Ploting graphic

Massimo Morin mmorin at
Thu Mar 30 16:27:28 BST 2000

Hi David,
	it is along time (almost 3 years) I do not work with graphs and chart
but I was always fashinated by them.
I'm sorry but right now I cannot help you much on improving KPlotW, but
if you are looking for ideas on how to implement some functionality, or
what are the most useful functionality to have in a charting library
I'll be very happy to give you a couple of hints.

I'm sure you have plenty of ideas on what to add to KPlotW but, IMHO, 
the first think you may take a look for "stealing" some ideas/design is
the BLT package for TCL: it is one of the most powerfull one and
everytime I used it I was amazed! (I was able to get Gant Chart out of
the basic chart widget!)

A link is
The best way to understand it, is to see it in action: download tcl/tk
and blt and run the examples.

Hope this will be useful


David Sweet wrote:
> You could use KPlotW.  You pass it X and Y values in an array and it
> will create a plot for you with the appropriate scale.  Of course, you
> can adjust the scale and various other attributes. Printing is also
> supported.
> It's packaged in a library and is available at
>    The version that I
> have posted compiled against the HEAD branch on 1/29/00.  If you send
> me an email, I'll be glad to send you the KDE 1.* version.
> Dave
> On Thu, 30 Mar 2000, Erico Araujo Rocha gast brasilien wrote:
> > Hallo,
> >
> > I have one problem and maybe you can help.
> >
> > Actually I am working with Kdeveloper and I would like to know if there is one
> > function already made that would plot one grafic in the screen if I give one
> > vector containing X  and Y values. If possible the function should choose the
> > correct scale depending on the range of points given.
> >
> > I would be very happy if you could give me some tips.
> >
> > Thank' s for your attention
> >
> > Erico
> >
> >

  Massimo Morin                                _...__..-'
mmorin at                          .'
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