ANNOUNCE: KDE-ALPHA Binaries for 03112000 (rpm, -bin.tar.gz)

Christopher Molnar molnarc at
Sat Mar 11 14:21:30 GMT 2000

A new version of the KDE ALPHA binaries are available 
at  Please read the README file in the 
same directory. Just in case you missed it "READ THE README" prior to 
doing anything!

These binaries are built from CVS as of 10 March 
2000 at 8pm Eastern Standard Time (-0500). Korganzier 
has been merged with kdepim so korganizer package is no 
longer present.  

Please bring all install questions to the un-official 
kde-alpha list at kde-alpha-request at

There has been an update to the qt-copy and you will 
need to get a new version. The experiment with the 
small version of qt-copy did not work, so we are back 
to one version.

Not Included: kdepim and kdevelop - these did not compile.

These files are available via ftp from:

or via http at: (follow links for kde2 Alpha 

You will also be able to find these at (after a few days):

The installs have been tested by me on a RedHat 6.1 
machine. They have also been reported to work on all 
other distributions.

The rpm's are built with RedHat rpm-3.0.4 (note the upgrade). If
you are not running the most recent version of rpm, I would suggest
an upgrade. You will need to do a --force and a --nodeps on the rpm 

If you are running prior Alpha's I highly recommend you 
update. There are a lot of fixes and some structural 
changes in the packages. 

You will also find Source tar.gz's in the same 

Christopher Molnar                 
New England Business Services, LLC
Hartford, CT USA
molnarc at

"It said uses Windows 95 or better, so I loaded Linux!"

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