May 2003 Archives by date
Starting: Thu May 1 00:33:06 BST 2003
Ending: Sat May 31 12:52:25 BST 2003
Messages: 578
- Streamlining
- KURL::isLocalFile uses gethostname
Dawit A.
- PATCH: Make KShortcutMenu pass Enter, Return to QPopupMenu (#55139)
Maks Orlovich
- KURL::isLocalFile uses gethostname
Simon Hausmann
- Thumbnails of hidden files...
Craig Drummond
- Streamlining
Chris Howells
- KURL::isLocalFile uses gethostname
Dirk Mueller
- [PATCH] Treat empty files like text files
Andras Mantia
- [PATCH] Treat empty files like text files
David Faure
- [PATCH] Treat empty files like text files
Andras Mantia
- [PATCH] Treat empty files like text files
David Faure
- MEta-data in Konqueror file tooltips
Craig Drummond
- MEta-data in Konqueror file tooltips
David Faure
- Streamlining
David Pashley
- MEta-data in Konqueror file tooltips
Craig Drummond
- MEta-data in Konqueror file tooltips
Martijn Klingens
- MEta-data in Konqueror file tooltips
Daniel Stone
- MEta-data in Konqueror file tooltips
Martijn Klingens
- MEta-data in Konqueror file tooltips
Daniel Stone
- MEta-data in Konqueror file tooltips
Tim Jansen
- MEta-data in Konqueror file tooltips
Daniel Stone
- docs source compatibility (was: [Rosegarden-devel] minor patches)
Scott Wheeler
- docs source compatibility (was: [Rosegarden-devel] minor patches)
Lauri Watts
- docs source compatibility (was: [Rosegarden-devel] minor patches)
Gunnar Schmi Dt
- MEta-data in Konqueror file tooltips
Alexander Neundorf
- docs source compatibility (was: [Rosegarden-devel] minor patches)
Antonio Larrosa Jiménez
- docs source compatibility (was: [Rosegarden-devel] minor patches)
Lauri Watts
- Fwd: RFT: prelinkable (with a couple of optimizations)
Hetz Ben Hamo
- problem compiling konqueror with fresh checkout
Nicolas Hadacek
- problem compiling konqueror with fresh checkout
Dirk Mueller
- problem compiling konqueror with fresh checkout
Nicolas Hadacek
- no translations
- KDE 3.1.2
Andras Mantia
- Fwd: RFT: prelinkable (with a couple of optimizations)
Stephan Kulow
- [PATCH] Bug 36577: pressing enter when the the backdrop has focus
Waldo Bastian
- [patch] unfinished backport of keditbookmarks bug to branch
Alexander Kellett
- [patch] unfinished backport of keditbookmarks bug to branch
Alexander Kellett
- [PATCH] Bug 36577: pressing enter when the the backdrop has focus
David Faure
- [PATCH] Bug 36577: pressing enter when the the backdrop has focus
Waldo Bastian
- [PATCH] Bug 36577: pressing enter when the the backdrop has focus
David Faure
- [PATCH] Bug 36577: pressing enter when the the backdrop has focus
Lubos Lunak
- [PATCH] Bug 36577: pressing enter when the the backdrop has focus
David Faure
- XDG Desktop Menu Specification - issues
Waldo Bastian
- [PATCH] Bug 36577: pressing enter when the the backdrop has focus
Lubos Lunak
- [PATCH] Bug 36577: pressing enter when the the backdrop has focus
Lubos Lunak
- [PATCH] Bug 36577: pressing enter when the the backdrop has focus
David Faure
- [PATCH] Bug 36577: pressing enter when the the backdrop has focus
Waldo Bastian
- [PATCH] Bug 36577: pressing enter when the the backdrop has focus
Bill Haneman
- [patch] unfinished backport of keditbookmarks bug to branch
Alexander Kellett
- [PATCH] Bug 36577: pressing enter when the the backdrop has focus
Lubos Lunak
- [Kde-accessibility] Re: [PATCH] Bug 36577: pressing enter when the the backdrop has focus
Lubos Lunak
- XDG Desktop Menu Specification - issues
Havoc Pennington
- XDG Desktop Menu Specification - issues
- XDG Desktop Menu Specification - issues
Simon Edwards
- [QWK] Proposal: paths notation
Jarosław Staniek
- [QWK] Proposal: paths notation
David Faure
- [QWK] Proposal: paths notation
Jarosław Staniek
- [QWK] Proposal: paths notation
Lukáš Tinkl
- localdomain short URI filter
Oswald Buddenhagen
- localdomain short URI filter
Lubos Lunak
- [PATCH] Bug 36577: pressing enter when the the backdrop has focus
Olaf Jan Schmidt
- [PATCH] Bug 36577: pressing enter when the the backdrop has focus
Ingo Klöcker
- New Widget: KFontRequester
Nadeem Hasan
- New Widget: KFontRequester
Jason Keirstead
- New Widget: KFontRequester
Carsten Pfeiffer
- New Widget: KFontRequester
Nadeem Hasan
- New KSplash ready
Ravikiran Rajagopal
- [HELP] KParts::StatusBarExtension and KParts::ReadOnlyPart::guiActivateEvent()
Christian Loose
- New KSplash ready
Waldo Bastian
- [HELP] KParts::StatusBarExtension and KParts::ReadOnlyPart::guiActivateEvent()
Simon Hausmann
- [PATCHes] Retreival of meta data, and previews
Craig Drummond
- KMyFirewall - moved to kdeextragear-2
Christian Hubinger
- New KSplash ready
Ravikiran Rajagopal
- [QKW PATCH] dcopidl/win32
Jaros?aw Staniek
- [HELP] KParts::StatusBarExtension and KParts::ReadOnlyPart::guiActivateEvent()
