[Review Board] transparency for plasma-overlay
Aaron J. Seigo
aseigo at kde.org
Mon Jul 21 21:02:28 CEST 2008
On Monday 21 July 2008, Chani wrote:
> On July 21, 2008 11:08:44 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > On Sunday 20 July 2008, Chani wrote:
> > > On July 20, 2008 20:54:42 Chani wrote:
> > > > http://reviewboard.vidsolbach.de/r/97/
> > > > no screenshot of the .ui tonight, maybe I'll do one tomorrow
> >
> > neat, idle vs active opacity. note that opacity is really, really slow
> > since it is all done in software. until there is a competent opengl
> > bckend for qpainter, there's no way this is going to get better either.
> it's slow for everyone?
depends on processor speed, but yes it won't be fast for anyone. bearable is
the best we can hope for.
> damn. I was hoping it was just my drivers.
no. =/
> well, at least 0 and 100% will be fast. ;)
hehe.. indeed!
> > if (qFuzzyCompare(m_idleOpacity, 1.0))
> >
> > probably a number of places in plasma we should be doing this =0
> interesting. even when I'm comparing them to 0 and 1?
yes. 0 and 1 are usually safer in practice, but still not guaranteed safe.
> oh, and hte slider thing bugs me. it's been a while since I touched any
> kind of UI design... I'd kinda like it to just have steps, instead of
> offering any value between 0 and 100%... maybe just do 0-10 instead?
> I was also thinking maybe prevent the active one from going down to 0
> (working with invisible widgets just seems like a bad idea), but I don't
> want to muck up the scale compared to the other slider... eh, I dunno,
> maybe I should leave it and ignore people silly enough to try and set it to
> 0?
setting a lower limit makes sense.
i have some thoughts rattling abut in my brain on this one, but i shoudl let
them ripen a bit more before spilling them out into the world half baked.
> > this patch also reminds me of the cmplexity of your project, and how a
> > document in workspace/plasma/design/ is certainly called for! =)
> meep. writing.
> I'm not quite in a writing mood right now,
i know the feeling. way too often ;)
> but I really hope I will be
> soon... :) heck, maybe even later today if nothing pisses me off...
/me constructs a containment field around Chani to ensure nothing pisses her off
Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43
KDE core developer sponsored by Trolltech
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