March 2000 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Mar 1 00:21:58 GMT 2000
Ending: Fri Mar 31 13:07:32 BST 2000
Messages: 423
- Header-Dateien mit Extension .hh
Ehmke Eggert ICN WN ES D 56
- Header-Dateien mit Extension .hh
Ehmke Eggert ICN WN ES D 56
- Header-Dateien mit Extension .hh
Ehmke Eggert ICN WN ES D 56
- Header-files with Extension .hh
Ehmke Eggert ICN WN ES D 56
- Header-files with Extension .hh
Ehmke Eggert ICN WN ES D 56
- class view recursive ?
Ehmke Eggert ICN WN ES D 56
- class view recursive ?
Ehmke Eggert ICN WN ES D 56
- Is this email getting through...?
Marco Milch <mamil at> <mamil at> <marco.milch at> <marco.milch at>
- Problems with video resolution
Pedro Abelleira
- Website problems?
Nick Alexander
- a simple question
Tony Alfrey
- Cannot link c-project sources
Roberto Alsina
- Cannot link c-project sources
Roberto Alsina
- Developing console apps.
Roberto Alsina
- your mail
Roberto Alsina
- your mail
Roberto Alsina
- CVS on remote server
Roberto Alsina
- OT (Linker problem with classes spreaded over directories)
Jon Anderson
- CVS on remote server
Jon Anderson
- kde-2: #if 0 in kfiledialog.h ???
Will Andrews
- Website problems?
Will Andrews
- Adding additional docs
Joachim Ansorg
- Using Kdevelop for non-Kdevelop projects
Richard Apodaca
- PDF Documentation
Hans Aschauer
- PDF Documentation (news)
Hans Aschauer
- KDevelop hangs when project directory contains directory '%'
Erik H. Bakke
- [wish item] Use of accustomed Editor Key Bindings
Sven Bauhan
- Bug in C++ parser
Daniel E. Baumann
- Building Libraries
Reiner Beck
- Compiling IDL Files / CORBA
Reiner Beck
- Adding additional docs
Sven Bergner
- CVS on remote server
Sven Bergner
- Bug in C++ parser
Daniel Berlin+mail.misc
- Bug in C++ parser
Daniel Berlin+mail.misc
- Bug in C++ parser
Daniel Berlin
- configure: error: your system fails at linking a small KDE application!
- Fork bomb?
Ken Brakey
- How: debug in specific working directory??
Falk Brettschneider
- missing variable PO in
Falk Brettschneider
- A-N-N-O-U-N-C-E: QextMDI-1.0beta2 out now!
Falk Brettschneider
- Shell script as executable
Falk Brettschneider
- CVS and KDevelop
Falk Brettschneider
- Kdevelop on HP-UX 10.20
Sebastien Brochet
- need some help
Richard Brunner
- kdevelop bug
William Bryan
- how great kdevelop is
William Bryan
- Is this email getting through...?
William Bryan
- Methods of Classes in Namespaces
Paul Campbell
- Doctreeview hacking, and question about 1.1 & 2.0
Carson, David
- Should use enumeration in cfilepropdlg.cpp
Remi Cauchon
- suggestion
Benoit Cerrina
- configure: error: your system fails at linking a small KDE application!
Graeme Cogger
- Fwd: R emove '-nx' option from gdb command in KDevelop?
Richard Dale
- Patch to match brackets on double click
Richard Dale
- couple of bugs.
Richard Dale
- question on the patch for the kdk.
Richard Dale
- question on the patch for the kdk.
Richard Dale
- Syntax highlightin
Richard Dale
- First question
Eric Depagne
- kdevelop and SuSE6.1
Matthias Duesterhoeft
- kdevelop and SuSE6.1
Matthias Duesterhoeft
- Where to put compiler options?
Matthias Duesterhoeft
- compiling troubles, TIFFxxx
Matthias Duesterhoeft
- Bugs
Oliver Eichler
- compiling troubles, TIFFxxx
Daniel Elenius
- errors while making kdedevelop
Harald Ensenberger
- your mail
Tobias Erbsland
- KDevelop hangs when project directory contains directory '%'
Moritz Franosch
- kde-2: #if 0 in kfiledialog.h ???