Christian Loose
- small problem in admin/am_edit (BRANCHES too)
Andy Fawcett
- New KSplash ready
Stefan Gehn
- New KSplash ready
Stefan Gehn
- Streamlining
Dirk Mueller
- When KDE3.2 ?
Stephan Binner
- Patch for KMessageBox
Nicolas Hadacek
- Apparently compile problems with RedHat 9
Martijn Klingens
- KHighscore on multiple user systems
Nicolas Hadacek
- Apparently compile problems with RedHat 9
Cristian Tibirna
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
- Apparently compile problems with RedHat 9
Waldo Bastian
- Apparently compile problems with RedHat 9
Robert Williams
- Bug report and feature request
Gunnar Schmi Dt
- New Widget: KFontRequester
Holger Schröder
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Stephan Kulow
- Apparently compile problems with RedHat 9
Martijn Klingens
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Ingo Klöcker
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Rainer Endres
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Daniel Molkentin
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Aaron J. Seigo
- Bug report and feature request
Bill Haneman
- KToolbarButton popup delay (Re: Bug report and feature request)
David Faure
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Daniel Stone
- KToolbarButton popup delay (Re: Bug report and feature request)
Gunnar Schmi Dt
- KToolbarButton popup delay (Re: Bug report and feature request)
David Faure
- New KSplash ready
Ravikiran Rajagopal
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
- [Kde-games-devel] Re: KHighscore on multiple user systems
Nicolas Hadacek
- Luckily KMail can now break hijacked threads (was: Re: Patchfor KMessageBox)
Nicolas Hadacek
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
George Staikos
- Apparently compile problems with RedHat 9
Per Winkvist
- KHighscore on multiple user systems
Oswald Buddenhagen
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Stephan Kulow
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Stephan Binner
- Luckily KMail can now break hijacked threads (was: Re: Patch for KMessageBox)
Ingo Klöcker
- The KDE menu and the Windows key.. (HEAD)
Melchior FRANZ
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Stephan Binner
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Daniel Stone
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Alexander Neundorf
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Daniel Stone
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Stephan Kulow
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Stephan Kulow
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Daniel Stone
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Neil Stevens
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Daniel Stone
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Stephan Binner
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Daniel Stone
- Timeout for KMessageBox (Was: Patch for KMessageBox)
Reinhold Kainhofer
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Reinhold Kainhofer
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Stephan Binner
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Stephan Binner
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Daniel Stone
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Torsten Rahn
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Adriaan de Groot
- Request for comment: default print margins [#58381]
Michael Goffioul
- Streamlining
Stephan Binner
- Timeout for KMessageBox (Was: Patch for KMessageBox)
Daniel Naber
- Timeout for KMessageBox (Was: Patch for KMessageBox)
Adriaan de Groot
- Timeout for KMessageBox (Was: Patch for KMessageBox)
David Faure
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
- KHTML developers: Animated GIF playing
- KHTML developers: Animated GIF playing
Maks Orlovich
- PATCH: Make KShortcutMenu pass Enter, Return to QPopupMenu (#55139)
Maks Orlovich
- Luckily KMail can now break hijacked threads (was: Re: Patch for KMessageBox)
Maks Orlovich
- KToolbarButton popup delay (Re: Bug report and feature request)
Gunnar Schmi Dt
- Patch for KMessageBox
Waldo Bastian
- Timeout for KMessageBox (Was: Patch for KMessageBox)
Waldo Bastian
- [Kde-games-devel] Re: KHighscore on multiple user systems
George Staikos
- KHTML developers: Animated GIF playing
Dirk Mueller
- KToolbarButton popup delay (Re: Bug report and feature request)
Waldo Bastian
- Timeout for KMessageBox (Was: Patch for KMessageBox)
Reinhold Kainhofer
- [Kde-games-devel] Re: KHighscore on multiple user systems
Oswald Buddenhagen
- Apparently compile problems with RedHat 9
Martijn Klingens
