January 2000 Archives by date
Starting: Sat Jan 1 12:32:45 GMT 2000
Ending: Mon Jan 31 22:12:50 GMT 2000
Messages: 491
- MoveWidget
Rene M�rten
- kdevelop sgml problem
José Carlos Monteiro
- kdk install error
Jeremy Savoy
- kdk install error
- kdk install error
Rene M�rten
- Help for KProcess
Jens R. Calame
- kdk install error
Werner Modenbach
- C\C++ reference
Cherith Tse
- C\C++ reference
AndiX33 at aol.com
- C\C++ reference
Ken Brakey
- Interface for other editors (was: vi-mode possible?)
Harry ten Berge
- C\C++ reference
Martin Piskernig
- C\C++ reference
Ken Brakey
- internal dbg, snapshot 20000101-A
Thomas Regner
- internal dbg, snapshot 20000101-A
- C\C++ reference
Thomas Fromm
- removing a class/struct/union from a project
Christoph Schönfeld
- Code completion
- kaudio - again
Serge Lussier
- Geting KDevelop to compile.
Kevin D.
- C\C++ reference
Werner Modenbach
- What will happen with the both 1.x and 2.x trees in the future when KDE 2.0 final is released?
Sandy Meier
- internal dbg, snapshot 20000101-A
Thomas Regner
- Function to drop class ?
Matto Fransen
- strange error in *.moc.cpp
Zdenek Pizl
- C\C++ reference
Ken Brakey
- Geting KDevelop to compile.
benjamin j collar
- Using QT2.x
Mario Gaida
- No subject
Mario Gaida
- Using QT2.x
Martin Piskernig
- internal dbg, snapshot 20000101-A
- Using QT2.x
Mario Gaida
- Using QT2.x
- Help needed
- Interface for other editors (was: vi-mode possible?)
Benoit Cerrina
- C\C++ reference
Rene M�rten
- internal dbg, snapshot 20000101-A
Thomas Regner
- C\C++ reference
Rene M�rten
- Code completion
Rene M�rten
- kaudio - again
Rene M�rten
- Geting KDevelop to compile.
Rene M�rten
- internal dbg, snapshot 20000101-A
- kaudio - again
Oliver Scheuch
- Interface for other editors (was: vi-mode possible?)
Falk Brettschneider
- Help needed
Ken Brakey
- Code completion
Sandy Meier
- kdevelop needs giflib30 on Mandrake 6.1
Peter Thorstenson
- Help for KProcess
Peter.J.Robinson at icl.com
- kdevelop needs giflib30 on Mandrake 6.1
Ken Brakey
- Ghost points in small app & question about using qt 2.0.1 libs.
Scott Seely
- kdevelop needs giflib30 on Mandrake 6.1, continued....
Peter Thorstenson
- QT Problems.....
- Ghost points in small app & question about using qt 2.0.1 libs.
Mr. Data
- Help for KProcess
- OT question
Mr. Data
- OT question
- OT question
Falk Brettschneider
- Builing KDK 1.0 on HPUX
Thomas Matelich
- an old message mysteriously reappeared on mailing list
Jeremy Webster
- Building KDK 1.0 on HPUX
Thomas Matelich
- Building KDK 1.0 on HPUX
Martin Piskernig
- Building KDK 1.0 on HPUX
Ken Brakey
- configure
Ken Brakey
- Building KDK 1.0 on HPUX
Martin Piskernig
- [OT] Kdevelop Book
kdevelop at commandprompt.com
- configure error: need giflb30...
Peter Thorstenson
- configure error: need giflb30...
- configure error: need giflb30...
Peter Thorstenson
- kdevelop needs giflib30 on Mandrake 6.1
Rene M�rten
- make: no targets
Grischa Stegemann
- configure error: need giflb30...