Thorsten Gecks
- kde-2: #if 0 in kfiledialog.h ???
Thorsten Gecks
- Syntax error in glu.h while compiling an OpenGL project
Thorsten Gecks
- Linker problem with classes spreaded over directories
Thorsten Gecks
- gdb: "nnsim" not in executable format (Why ?)
Thorsten Gecks
Thorsten Gecks
- problems creating kde app
Thorsten Gecks
- UPDATE: Kpp bug fixed version uploaded.
Ian Reinhart Geiser
- kdevelop and SuSE6.1
Markus Gersting
- Is this email getting through...?
Markus Gersting
- Kdevelop-1.1
Klaus Gillarek
- kdevelop and SuSE6.1
Colin Green
- kdevelop and SuSE6.1
Colin Green
- Suggestions
Marcus Gruendler
- Compiling IDL Files / CORBA
Marcus Gruendler
- beginners problem
Frank Gruenhagen
- Installing kdk's kdelibdocs_kdoc2, exec-prefix woe
Matt Gumbley
- Installing kdk's kdelibdocs_kdoc2, exec-prefix woe
Matt Gumbley
- Installing kdk's kdelibdocs_kdoc2, exec-prefix woe
Matt Gumbley
- KDevelop CVSUP
Markus Gustavsson
- Text on titlebar
Markus Gustavsson
- kde-2: #if 0 in kfiledialog.h ???
Markus Gustavsson
- Text on titlebar
Markus Gustavsson
- Syntax error in glu.h while compiling an OpenGL project
Markus Gustavsson
- kdoc: -z unrecognized option
Markus Gustavsson
- kdoc '-z' flag
Markus Gustavsson
- API-Doc generation
Markus Gustavsson
- CVS and KDevelop
Markus Gustavsson
- minor bug in "debug with args" and wishes
T. Hain
- Doctreeview hacking, and question about 1.1 & 2.0
Harold Hartley
- Doctreeview hacking, and question about 1.1 & 2.0
Harold Hartley
- a simple question
Harold Hartley
- just being safe by asking
Harold Hartley
- question on the patch for the kdk.
Harold Hartley
- question on the patch for the kdk.
Harold Hartley
- question on the patch for the kdk.
Harold Hartley
- the .bz2 files
Harold Hartley
- the .bz2 files
Harold Hartley
- Is this email getting through...?
Braam van Heerden
- Icons
Hauke Hildebrandt
- CVS in the make directories
Hauke Hildebrandt
- Ploting graphic
Hauke Hildebrandt
- Here we go again
Kalle Hofacker
- Is this email getting through...?
Gary Horan
- Unable to deliver the following message.
Hummel, Timo
- kfiledialog bug?
Hummel, Timo
- configure problem in new project
Hummel, Timo
- Cannot link c-project sources
- Cannot link c-project sources
- Cannot link c-project sources
- Cannot link c-project sources
- Cannot link c-project sources
- Cannot link c-project sources
- Cannot link c-project sources >> solved!
- External Editors
Vinay Kalro
- Kdevelop-1.1
Jeremy Knope
- Paths to Qt-library-Doc and KDE-libraries-Doc and other questions
Jeremy Knope
- Kdevelop: c_cpp reference... and KDE-Documentation
Jeremy Knope
- Fwd: New RPMs uploaded kdevelop-1.1
Martin Konold
- Here we go again
Jerry Kreps
- Persistent application configuration data.
Jerry L Kreps
- Persistent application configuration data.
Jerry L Kreps
- Website problems?