- KToolbarButton popup delay (Re: Bug report and feature request)
Gunnar Schmi Dt
- Timeout for KMessageBox (Was: Patch for KMessageBox)
Gunnar Schmi Dt
- Timeout for KMessageBox (Was: Patch for KMessageBox)
Adriaan de Groot
- KHTML developers: Animated GIF playing
- KHTML developers: Animated GIF playing
Dirk Mueller
- KHTML developers: Animated GIF playing
Daniel Stone
- KHTML developers: Animated GIF playing
- Ambiguity of KStdAccel::home()
Pascal Létourneau
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Don Sanders
- KHTML developers: Animated GIF playing
Stephan Kulow
- KToolbarButton popup delay (Re: Bug report and feature request)
Olaf Jan Schmidt
- Timeout for KMessageBox (Was: Patch for KMessageBox)
Gunnar Schmi Dt
- Ambiguity of KStdAccel::home()
David Faure
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Andras Mantia
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Neil Stevens
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Daniel Stone
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Andras Mantia
- KHTML developers: Animated GIF playing
- KHTML developers: Animated GIF playing
Stephan Kulow
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Chris Howells
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Christoph Cullmann
- KHTML developers: Animated GIF playing
Erik Meusel
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Cornelius Schumacher
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Daniel Stone
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Neil Stevens
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Christoph Cullmann
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Bo Thorsen
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Cornelius Schumacher
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Christoph Cullmann
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Stefan Gehn
- KHTML developers: Animated GIF playing
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
raggi at
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Andras Mantia
- KControl crashing
Michael v.Ostheim
- PATCH: Make KShortcutMenu pass Enter, Return to QPopupMenu (#55139)
Aaron J. Seigo
- PATCH: Make KShortcutMenu pass Enter, Return to QPopupMenu (#55139)
Maks Orlovich
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Aaron J. Seigo
- PATCH: Make KShortcutMenu pass Enter, Return to QPopupMenu (#55139)
Aaron J. Seigo
- KDirOperator suboptimal behaviour ?
Alexander Neundorf
- KHTML developers: Animated GIF playing
Maks Orlovich
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Duncan Mac-Vicar Prett
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Alexander Neundorf
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Neil Stevens
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Aaron J. Seigo
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Jason Keirstead
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Jason Keirstead
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Neil Stevens
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Cornelius Schumacher
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
David Faure
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Christoph Cullmann
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Jason Keirstead
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Neil Stevens
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Cornelius Schumacher
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Christoph Cullmann
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Jason Keirstead
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Jason Keirstead
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Neil Stevens
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
David Faure
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Neil Stevens
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Jason Keirstead
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Cornelius Schumacher
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Jason Keirstead
- Fixed fonts and <textarea> (bug:57524)
Chris Lee
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Neil Stevens
- [PATCH] Documentation on using KJanusWidget
Ravikiran Rajagopal
- KHTML developers: Animated GIF playing
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Duncan Mac-Vicar Prett
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Neil Stevens
- PATCH and a question, two bits
Aaron J. Seigo
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Daniel Stone
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Daniel Stone
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Daniel Stone
- KHTML bug: writing on the fly problems...
