Bug in C++ parser

Achim Spangler spangler at tec.agrar.tu-muenchen.de
Thu Mar 23 08:18:24 GMT 2000

"Daniel E. Baumann" schrieb:
> I think that I have found a bug in kdevelop. I was wrinting a wrapper
> class for a C library and at the top of the class header file I had to do
> extern "C"
> {
>         #include <header.h>
> }
> class Foo
> {
> etc.
This problem sound similar to my problem description with 'extern "C"'
in a namespace definition. I suspect that the tokenizer don't know
what to do with the keyword 'extern "C"'. tokenizer.l defines a lot of
like 'template', 'throw', but ontains no 'extern "C"'. Maybe this is the
reason that
getNextLexem has problems with code containint 'extern "C"'.

Dipl.-Inform. Achim Spangler                TUM Freising-Weihenstephan
Tel.:  +49-8161-71 3565                     Institut fuer Landtechnik
Fax.:  +49-8161-71 3895                     Am Staudengarten 2
Email: spangler at tec.agrar.tu-muenchen.de    85350 Freising
URL:   http://ikb.weihenstephan.de/deu/members/persons/spangler.html
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