Moving QExtMDI to kdelibs

David Faure dfaure at
Tue May 13 23:33:48 BST 2003

On Wednesday 14 May 2003 00:26, Neil Stevens wrote:
> Consistency *is* a black or white thing.  Either KDE apps act the same way,
> or they don't.  If every app developer throws up his own special case
> exception, then the desktop is no longer consistent.

Let's be honest with ourselves - the time of the "all SDI" KDE is long gone.

Konq has splitters and tabs, even KOffice as a splitter (and koshell for more MDI),
Konsole has tabs, KDevelop, Quanta, etc. etc.

Let's have consistent MDI instead of having inconsistent MDI plus the illusion
that SDI is the consistency (which is definitely not the case anymore in KDE).

David Faure -- faure at, dfaure at
Qt/KDE/KOffice developer
Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, Platform-independent software solutions

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