Unai Garro Arrazola
- KHTML bug: writing on the fly problems...
Unai Garro Arrazola
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Stephan Kulow
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Duncan Mac-Vicar Prett
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Charles Samuels
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Andras Mantia
- [kspread] with or without space
Ariya Hidayat
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Stephan Kulow
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Aaron J. Seigo
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Waldo Bastian
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Daniel Stone
- Security question [#58427]
Waldo Bastian
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Waldo Bastian
- Security question [#58427]
Michael Goffioul
- [nove hrady] Help wanted
Eva Brucherseifer
- Security question [#58427]
Luis Pedro Coelho
- Security question [#58427]
Michael Goffioul
- [nove hrady] Help wanted
Daniel Stone
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
F at lk Brettschneider
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Neil Stevens
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
F at lk Brettschneider
- [QWK] Proposal: paths notation
Ralf Habacker
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Lubos Lunak
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Julian Rockey
- Fwd: Re: ksystraycmd
Cédric Brégardis
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Waldo Bastian
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
- ./kdegraphics/kuickshow/src/imagewindow.cpp
Waldo Bastian
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Dominik Seichter
- DCOP/KDED question
Michael Goffioul
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Scott Wheeler
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Dominik Seichter
- Name of class (was Re: Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs)
Ravikiran Rajagopal
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Chris Howells
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Sven Leiber
- Name of class (was Re: Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs)
Christoph Cullmann
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Neil Stevens
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Waldo Bastian
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Tim Jansen
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Karl-Heinz Zimmer
- Name of class (was Re: Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs)
Ravikiran Rajagopal
- qextmdi
Waldo Bastian
- qextmdi
F at lk Brettschneider
- qextmdi
David Faure
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Germain Garand
- Fixed fonts and <textarea> (bug:57524)
Dirk Mueller
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Tim Jansen
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Sven Leiber
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Josep Febrer
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Dominik Seichter
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Dominik Seichter
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Dominik Seichter
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Dominik Seichter
- Patch to slightly extend KConfig/KConfigINIBackEnd API
Nicolas Hadacek
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Scott Wheeler
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Scott Wheeler
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
David Faure
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Dominik Seichter
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Dominik Seichter
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Karl-Heinz Zimmer
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
David Faure
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Sven Leiber
- qextmdi
falk.brettschneider at
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Thiago Macieira
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Dominik Seichter
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Dominik Seichter
- qextmdi
David Faure
- Is DCOP reentrant?
Michael Goffioul
- Is DCOP reentrant?
Waldo Bastian
- qextmdi
falk.brettschneider at
- Is DCOP reentrant?
Michael Goffioul
- qextmdi
Roberto Raggi
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Scott Wheeler
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Chris Lee
- qextmdi
David Faure
- QT 3.2.0 beta1
Andras Mantia
- language support in Qt-3.2
Lars Knoll
- New Classes KTabBar and KTabWidget for kdelibs
Stephan Binner
- QT 3.2.0 beta1
Fredrik Höglund
- qextmdi
Roberto Raggi
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Aaron J. Seigo
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Bernhard Reiter
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
David Faure
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Tim Jansen
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Christoph Cullmann
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Tim Jansen
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
David Faure
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Tim Jansen
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
David Faure
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Waldo Bastian
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Luis Pedro Coelho
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Waldo Bastian
- Is DCOP reentrant?
