compile dialog box

W. Tasin tasin at
Wed Mar 8 16:48:04 GMT 2000

Benjamin Meyer wrote:
> When I click on the run icon, it brigns up this box that asks me if I
> wish to compile.  I have found no option to stop it from doing that.
> Can someone tell me where that is?  Or do I have to revert to 1.1 beta?
> Please e-mail me back, I am not on the list
> Benjamin


you will find this option in Project/Options/Make Options...

"rebuild behaviour on run/debug"


oohhh sveglia.... il mondo e' ammalato, ma x colpa di chi.........
:-------W. Tasin, FB 04,
<Key-Fingerprint: 1610 835F 0080 32F4 6140  6CF7 A7D0 44CD 7961A645>

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