QBoxLayout, etc.

Florent Pillet florent.pillet at opteway.com
Mon Mar 20 08:43:48 GMT 2000

root wrote:

> I saw a message on the list a while back about a patch to add the Qt
> layout widgets to the dialog editor.  Whatever happened to this?
> Tim

I wrote the patch but ran out of time during the last two weeks -- I
have an intermittent
crash to fix and won't release the patch until this is fixed. Sorry for
the inconvenience.

Florent Pillet, Software Architect. e-mail: florent.pillet at opteway.com
opt[e]way S.A., BP 37, 80 route des Lucioles, ACTE Immeuble Delta
06901 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France
Phone: +33 4 93 95 66 51 - Fax: +33 4 93 95 66 52 -

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