Jerry L Kreps
- OT (Linker problem with classes spreaded over directories)
Bjoern Krombholz
- Debugging console app
Bjoern Krombholz
- configure --enable-final
Bjoern Krombholz
- CVS and KDevelop
Bjoern Krombholz
- CVS and KDevelop
Bjoern Krombholz
- Kdevelop: c_cpp reference... and KDE-Documentation
Bjoern Krombholz
- [Fwd: Bug#2812 acknowledged by developer ("New Dialog" dialog is identical to "New File" dialog)]
Stephan Kulow
- installation
Daniel Kölle
- API-Documentation
Heiko Leberer
- kdevelop and cvs
Heiko Leberer
- Using Kdevelop for non-Kdevelop projects
Heiko Leberer
- Problems with video resolution
Luís Alberto Lucas
- kdk-1.1 tarball sources and Mandrake 7.0
Serge Lussier
- Modern editors and "clipboards"
Serge Lussier
- Modern editors and "clipboards"
Serge Lussier
- KDE-GLproject
Janne 'Noodles' Lähteenmäki
- KDE-GLproject
Janne L�hteenm�ki
- KDE-GLproject
Janne L�hteenm�ki
- Bugs
Rene Maerten
- Kdevelop-1.1
Rene Maerten
- Text on titlebar
Rene Maerten
- i am out of energy !!
Rene Maerten
- a simple question
Rene Maerten
- KDE 2.0 & QT 2.xx & KDevelop 2.xx
Rene Maerten
- Syntax highlightin
- Problems regenerating Documentation
- Fork bomb?
Scott Manson
- kdevelop and SuSE6.1
Frederic Mantegazza
- Multi-process old project
Frederic Mantegazza
- Generating sources from the dialog editor
Frederic Mantegazza
- Where is help in 1.1?
Ivan Martinez
- Where is help in 1.1?
Ivan Martinez
- KDevelop 1.1 supporting GCJ (GNU's JAVA compiler)
Michael McConnell
- Probelm creating first project
Michael McConnell
- Kdevelop and Java
Michael McConnell
- advantage by compiling kde on your own pc....?!
Michael McConnell
- libpng error
Michael McConnell
- Problems with video resolution
Michael McConnell
- moveing a application over to KDE2.0
Michael McConnell
- moveing a application over to KDE2.0
Michael McConnell
- Problems regenerating Documentation
Michael McConnell
- Fwd: New RPMs uploaded kdevelop-1.1
Sandy Meier
- Bugs
Sandy Meier
- Fwd: R emove '-nx' option from gdb command in KDevelop?
Sandy Meier
- Website problems?
Sandy Meier
- compile dialog box
Benjamin Meyer
- moveing a application over to KDE2.0
Benjamin Meyer
- KDE 1.1 can't find iostream in install
Leendert Meyer
- Persistent application configuration data.
Miller, John JE
- Persistent application configuration data.
Miller, John JE
- kdevelop and cvs
Werner Modenbach
- CVS and KDevelop
Werner Modenbach
- ANNOUNCE: KDE-ALPHA Binaries for 03112000 (rpm, -bin.tar.gz)
Christopher Molnar
- ANNOUNCE: KDE-ALPHA Binaries for 21 March 2000 (rpm, -bin.tar.gz)
Christopher Molnar
- [SLE] ANNOUNCE: KDE Alpha 20000327 Binaries available (RPMS and bin.tar.gz's)
Christopher Molnar
- UPDATE: ANNOUNCE: KDE Alpha 20000327
Christopher Molnar
- ANNOUNCE: KDE Alpha 20000330 Binaries available - Finally!
Christopher Molnar
- configure --enable-final
Richard Moore
- Persistent application configuration data.
Richard Moore
- Persistent application configuration data.
Richard Moore
- Ploting graphic
Massimo Morin
- KDE 2.0 & QT 2.xx & KDevelop 2.xx
Rene M�rten
- the .bz2 files
Rene M�rten
- couple of bugs.
Frank Nichols
- Wish: Library-Template
Ralf Nolden
- Wish: More default defines in config.h
Ralf Nolden
- TRU64 binary
Ralf Nolden
- Paths to Qt-library-Doc and KDE-libraries-Doc and other questions
Ralf Nolden
- Are bugfix releases expected for KDevelop 1.1 ?
Ralf Nolden
- Magic number...
