DCOP patch

Michael Goffioul goffioul at imec.be
Tue May 20 09:17:12 BST 2003

Here's the patch (it looks like my previous mail didn't get through).
BTW, how about a mail client reading your mind and telling you
"Hey, you forgot the attachment again!" :-)


Michael Goffioul		IMEC-DESICS-MIRA
e-mail: goffioul at imec.be	(Mixed-Signal and RF Applications)
Tel:    +32/16/28-8510		Kapeldreef, 75
Fax:    +32/16/28-1515		3001 HEVERLEE, BELGIUM
This e-mail and/or its attachments may contain confidential
information.  It is intended solely for the intended addressee(s). 
Any use of the information contained herein by other persons is
prohibited.  IMEC vzw does not accept any liability for the contents
of this e-mail and/or its attachments.
-------------- next part --------------
Index: dcoptypes.h
RCS file: /home/kde/kdelibs/dcop/dcoptypes.h,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -3 -p -r1.3 dcoptypes.h
--- dcoptypes.h	22 Oct 2002 16:03:16 -0000	1.3
+++ dcoptypes.h	19 May 2003 16:47:53 -0000
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ inline const char* dcopTypeName( char ) 
 inline const char* dcopTypeName( uchar ) { return "uchar"; }
 inline const char* dcopTypeName( int ) { return "int"; }
 inline const char* dcopTypeName( uint ) { return "uint"; }
-inline const char* dcopTypeName( long ) { return "long"; }
+inline const char* dcopTypeName( long ) { return "long int"; }
 inline const char* dcopTypeName( ulong ) { return "ulong"; }
 inline const char* dcopTypeName( double ) { return "double"; }
 inline const char* dcopTypeName( float ) { return "float"; }
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ class QVariant; inline const char* dcopT
 // And some KDE types
 class KURL; inline const char* dcopTypeName( const KURL& ) { return "KURL"; }
+namespace KIO { class AuthInfo; inline const char* dcopTypeName( const AuthInfo& ) { return "KIO::AuthInfo"; } };
 // generic template fallback for unknown types
 template <class T> inline const char* dcopTypeName( const T& ) { return "<unknown>"; }

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