question on the patch for the kdk.

Richard Dale Richard_Dale at
Thu Mar 16 16:17:42 GMT 2000

On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, Harold Hartley <haroldh at>wrote:
> I downloaded the KDK 1.1 and see there is a patch for the kdk that
> allows for GNUstep development in kdk and also got the update for the
> kdk which consist of the kdesgmltools...
> I can see what the difference is with the kdesgmltools but I'm not sure
> about the patch for the GNUstep addition to kdk...

'KDKOBJC-0.1.tar.gz' contains various patches to support Objective-C
development with KDevelop 1.1 in the KDE environment, and six KDevelop
projects to cover the complete GNUstep 0.6.5 source tree. 

But there's no api yet for Qt/KDE programming in Objective-C/GNUstep
Foundation (work continues!). However,  a KDE Objective-C programming
environment would be very nice. Objective-C is a more straightforward language
to learn  than C++, and the OpenStep (now Cocoa) Foundation kit as implemented
by the GNUstep project is a 'design classic' in my opinion...

In the meantime you can have a look at what Objective-C programming looks like
with KDevelop by trying the above set of patches etc. I wouldn't get too
diverted from learning the Qt/KDE api though (I bought 'Programming with Qt' by
Matthias Dalheimer a couple of months ago, and haven't got beyond the 'hello
world' example yet - we people in glass houses should be careful about advising
others  ;-) ).

-- Richard

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