Ralf Nolden
- Paths to Qt-library-Doc and KDE-libraries-Doc and other questions
Ralf Nolden
- kde-2: #if 0 in kfiledialog.h ???
Ralf Nolden
- Where is help in 1.1?
Ralf Nolden
- kde-2: #if 0 in kfiledialog.h ???
Ralf Nolden
- KDE-GLproject
Ralf Nolden
- kfiledialog bug?
Ralf Nolden
- PDF Documentation (news)
Ralf Nolden
- need some help
Ralf Nolden
- Doctreeview hacking, and question about 1.1 & 2.0
Ralf Nolden
- Doctreeview hacking, and question about 1.1 & 2.0
Ralf Nolden
- a simple question
Ralf Nolden
- suggestion
Ralf Nolden
- KDE 2.0 & QT 2.xx & KDevelop 2.xx
Ralf Nolden
- just being safe by asking
Ralf Nolden
- kdoc '-z' flag
Ralf Nolden
- API generation doesn't work since snapshot 20000313
Ralf Nolden
- Forwarding doesn´t work
Ralf Nolden
- Syntax highlightin
Ralf Nolden
- Is there any tutorial about mouse events?
Ralf Nolden
- Persistent application configuration data.
Ralf Nolden
- Where to put compiler options?
Ralf Nolden
- Persistent application configuration data.
Ralf Nolden
- Suggestions
Ralf Nolden
- Persistent application configuration data.
Ralf Nolden
- Where to put compiler options?
Ralf Nolden
- Suggestions
Ralf Nolden
- CVS and KDevelop
Ralf Nolden
- Shell script as executable
Ralf Nolden
- Bug in C++ parser
Ralf Nolden
- CVS and KDevelop
Ralf Nolden
- CVS and KDevelop
Ralf Nolden
- Bug in C++ parser
Ralf Nolden
- Bug in C++ parser
Ralf Nolden
- Header-files with Extension .hh
Ralf Nolden
- Problems regenerating Documentation
Ralf Nolden
- Problems regenerating Documentation
Ralf Nolden
- [wish item] Use of accustomed Editor Key Bindings
Ralf Nolden
- Header-files with Extension .hh
Ralf Nolden
- KDEVELOP 1.1 template normal2.tar.gz
Ralf Nolden
- Classview gets out of synch
Ralf Nolden
- class view recursive ?
Ralf Nolden
- Icons
Ralf Nolden
- Has anone installed KDK on RedHat 6.2 yet?
Ralf Nolden
- excepitons and signals
Thimo Nuehs
- No subject
Nwankwo, Chiji
- Here we go again
- Here we go again
- couple of bugs.
- Suggestions
Steffen Offermann
- configure problem in new project
Ofer Oshri
- Header-files with Extension .hh
Stu Owen
- advantage by compiling kde on your own pc....?!
Stu Owen
- Paths to Qt-library-Doc and KDE-libraries-Doc and other questions
Robin POSS
- Some suggestions
Robin POSS
- CVS and KDevelop
Robin POSS
- CVS and KDevelop
Robin POSS
- Kdevelop-1.1
Klaus Dieter Pernak
- libpng compatibility
Vu Pham
- QBoxLayout, etc.
Florent Pillet
- Here we go again
Martin Piskernig
- Here we go again
Martin Piskernig
- Header-Dateien mit Extension .hh
Martin Piskernig
- Header-Dateien mit Extension .hh
Martin Piskernig
- Text on titlebar
Martin Piskernig
- KDevelop CVSUP
Martin Piskernig
- moveing a application over to KDE2.0
Martin Piskernig
- libpng error
Zdenek Pizl
- libpng error
Zdenek Pizl
- Developing console apps.
