advantage by compiling kde on your own pc....?!

Stu Owen stu at
Fri Mar 24 16:44:38 GMT 2000

When you run ./configure various optimizations are made depending upon you
machine, e.g. memory size, installed libraries.

AndiX33 at wrote:

> hello,
> michael mcconnell wrote:
> > When using
> >  KDevelop, i'd recommend that you install both KDE and QT from a source
> > package, compile it, and install it yourself. This will
> >  result in both better preformance, and it will make them work >with more
> programs,
> what improvement can  i  expect when compiling kde from the source. i did it,
> but just for fun.
> can you express it in real numbers how much faster programs will run then?
> and what do you mean writing " will make them work with more programs".
> greetings
> andreas schmitzer
> ps: having compiled all from the source and  then writing "make clean"
> doesn´t really delete the folder with my extracted source-packages. can i
> delete the - now useless- source-folder or do i harm my system then?

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