- kdevelop crash when inserting file into project
Ehmke Eggert ICN WN ES D 56
- Linker probs with template classes
Werner Modenbach
- kdevelop crash when inserting file into project
Martin Piskernig
- Linker probs with template classes
Thomas Matelich
- C++ parser integrated to kuml
- C++ parser integrated to kuml
- C++ parser integrated to kuml
Sandy Meier
- C++ parser integrated to kuml
- Project Creation Problems
James Joplin
- KDK-1.0
Ken Brakey
- Code completion
Benoit Cerrina
- internal dbg, snapshot 20000101-A
Benoit Cerrina
- mini.tar.gz addition
Berndt Josef Wulf
- C++ parser integrated to kuml
- Project Creation Problems
Stefan Heidrich - DI
- mini.tar.gz addition
Jay Krell
- internal dbg, snapshot 20000101-A
- Questions regarding templates
- Kaudio - again
Serge Lussier
- Builing KDK 1.0 on HPUX
Klaus Gillarek
- Questions regarding templates
Sandy Meier
- More keyboard shortcuts
- More keyboard shortcuts
Sandy Meier
- More keyboard shortcuts
- Questions regarding templates
Benoit Cerrina
- More keyboard shortcuts
- More keyboard shortcuts
- More keyboard shortcuts
- More keyboard shortcuts
- Fw: help
- KDK-1.0
Rene M�rten
- No subject
Rene M�rten
- More keyboard shortcuts
Falk Brettschneider
- kdevelop crash when inserting file into project
Peter.J.Robinson at ICL.COM
- kuml
Falk Brettschneider
- Source of Class View crashes
P�tur Run�lfsson
- kuml
Andrei Schliwa
- tokenizer.cc: yy_flex_alloc(), yy_flex_free
Berndt Josef Wulf
- compiling problem
Mauser, John
- kuml
Joe Nelson
- kdevelop bug
kedge at se77en.com
- Building KDK 1.0 on HPUX
Thomas Matelich
- Linker probs with template classes
Jon Anderson
- configure
Ken Brakey
- kdevelop needs giflib30 on Mandrake 6.1, continued....
Peter Thorstenson
- kdevelop bug
Benoit Cerrina
- kdevelop bug
Mario Gaida
- AW: kdevelop crash when inserting file into project
Rene Maerten
- AW: compiling problem
Rene Maerten
- subcribe
Gudicelli Santos
- subcribe
Rene M�rten
- Linker probs with template classes
Jacek Wojdel
- precompiler
Carsten Nissen
- precompiler
Ansley, Michael
- subcribe
- kdevelop bug
- kdevelop bug
- kdevelop needs giflib30 on Mandrake 6.1, continued....
- configure
- Linker probs with template classes
- kdevelop crash when inserting file into project
- kdevelop crash when inserting file into project
Benoit Cerrina
- tokenizer.cc: yy_flex_alloc(), yy_flex_free
Nick Hudson
- kdevelop bug
Mr. Data
- subcribe
Janne 'Noodles' Lähteenmäki
- tokenizer.cc: yy_flex_alloc(), yy_flex_free
Berndt Josef Wulf
- tokenizer.cc: yy_flex_alloc(), yy_flex_free
Nick Hudson
- problem with linking a library!
Janne L�hteenm�ki
- question
Alexander Siemers
- Code completion
Carsten Pfeiffer
- Editor Window bug in Kdevelop1.0 on Tru64 4.0f
Ronald Tanner
- question
Mathias Puetz
- Help for KProcess
W. Tasin
- Editor Window bug in Kdevelop1.0 on Tru64 4.0f
Christian Couder
- Code completion
Benoit Cerrina
- Code completion
Carsten Pfeiffer
- code completion
John Zedlewski
- KDE headers and Kdeveloper
Mike Rosset
- KDE headers and Kdeveloper
Falk Brettschneider
- xgettext
Christian Weiss
- code completion
Bernd Gehrmann
- code completion
Sandy Meier
- xgettext
Martin Piskernig
- code completion
John Zedlewski
- code completion
Benoit Cerrina
- xgettext
Mathias Puetz
- to SGML or not, that is the question
Mark Coletti
- to SGML or not, that is the question
Martin Piskernig
- KDE headers and Kdeveloper
- to SGML or not, that is the question
Mathias Puetz
- KDevelop 1.0beta3 patch - Objective-C support added
Albert Wagner
- to SGML or not, that is the question
gaetan Inimod
- KDevelop and QT
Prasanth Kumar
- KDE headers and Kdeveloper
Rene M�rten
- to SGML or not, that is the question
Ralf Nolden
- Wish Item
G. Richard Raab
- InteliSense
- KDevelop and QT
David Grill Watson
- Wish Item
Stefan Heidrich - DI
- InteliSense
Roland P. Knall
- KDevelop 1.0 BUG
Alex Somesan
- KDevelop and QT
Prasanth Kumar
- KDevelop and QT
Bhola N De
- KDevelop and QT
Mike Rosset
- KDevelop and QT
Ken Brakey
- KDE headers and Kdeveloper
Andreas Schlapbach
- KDevelop and QT
Andreas Schlapbach
TER�NYI Bal�zs
- Title of a QDialog
Rainer Mühlhoff
- Title of a QDialog
Falk Brettschneider
- ANNOUNCE: KDevelop 1.1Beta1 released
Sandy Meier
- KDE headers and Kdeveloper
Benoit Cerrina
- InteliSense
Benoit Cerrina
- KDE headers and Kdeveloper
Mike Rosset
- KDE headers and Kdeveloper
Mike Rosset
- Wish - Multi pane views
- KDE headers and Kdeveloper
- KDevelop 1.1B1 Compile Failure
Evan Klinger
- kdevelop-1.1-beta1.0 crash
- kdevelop-1.1-beta-1.0 segfaults
- KDE headers and Kdeveloper
- no project.