Morten Poulsen
- Installation of KDevelop on RedHat 6.1
- can configure,cannot compile
Milos Prudek
- the .bz2 files
Thomas Regner
- Bugs
Klaus Reimer
- Wish: Library-Template
Klaus Reimer
- Wish: More default defines in config.h
Klaus Reimer
- kdevelop and SuSE6.1
Tilo Riemer
- KDE-GLproject
- KDE-GLproject
Bud Rogers
- Getting Started
Tim Rohrer
- Installation of KDevelop on RedHat 6.1
Tim Rohrer
- KDEVELOP 1.1 template normal2.tar.gz
Tim Rohrer
- KDEVELOP 1.1 template normal2.tar.gz
Tim Rohrer
- Has anone installed KDK on RedHat 6.2 yet?
Eric Rouse
- Syntax highlightin
George Russell
- Ploting graphic
Roland Sch�fer
- configure script fails on Kdevelop 1.1-beta2 on Redhat 6.1 , please help.
Benno Senoner
- does work KDevelop 1.1 on Redhat 6.1 for you ? :-(
Benno Senoner
- suggestion: include proper QT and KDE .h files when adding member variables
Benno Senoner
- Problems with API generation for Terminal application + Question about namespaces and classparser
Achim Spangler
- Problems with API generation for Terminal application + Question about namespaces and classparser
Achim Spangler
- API generation doesn't work since snapshot 20000313
Achim Spangler
- understands classparser using namespace xxx??
Achim Spangler
- API generation doesn't work since snapshot 20000313
Achim Spangler
- problem during parse of namespace with C-Header extern "C" included
Achim Spangler
- Bug in C++ parser
Achim Spangler
- parsing class implementation lacks understanding "using namespace xx"
Achim Spangler
- Debugging console app
Jacek Stolarczyk
- Ploting graphic
David Sweet
- Ploting graphic
David Sweet
- PDF Documentation (news)
Páhán Szabolcs
- couple of bugs.
Páhán Szabolcs
- Edit multiple files simultaneously.
- kde-2: #if 0 in kfiledialog.h ???
Sandor Takacs
- Text on titlebar
Peter & Tamara
- Syntax error in glu.h while compiling an OpenGL project
Peter & Tamara
- Syntax error in glu.h while compiling an OpenGL project
Peter & Tamara
- ANNOUNCE: KDK 1.1 SuSE 6.x binaries available
W. Tasin
- Cannot link c-project sources
W. Tasin
- Cannot link c-project sources
W. Tasin
- How: debug in specific working directory??
W. Tasin
- Cannot link c-project sources
W. Tasin
- Here we go again
W. Tasin
- Problems with API generation for Terminal application + Question about namespaces and classparser
W. Tasin
- Installing kdk's kdelibdocs_kdoc2, exec-prefix woe
W. Tasin
- Problems with API generation for Terminal application + Question about namespaces and classparser
W. Tasin
- Cannot link c-project sources
W. Tasin
- Installing kdk's kdelibdocs_kdoc2, exec-prefix woe
W. Tasin
- kde-2: #if 0 in kfiledialog.h ???
W. Tasin
- kde-2: #if 0 in kfiledialog.h ???
W. Tasin
- compile dialog box
W. Tasin
- Where to put compiler options?
W. Tasin
- I knew it :-( [Fwd: Where to put compiler options?]
W. Tasin
- Where to put compiler options?
W. Tasin
- compiling troubles, TIFFxxx
W. Tasin
- UPDATE: Kpp bug fixed version uploaded.
W. Tasin
- UPDATE: Kpp bug fixed version uploaded.
W. Tasin
- KDE2 development under KDE1 (not the standard question :-) )
W. Tasin
- CVS in the make directories
W. Tasin
- Is there any tutorial about mouse events?
Peter Thorstenson
- Classview gets out of synch
Gordon Tyler
- your mail
David G. Watson
- Developing console apps.
David Grill Watson
- errors while making kdedevelop
David Grill Watson
- moveing a application over to KDE2.0
David Grill Watson
- Fork bomb?
Stephen Webb
- couple of bugs.
Sheldon Lee Wen
- wishlist item: importing glade projects.
Sheldon Lee Wen
- Kdevelop 1.1 on Solaris 7 x86
Jacek Wojdel
- Where to put compiler options?
Jacek Wojdel
- Where to put compiler options?