Waldo Bastian
- dcop from kdesktop
Sven Leiber
- Fwd: Re: RFE kmail with S/MIME
Hetz Ben Hamo
- qextmdi
F at lk Brettschneider
- Fwd: Re: RFE kmail with S/MIME
George Staikos
- KSSL based S/MIME plugin available
Ingo Klöcker
- Fwd: Re: RFE kmail with S/MIME
Tim Jansen
- [Patch] Updated patch for permissions dialog
Dominik Seichter
- Fwd: Re: RFE kmail with S/MIME
Waldo Bastian
- KSSL based S/MIME plugin available
Waldo Bastian
- [Patch] Updated patch for permissions dialog
Karl-Heinz Zimmer
- language support in Qt-3.2
Shaheed R. Haque
- [Ankur-core] Re: language support in Qt-3.2
Shaheed R. Haque
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Cornelius Schumacher
- Problem with .desktop files (?)
Andras Mantia
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Alexander Kellett
- [Patch] Updated patch for permissions dialog
Kurt Pfeifle
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Tim Jansen
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Waldo Bastian
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Alexander Kellett
- [PATCH] Re: KToolbarButton popup delay (Re: Bug report and feature request)
Waldo Bastian
- CSS error in HEAD
Andras Mantia
- template based d pointer class
Alexander Kellett
- PATCH: mouse acceleration improvements
Daniel Naber
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
- qextmdi
Dirk Mueller
- PATCH: mouse acceleration improvements
Dirk Mueller
- KSSL based S/MIME plugin available
George Staikos
- KSSL based S/MIME plugin available
Ingo Klöcker
- ./kdegraphics/kuickshow/src/imagewindow.cpp
Carsten Pfeiffer
- PATCH: mouse acceleration improvements
Daniel Naber
- Fwd: Re: RFE kmail with S/MIME
Stefan Rompf
- KSSL based S/MIME plugin available
George Staikos
- ./kdegraphics/kuickshow/src/imagewindow.cpp
Waldo Bastian
- KSSL based S/MIME plugin available
Ingo Klöcker
- [PATCH] Re: KToolbarButton popup delay (Re: Bug report and feature request)
Gunnar Schmi Dt
- QT 3.2b :-(
Andras Mantia
- template based d pointer class
Ravikiran Rajagopal
- template based d pointer class
Luis Pedro Coelho
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
- template based d pointer class
Ravikiran Rajagopal
- [PATCH #2] Re: KToolbarButton popup delay (Re: Bug report and feature request)
Waldo Bastian
- QT 3.2b :-(
Andras Mantia
- QT 3.2b :-(
ismail (cartman) donmez
- [PATCH] Xcursor Patch ( Was Re: QT 3.2b :-( )
ismail (cartman) donmez
- [PATCH #2] Re: KToolbarButton popup delay (Re: Bug report and feature request)
Gunnar Schmi Dt
- [PATCH #2] Re: KToolbarButton popup delay (Re: Bug report and feature request)
Waldo Bastian
- KSSL based S/MIME plugin available
Matthias Welwarsky
- KSSL based S/MIME plugin available
Waldo Bastian
- -platform linux-g++-objprelink still useful?
Christian Esken
- RFC: boolean to disable autocreate in locateLocal
Tobias Koenig
- QT 3.2b :-(
Christian Esken
- -platform linux-g++-objprelink still useful?
Dirk Mueller
- QT 3.2b :-(
Dirk Mueller
- QT 3.2b :-(
Christian Mueller
- GnuTLS (was: Re: KSSL based S/MIME plugin available)
Marc Mutz
- dcop from kdesktop
Chris Howells
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Aaron J. Seigo
- RFC: boolean to disable autocreate in locateLocal
Waldo Bastian
- QT 3.2b :-(
Andras Mantia
- [Patch] Updated patch for permissions dialog
Aaron J. Seigo
- RFC: boolean to disable autocreate in locateLocal
Luis Pedro Coelho
- [Patch] #29984 Change file permission using octal numbers
Aaron J. Seigo
- GnuTLS (was: Re: KSSL based S/MIME plugin available)
Waldo Bastian
- Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs
Christoph Cullmann
- RFC: boolean to disable autocreate in locateLocal
Tobias Koenig
- GnuTLS (was: Re: KSSL based S/MIME plugin available)
George Staikos
- -platform linux-g++-objprelink still useful?