Kevin D.
- question
Alexander Siemers
Florent Pillet
- Fwd: RH6x RPMS available (Re: ANNOUNCE: KDevelop 1.1Beta1 released)
Sandy Meier
- Wish - Multi pane views
Sandy Meier
- kdevelop-1.1-beta1.0 crash
Sandy Meier
- Tired...
- No subject
Geert Theys
- Tired...
Falk Brettschneider
- ASCII format.
Serge Lussier
- RH6x RPMS available (Re: ANNOUNCE: KDevelop 1.1Beta1 released )
Andy Collins
- kdevelop-1.1-beta1.0 crash
- Just a remark
Mr. Data
- Just a remark
Benoit Cerrina
- ascii format with Netscape 4.7(Linux)
- File Organization problem
- linking libraries
Geert Theys
- linking libraries
Sandy Meier
- File Organization problem
Benoit Cerrina
- ANNOUNCE: New Redhat 6.1 Binaries and RPM's available for KDE2Prealpha
Christopher Molnar
- ANNOUNCE: New Redhat 6.1 Binaries and RPM's available for KDE2Prealpha
Christopher Molnar
- More Problems with KDevelop on HPUX
Thomas Matelich
- giflib30 ??
Oliver Raupach
- File Organization problem
- kde
Dwayne Saunders
- kde
Martin Piskernig
- kde
David Grill Watson
- Problem linking with qetxmdi
Carlos Perez
- Versions
Matthias Duesterhoeft
- giflib30 ??
Rene M�rten
- Assembler
Dmitry Semenov
- giflib30 ??
Will Andrews
- Problems running kdevelop 2 prealpha
Christopher Molnar
- kde
Ken Brakey
- Problem linking with qetxmdi
Falk Brettschneider
- question
Alexander Siemers
- Problems running kdevelop 2 prealpha
Sandy Meier
- Problem linking with qetxmdi
Sandy Meier
- question
Sandy Meier
- Problems running kdevelop 2 prealpha
Christopher Molnar
- question
Ralf Nolden
- question
Sandy Meier
- Versions
- Trouble compiling KDE / Qt apps
Gaute Hvoslef Kvalnes
- Bug?
Oliver Eichler
- kdevelop setup
Walter Roth
- BUG?
Brad Molander
- ANNOUNCE: Binaries for 01192000 Available (KDE2 Pre-Alpha)
Christopher Molnar
- giflib30 ??
Oliver Raupach
- OFF TOPIC: Y2K - (final thoughts - pass on if you wish)
Christopher Molnar
- Cut, Copy and Paste [was : Re: Some bugs...]
Duane Voth
- giflib30 ??
Rene M�rten
- giflib30 ??
Martin Piskernig
- Bug?
Benoit Cerrina
- giflib30 ??
Leonardo B. Lopes
- Answer: KDevelop on SuSE 6.3 / giflib 3.0 and glimpse
W. Tasin
- kdevelop setup
W. Tasin
- KDevelop-1.1-beta1.0 Objective-C patch - using the Debugger with objc
Richard Dale
- Versions
Matthias Duesterhoeft
- Bug?
Achim Spangler
- Trouble compiling KDE / Qt apps
Matthias Duesterhoeft
- How to use additional include paths
Oliver Graf
- Answer: KDevelop on SuSE 6.3 / giflib 3.0 and glimpse
Matthias Duesterhoeft
- Namespace
Dmitry Semenov
- Symbol @SHELL@ in Makefiles
Werner Modenbach
- Namespace
Oliver Eichler
- Answer: KDevelop on SuSE 6.3 / giflib 3.0 and glimpse
W. Tasin
- ANNOUNCE: New Redhat 6.1 Binaries and RPM's available for KDE2Prealpha
Marcos Dione
- ANNOUNCE: New Redhat 6.1 Binaries and RPM's available for KDE2Prealpha
Sandor Takacs
- My first Linux app! :)
Carlos Perez
- compiler output does not autoscroll
Robert Williams
- compiler output does not autoscroll
Sandy Meier
- Trouble compiling KDE / Qt apps
Rene M�rten
- My first Linux app! :)
Richard Moore
- project subdirectory
Massimo Morin
- Namespace
Dmitry Semenov
- More Problems with KDevelop on HPUX
Thomas Matelich
- project subdirectory
Falk Brettschneider
- Error-- New Redhat 6.1 Binaries and RPM's available forKDE2Prealpha
Martin Kavec
- Error2-- New Redhat 6.1 Binaries and RPM's available forKDE2Prealpha
Martin Kavec
- namespaces???
