Kickoff multiple columns

Luiz Felipe Talvik talvik at
Fri Jul 18 18:31:41 CEST 2008

Agreed on everything.

It will take some time, I'm not used to C++/Qt and kickoff's coding style.

2008/7/18 Aaron J. Seigo <aseigo at>:
> On Thursday 17 July 2008, Luiz Felipe Talvik wrote:
>> Hi
>> I've made a report of a wish
>> ( and tried to take it own
>> my own.
> well done =)
>> -Should be the number of columns be fixed(defined in kickoff
>> configuration) or dependable on size?
> on size.
>> -If dependable on size, should there be a configuration option for
>> enabling multiple columns and/or setting a threshold?
> imo, no.
>> -Which tabs should have multiple columns?
> make it consistent imho: all of them.
>> -Is it better to fill up rows or columns first?
> columns; vertical scanning is easier than horizontal.
>> -When the number of items is small for the current number of columns,
>> should be the number of columns reduced?
> imho yes
>> -And most important, do you like it, are there any chances this will
>> be committed?
> yes..
>> My current modification behaves like this:
> good progress.
>> my suggestions are:
> +1
>> -Number of columns dependable on size based on a threshold, but when
>> the number of items doesn't fill up all columns reduce the number of
>> columns
> agreed, with one exception: perfection would be to bias towards a column per
> header. for example, on the recently used section, it would be better imho to
> always have one column for apps and one for documents if there is room for
> them.
> iow, this:
> Applications                    Documents
> ----------------                        ----------------
> Exec 1                          Doc 1
> Exec 2                          Doc 2
> ...                                     Doc 3
> Exec N
> would be preferable to this:
> Applications                    Exec N + 1
> ----------------                        Exec N + 2
> Exec 1
> Exec 2                          Documents
> ...                                     ----------------
> Exec N                          Doc 3
>> -Using a separator between columns that looks like the horizontal one
>> currently in kicker
> i like the one in your suggestion-behaviour.png (not sure which horizontal
> separator in kicker you are refering to though =)
>> -Being able to configure both allowing multiple columns and setting
>> the threshold
> why? what is the use scenario where a user would want a wiiiiide kickoff but
> not have more columns? what threshold besides "fits" is worth setting?
> think of the entries as a liquid. when you pour out a liquid, what does it do?
> it fills the container. if you put water in an ice tray, you get little cups
> full of water. if you pour water on a table, it just makes a thin layer. if
> you pour water into a drinking glass, it fills the glass until it overflows
> (onto the table? =)
> that's the natural world behaviour that should be targetted here. well,
> almost: liquids react simply to gravity, surface tension and the constraints
> of the continer(s); we can make a somewhat smart liquid (e.g. biased towards
> headers) but a liquid it should be.
> the real world doesn't pause when you fill up an ice tray and ask you if the
> water should spill into the other ice cups or onto the floor: it goes where you
> tilt the tray. it's a simple, direct configuration system and we have evolved
> to be pretty good at dealing with that style of configuration (to the point we
> don't even *consider* it to be a configuration system =)
> that's the target. organics.
>> -Fill up the column first
> agreed.
>> Should I release a patch as soon as I get something usable?
> or sooner. don't hold onto patches too long ... if they get too big you'll end
> up with a ton of issues to fix. i'd rather see the patch step by step so we can
> comment on issues as we progress instead of a monster review at the very end.
> =)
>> ps: this is useless unless this get fixed
> i'll look at it tomorrow.
> --
> Aaron J. Seigo
> humru othro a kohnu se
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