Jacek Wojdel
- No subject
Jacek Wojdel
- Slot issues
Jacek Wojdel
- KDE-GLproject
Tim Wojtulewicz
- Shell script as executable
Tim Wojtulewicz
- Slot issues
Tim Wojtulewicz
- One gripe
Tim Wojtulewicz
- couple of bugs.
Berndt Josef Wulf
- TRU64 binary
dyates - Doug Yates
- TRU64 binary
dyates - Doug Yates
- KDevelop 1.1 bug??
Lingchong You
- Modern editors and "clipboards"
John Zedlewski
- problems creating kde app
Michael Zell
- problems creating kde app
Michael Zell
- advantage by compiling kde on your own pc....?!
AndiX33 at
- KDE 1.1 can't find iostream in install
RMaul28932 at
- unregister
kdevelop at
- Kdevelop on HP-UX 10.20
jean-luc bonnafoux
- Ploting graphic
Erico Araujo Rocha gast brasilien
- TRU64 binary
- First question
- errors while making kdedevelop
- Are bugfix releases expected for KDevelop 1.1 ?
tom.verbeure at
- KDE2 development under KDE1 (not the standard question :-) )
tom.verbeure at
- KDE2 development under KDE1 (not the standard question :-) )
tom.verbeure at
- KDE2 development under KDE1 -- there seems to be a small problem after all
tom.verbeure at
herve colasuonno
- ANNOUNCE: New Verson of Kpp
ian reinhart geiser
- UPDATE: Kpp bug fixed version uploaded.
ian reinhart geiser
- kfiledialog bug?
teddyw at
- Probelm creating first project
m.plagmann at
- cc:Mail UUCPLINK 2.0 Undeliverable Message
iscpg at
- How: debug in specific working directory??
- How: debug in specific working directory??
- Here we go again
- minor bug in "debug with args" and wishes
- Shell script as executable
- Shell script as executable
- kdevelop and SuSE6.1
Derek_Mason at
- suggestion
- suggestion
- Tree fileview
- installation properties
- Unable to deliver the following message.
mail-daemon at
- Unable to deliver the following message.
mail-daemon at
- Unable to deliver the following message.
mail-daemon at
- Unable to deliver the following message.
mail-daemon at
- Unable to deliver the following message.
mail-daemon at
- Unable to deliver the following message.
mail-daemon at
- Unable to deliver the following message.
mail-daemon at
- Unable to deliver the following message.
mail-daemon at
- Unable to deliver the following message.
mail-daemon at
- Unable to deliver the following message.
mail-daemon at
- Unable to deliver the following message.
mail-daemon at
- Unable to deliver the following message.
mail-daemon at
- Unable to deliver the following message.
mail-daemon at
- Unable to deliver the following message.
mail-daemon at
- Unable to deliver the following message.
mail-daemon at
- Unable to deliver the following message.
mail-daemon at
- Unable to deliver the following message.
mail-daemon at
- Unable to deliver the following message.
mail-daemon at
- Unable to deliver the following message.
mail-daemon at
- Unable to deliver the following message.
mail-daemon at
- Unable to deliver the following message.
mail-daemon at
- Unable to deliver the following message.
mail-daemon at
- Unable to deliver the following message.
mail-daemon at
- How: debug in specific working directory??
- How: debug in specific working directory??
- How: debug in specific working directory??
- How: debug in specific working directory??
- Header-Dateien mit Extension .hh
- KDevelop crashes after click in outputview
- Header-Dateien mit Extension .hh
- Header-files with Extension .hh
- Header-files with Extension .hh
- Stop button doesn't work
- Classview gets out of synch
- the .bz2 files
- Unable to deliver the following message.
- Kdevelop: c_cpp reference... and KDE-Documentation
huangay at
- More widgets
- QBoxLayout, etc.
- Bug when create new class based on QMultiLineEdit
jinyou zhu
Last message date:
Fri Mar 31 13:07:32 BST 2000
Archived on: Fri Nov 29 17:06:31 GMT 2019
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).