Neil Stevens
- [fundawang at [Bug 58647] New: Wrong accelerators specified in Info pages]
Tobias Koenig
- -platform linux-g++-objprelink still useful?
Cristian Tibirna
- [kde-promo] Re: KDE 3.2 release cycle
Navindra Umanee
- QT 3.2b :-(
Stephan Kulow
- LinuxWorldExpo: San Francisco (August 5-7, 2003)
Charles Samuels
- [fundawang at [Bug 58647] New: Wrong accelerators specified in Info pages]
Stephan Kulow
- [fundawang at [Bug 58647] New: Wrong accelerators specified in Info pages]
David Faure
- KDE CVS Commit Policy
Cornelius Schumacher
- qextmdi
falk.brettschneider at
- qextmdi
Neil Stevens
- QT 3.2b :-(
Andras Mantia
- [fundawang at [Bug 58647] New: Wrong accelerators specified in Info pages]
Stephan Kulow
- Problem with .desktop files (?)
Andras Mantia
- Problem with .desktop files (?)
Michael Goffioul
- KSSL based S/MIME plugin available
Stefan Rompf
- qextmdi
David Faure
- [fundawang at [Bug 58647] New: Wrong accelerators specified in Info pages]
David Faure
- -platform linux-g++-objprelink still useful?
Adriaan de Groot
- BIC in kdeui/keditcl2.cpp
Lubos Lunak
- Problem with .desktop files (?)
Andras Mantia
- Problem with .desktop files (?)
Maksim Orlovich
- BIC in kdeui/keditcl2.cpp
Laurent Montel
- BIC in kdeui/keditcl2.cpp
Waldo Bastian
- BIC in =?iso-8859-1?q?kdeui=2Fkeditcl2=2Ecpp
Laurent Montel
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Bernhard Reiter
- KSSL based S/MIME plugin available
Bernhard Reiter
- -platform linux-g++-objprelink still useful?
Dirk Mueller
- [PATCH #2] Re: KToolbarButton popup delay (Re: Bug report and feature request)
Olaf Jan Schmidt
- DCOP patch
Michael Goffioul
- -platform linux-g++-objprelink still useful?
Neil Stevens
- -platform linux-g++-objprelink still useful?
Michael Matz
- DCOP patch
Nadeem Hasan
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Cornelius Schumacher
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Martin Konold
- -platform linux-g++-objprelink still useful?
Adriaan de Groot
- Fwd: Re: qextmdi
F at lk Brettschneider
- kdenonbeta/kuiviewer
Ian Reinhart Geiser
- DCOP patch
Michael Goffioul
- Common string encryption
Michael Goffioul
- DCOP patch
Michael Goffioul
- Common string encryption
Thiago Macieira
- Common string encryption
Michael Goffioul
- Common string encryption
Cornelius Schumacher
- Common string encryption
Waldo Bastian
- [Resending] Patch to slightly extend KConfig/KConfigINIBackEnd API
Nicolas Hadacek
- Common string encryption
Michael Goffioul
- Patch for KMainWindow: managing fixed central widget
Nicolas Hadacek
- Common string encryption
Cornelius Schumacher
- Common string encryption
Michael Goffioul
- Common string encryption
Oswald Buddenhagen
- Common string encryption
Waldo Bastian
- Common string encryption
Oswald Buddenhagen
- Common string encryption
Cornelius Schumacher
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Bernhard Reiter
- KURL missed malformed string
Michael Goffioul
- Common string encryption
Tim Jansen
- error building HEAD kdelibs/kate/part
Willy De la Court
- template based d pointer class
Alexander Kellett
- template based d pointer class
Alexander Kellett
- template based d pointer class
Alexander Kellett
- template based d pointer class
Alexander Kellett
- template based d pointer class
Dominique Devriese
- kmultitabbar (kate/lib) -> kdelibs ?
