[4.2 Talk] Grids in panel

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Tue Jul 15 20:09:07 CEST 2008

On Tuesday 15 July 2008, Loïc Marteau wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was thiking about what we have for the lock/logout plasmoid.
> We have already started to talk about what we want to have for 4.2 :
> let the user the possibility to configure it, choose the icons, the
> direction he want etc...
> In fact i asked me if it is not more relevant to just provide the user
> the possibility to do exactly what he want by using grids.
> So we have just to provide (correct :p) .desktop files for all the
> leaves action. However perhaps we can have a workflow problem with it
> (not sure from where the user can drag the .desktop file easily,
> perhaps by creating a dedicated "grid leave" plasmoid with a menu that
> let the user to select which leave icon he wants to add ?!)
> I know Sebas has started something in playground aboutgrids.
another thing slightly related that came to my mind...
would be cool some applets like the battery one or the notifications
to be inserted in the layout internal of the systemtray, their purpose is 
really near to what the systemtray is used for, so maybe it's bad to show the 
difference of implementation to the user, that really shouldn't care

just random idea :)

Marco Martin

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