Kickoff multiple columns

Luiz Felipe Talvik talvik at
Fri Jul 18 07:44:31 CEST 2008

I've made a report of a wish
( and tried to take it own
my own.
With some simple modification, i was able to come up with something like this:

But now I have lots o ideas and doubts:
-Should be the number of columns be fixed(defined in kickoff
configuration) or dependable on size?
-If dependable on size, should there be a configuration option for
enabling multiple columns and/or setting a threshold?
-Which tabs should have multiple columns?
-Is it better to fill up rows or columns first?
-When the number of items is small for the current number of columns,
should be the number of columns reduced?
-And most important, do you like it, are there any chances this will
be committed?

My current modification behaves like this:
my suggestions are:
-Number of columns dependable on size based on a threshold, but when
the number of items doesn't fill up all columns reduce the number of
-Using a separator between columns that looks like the horizontal one
currently in kicker
-Being able to configure both allowing multiple columns and setting
the threshold
-Fill up the column first

Should I release a patch as soon as I get something usable? (may take some )

Thanks for your attention

ps: this is useless unless this get fixed
all I could come up was a stupid hack. can someone answer my questions
on this bug too

ps2: Thanks a lot to the plasma developers for creating something so
innovative and despite criticism you didn't back down.

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