Ken Brakey
- Error-- New Redhat 6.1 Binaries and RPM's available forKDE2Prealpha
Christopher Molnar
- problem compiling kdevelop
Mark Gillies
- I don't like it, maybe...
Massimo Morin
- bug in C++ parser
- giflib30 ?? -- How does configure work?
Leonardo B. Lopes
- I don't like it, maybe...
Scott Seely
- cvsup ...?
Oliver Raupach
- I don't like it, maybe...
Massimo Morin
- giflib30 ??
Bjoern Krombholz
- cvsup ...?
Christopher Molnar
- can't find giflib30... Problem Solved!
Leonardo B. Lopes
- Application wizard doesn't work
Joachim Ansorg
- kdevelop setup
Duane Voth
- stops at banner?
Robert Williams
- stops at banner?
Robert Williams
- AppWizard fixed
Ralf Nolden
- I don't like it, maybe...
Falk Brettschneider
- cvsup ...?
Oliver Raupach
- What do I need to develop for KDE 1.1.2 and KDE 2
- app Wizard still doesn't work
Joachim Ansorg
- Java IDE support within KDevelop..?
Jon Webber
- app Wizard still doesn't work
Ralf Nolden
- STOP toolbar-button doesn't work
Joachim Ansorg
- Fwd: there is smoke coming out of the power supply
Rene M�rten
- Namespace
Duane Voth
- STOP toolbar-button doesn't work
Rene M�rten
- Namespaces?
Ken Brakey
- Namespaces?
Martin Piskernig
- app Wizard still doesn't work
Joachim Ansorg
- STOP toolbar-button doesn't work
- Namespace
Benoit Cerrina
- simple background color issue
Benjamin Meyer
- I don't like it, maybe...
Jonas Nordin
- Namespace
Ken Brakey
- Namespace
Benoit Cerrina
- Namespace
Martin Piskernig
- Namespace
Ken Brakey
- Namespace
Martin Piskernig
- Java support within KDevelop
Jon Webber
- Java support within KDevelop
Jon Webber
- Revised kdevelop 1.1 release schedule
- version stability
Matthias Kleine
- version stability
- Namespace
Ken Brakey
- Java IDE support within KDevelop..?
Fojcik, Klaudius
- Java support within KDevelop
Ralf Nolden
- Project or no Project ?
Martin Kneppe
- Project or no Project ?
Tilo Riemer
- Revised kdevelop 1.1 release schedule
Dmitry Semenov
- No subject
Shenderovich, Uri
- Project or no Project ?
- app Wizard still doesn't work
Ralf Nolden
- Help with make...
Hauke Hildebrandt
- Installation with RPM?
Ivan Martinez
- Ivan Martinez
Ivan Martinez
- Ivan Martinez
Martin Piskernig
- Project or no Project ?
Rene M�rten
- Ivan Martinez
Rene M�rten
- Printable docs
Ivan Martinez
- Printable docs
Prasanth Kumar
- BUG in german translation
Joachim Ansorg
- Fwd: there is smoke coming out of the power supply
Jens Schilling
- setting additional headers and libraries for my project
- setting additional headers and libraries for my project
Mathias Puetz
- Debug KDE2 with internal debugger (was Re: BUG in german translation)
- CVS via ftp in KDevelop?
Matthias Kleine
- integration of wxwindows-docu?
Matthias Kleine
- Java support within KDevelop
Jon Webber
- Debug KDE2 with internal debugger (was Re: BUG in german translation)
- Java support within KDevelop
Darius Stachow
- KFileDialog::getExistingDirectory (where is it?)
- KFileDialog::getExistingDirectory (where is it?)
- CVS via ftp in KDevelop?