Joseph Wenninger
- New Classes KTabBar and KTabWidget for kdelibs
Zack Rusin
- KSSL based S/MIME plugin available
Zack Rusin
- template based d pointer class
Zack Rusin
- template based d pointer class
Zack Rusin
- [Resending] Patch to slightly extend KConfig/KConfigINIBackEnd API
Nicolas Hadacek
- KHighscore on multiple user systems
Nicolas Hadacek
- kmultitabbar (kate/lib) -> kdelibs ?
Stephan Kulow
- New Classes KTabBar and KTabWidget for kdelibs
Stephan Kulow
- BIC in =?iso-8859-1?q?kdeui=2Fkeditcl2=2Ecpp
Laurent Montel
- new web shortcut (Ding)
Daniel Naber
- [Resending] Patch to slightly extend KConfig/KConfigINIBackEnd API
Waldo Bastian
- ksplashml theme plugins
Helio Chissini de Castro
- new web shortcut (Ding)
Stephan Kulow
- Patch for KMainWindow: managing fixed central widget
Simon Hausmann
- New Classes KTabBar and KTabWidget for kdelibs
Stephan Binner
- Patch for KMainWindow: managing fixed central widget
Benjamin Meyer
- [Kde-games-devel] Re: KHighscore on multiple user systems
Nicolas Hadacek
- [PATCH] Retreival of meta data for non-local files
Craig Drummond
- [Resending] Patch to slightly extend KConfig/KConfigINIBackEnd API
Chris Howells
- kmultitabbar (kate/lib) -> kdelibs ?
Joseph Wenninger
- KDateWidget doesn't allow years before 1970
Matt Rogers
- ktalkd suggests running itself as root
Chris Cheney
- Patch for
Frerich Raabe
- kmultitabbar (kate/lib) -> kdelibs ?
Waldo Bastian
- ktalkd suggests running itself as root
David Faure
- [Resending] Patch to slightly extend KConfig/KConfigINIBackEnd API
Chris Howells
- [Kde-games-devel] Re: KHighscore on multiple user systems
Jason Keirstead
- KDateWidget doesn't allow years before 1970
George Staikos
- KDateWidget doesn't allow years before 1970
Matt Rogers
- Fwd: Re: kdenonbeta/kuiviewer
Richard Moore
- kmultitabbar (kate/lib) -> kdelibs ?
Joseph Wenninger
- kmultitabbar (kate/lib) -> kdelibs ?
Joseph Wenninger
- Documentation at
Benjamin Meyer
- kmultitabbar (kate/lib) -> kdelibs ?
Christoph Cullmann
- Fwd: Re: qextmdi
Christoph Cullmann
- KDateWidget doesn't allow years before 1970
George Staikos
- KDE Developers' Conference - Call for Papers
Harri Porten
- KWord/OOo files mime types
David Faure
- KWord/OOo files mime types
Daniel Naber
- KDE 3.2 release cycle
Ferdinand Gassauer
- KWord/OOo files mime types
Daniel Naber
- Ambiguity of KStdAccel::home()
David Faure
- (semi-ot) I'm back, married, and with pictures of penguines
Ellis Whitehead
- Ambiguity of KStdAccel::home()
Ellis Whitehead
- kmultitabbar (kate/lib) -> kdelibs ?
Joseph Wenninger
- kmultitabbar (kate/lib) -> kdelibs ?
George Staikos
- kmultitabbar (kate/lib) -> kdelibs ?
Harri Porten
- speeding up KFind
Daniel Naber
- speeding up KFind
Maks Orlovich
- speeding up KFind
Matthias Welwarsky
- speeding up KFind
Cristian Tibirna
- speeding up KFind
Alexander Neundorf
- speeding up KFind
Tim Jansen
- speeding up KFind
David Faure
- speeding up KFind
Cristian Tibirna
- speeding up KFind
Maks Orlovich
- speeding up KFind
Andras Mantia
- Accessibility Projects win Trophees
Olaf Jan Schmidt
- speeding up KFind
Stephan Kulow
- speeding up KFind
Daniel Naber
- mime type confusion
Daniel Naber
- mime type confusion
Mickael Marchand
- speeding up KFind
Andras Mantia
- speeding up KFind
Andras Mantia
- speeding up KFind
Daniel Naber
- mime type confusion
David Faure
- speeding up KFind
Daniel Naber
- speeding up KFind
Daniel Naber
- speeding up KFind
Andras Mantia
- Patch for several KImageEffect improvements
- BTW (was: Patch for several KImageEffect improvements)
- New Class: KInputDialog
Nadeem Hasan
- KAudioCreator
Benjamin Meyer
- Patch for several KImageEffect improvements
Anders Lund
- New Class: KInputDialog
Cornelius Schumacher
- Patch for several KImageEffect improvements
Scott Wheeler
- dropping kmidi?
