Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs

Daniel Stone dstone at
Wed May 14 01:41:04 BST 2003

On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 03:26:48PM -0700, Neil Stevens wrote:
> Your thinking is so application-centered.  Why can't I have the same 
> application being used for tow *different* tasks?

What's stopping you from creating a different window?

And I could just say that *your* thinking is so task-centred that it's
utterly blind to performing the *same* task. I often read news by
opening every link on that looks interesting in a new tab,
and then drilling back through the >30 tabs I've created, reading and
closing. This approach isn't so insane if you consider a laptop and
dial-up: open while connected, read them while you're on the train or

Why is your approach so black-and-white, when it doesn't need to be?
It's ludicrous to the point of being facetious, but previous experience
has taught me otherwise. :\

Daniel Stone 	     <daniel at>             <dstone at>
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