gets re-used
> >
> > * fix the "handle disappears if you hover the applet, move to the handle,
> > move back to the applet, move to handle" bug.
> tried here to stop the leave timer on hovermove events, seems to work well

awesome. we're getting close then.

i'd like to backport this to the 4.1 branch as well ... for those testing, 
please do so with marco's version of thepatch until another v is posted to the 

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Trolltech

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