Stephan Kulow
- Fw: Erinnerung: Call for Papers - LinuxWorld Conference & ExpoFrankfurt 2003
Torsten Rahn
- mime type confusion
Stephan Kulow
- mime type confusion
Daniel Naber
- New Class: KInputDialog
Stephan Binner
- mime type confusion
Stephan Kulow
- mime type confusion
Luis Pedro Coelho
- KProcess Nice level
Oswald Buddenhagen
- dropping kmidi?
Neil Stevens
- KProcess Nice level
Harri Porten
- KProcess Nice level
Oswald Buddenhagen
- dropping kmidi?
Maksim Orlovich
- [PATCH] second try, kmdi does not compile with --enable-final
Luciano Montanaro
- dropping kmidi?
George Staikos
- kbuildsycoca and CPU
- KProcess Nice level
Harri Porten
- KFile (Konqueror) Properties Permission Tab patch
Tim Jansen
- [PATCHES] Improvements to the International Domain URLs
Thiago Macieira
- dropping kmidi?
Antonio Larrosa Jiménez
- dropping kmidi?
Dirk Mueller
- New Class: KInputDialog
Nadeem Hasan
- New Class: KInputDialog
Nadeem Hasan
- dropping kmidi?
Chris Cheney
- kbuildsycoca and CPU
Stephan Binner
- New Class: KInputDialog
Cornelius Schumacher
- [PATCHES] Improvements to the International Domain URLs
Waldo Bastian
- [PATCH] second try, kmdi does not compile with --enable-final
David Faure
- kbuildsycoca and CPU
- [PATCH] second try, kmdi does not compile with --enable-final
Luciano Montanaro
- dropping kmidi?
Antonio Larrosa Jiménez
- Possible KWin problems
Andras Mantia
- [PATCHES] Improvements to the International Domain URLs
Thiago Macieira
- dropping kmidi?
Neil Stevens
- Possible KWin problems
Andras Mantia
- dropping kmidi?
Guillaume Laurent
- kbuildsycoca and CPU
David Faure
- Patch for several KImageEffect improvements
- "Open in Background tab" shows up "Configure shortcuts" (Konqueror)
Waldo Bastian
- dropping kmidi?
Chris Cheney
- Patch for several KImageEffect improvements
- KStandardDirs::kde_default function calls
Chris Cheney
- dropping kmidi?
Daniel Stone
- New Class: KInputDialog
Stephan Binner
- kdebase compile fix patch - konq-drag
Helio Chissini de Castro
- kdebase compile fix patch - konq-drag
Oswald Buddenhagen
- kdebase compile fix patch - konq-drag
Dirk Mueller
- Problem with arts (HEAD) build using qt-copy (HEAD) on FreeBSD
Andy Fawcett
- Possible KWin problems
Lubos Lunak
- Possible KWin problems
Andras Mantia
- webcvs / newsserver downtime over the weekend.
Christopher Molnar
- webcvs / newsserver downtime over the weekend.
Christopher Molnar
- Please add more lib checking to cvs HEAD kdelibs
Miles T Lane
- [PATCHES] Improvements to the International Domain URLs
Thiago Macieira
- [PATCHLET] kdockwidget --enable-final fix
Luciano Montanaro
- dropping kmidi?
Adriaan de Groot
- (semi-ot) I'm back, married, and with pictures of penguines
Ellis Whitehead
- "Open in Background tab" shows up "Configure shortcuts" (Konqueror)
Ellis Whitehead
Last message date:
Sat May 31 12:52:25 BST 2003
Archived on: Mon Jan 11 09:57:04 GMT 2021
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).