- Printing from KDevelop
nicklara at pop.ihug.co.nz
- Support for KDE2 API dicumentation
Joachim Ansorg
- "Syntax checking" doesn't work with configure
Joachim Ansorg
- KDevelop Books Preorders
kdevelop at commandprompt.com
- Support for KDE2 API dicumentation
Ralf Nolden
- integration of wxwindows-docu?
Ralf Nolden
- Revised kdevelop 1.1 release schedule
Christian Couder
- setting additional headers and libraries for my project
Oliver Graf
- integration of wxwindows-docu?
Matthias Kleine
- Support for KDE2 API dicumentation
Joachim Ansorg
- Where is C/C++ Reference?
- integration of wxwindows-docu?
Ralf Nolden
- Other types of projects.
Henry Kleynhans
- Where is C/C++ Reference?
Sandy Meier
- Printing from KDevelop
Stefan Heidrich - DI
- namespaces???
Ken Brakey
- compiler output does not autoscroll
Patric Lagny
- giflib30 ?? -- How does configure work?
Marcus Gruendler
- Where is C/C++ Reference?
Rene M�rten
- Can't print PDF manuals
Ivan Martinez
- Where is C/C++ Reference?
Bud Rogers
- Java IDE support within KDevelop..?
Jan H. Schrewe
- setting additional headers and libraries for my project
Sandy Meier
- "Syntax checking" doesn't work with configure
Sandy Meier
- BUG in classparser?
Oliver Eichler
- Can't print PDF manuals
Prasanth Kumar
- BUG in classparser?
Sandy Meier
- compiler output does not autoscroll
Sandy Meier
- Other types of projects.
Sandy Meier
- Where is C/C++ Reference?
- Where is C/C++ Reference?
- Can't print PDF manuals
mchicoix at amadeus.net
- KFileDialog::getExistingDirectory? Why are we using this method?
- BUG in classparser
Tobias Erbsland
- KDevelop 1.1beta1 + HtDig
Alexis Mikhailov
- kde doc source libraries
Lennart Svartling
- KFileDialog::getExistingDirectory? Why are we using this method?
Martin Piskernig
- BUG in ClassViewer?
Jochen Wendiggensen
- Error while creating KDE programs in kdevelop
ramesh krishnan
- Error while creating KDE programs in kdevelop
Martin Piskernig
- project subdirectory
Christoph Schönfeld
- New KDE2Alpha binaries available 01252000
Christopher Molnar
- KFileDialog::getExistingDirectory? Why are we using this method?
Falk Brettschneider
- Java IDE support within KDevelop..?
Roberto Alsina
- What has happened to configure of CVS version?
Joachim Ansorg
- KFileDialog::getExistingDirectory? Why are we using this method?
- Hi!!
Martin Piskernig
- Jobs Web Pages
Christopher Molnar
- KFileDialog::getExistingDirectory? Why are we using this method?
Christopher Molnar
- KFileDialog::getExistingDirectory? Why are we using this method?
Falk Brettschneider
- kde doc source libraries
Rene M�rten
- Error while creating KDE programs in kdevelop
Rene M�rten
- What has happened to configure of CVS version?
Falk Brettschneider
- What has happened to configure of CVS version?
Sandy Meier
- Error while creating KDE programs in kdevelop
Mr. Data
- Hi!!
Rene M�rten
- Jobs Web Pages
- BUG in classparser?
Oliver Eichler
- BUG in classparser?
Sandy Meier
- Java IDE support within KDevelop..?
Benoit Cerrina
- Hi!!
- BUG in classparser?
Benoit Cerrina
- Jobs Web Pages
Christopher Molnar
- New KDE2Alpha binaries available 01252000
Eric Rouse
- What has happened to configure of CVS version?
Daniel Karlsson
- adding additional makefile
- Hi!!
am972002 at ugrad.fkm.utm.my
- Library of project modules
Werner Modenbach
- kdevelop scrambles file
O. Sbanski
- Error while creating KDE programs in kdevelop
Roland Paul Knall
- Where is C/C++ Reference?
Henning Folger
- New KDE2Alpha binaries available 01252000
Roland Paul Knall
- compiler output does not autoscroll
Henning Folger
- kde doc source libraries
Lennart Svartling
- kdevelop scrambles file
Benoit Cerrina
- Where is C/C++ Reference?
Benoit Cerrina
- New KDE2Alpha binaries available 01252000
Christopher Molnar
- New KDE2Alpha binaries available 01252000
Christopher Molnar
- Java IDE support within KDevelop..?
Roberto Alsina
- Java IDE support within KDevelop..?
- BUG in classparser?
Benoit Cerrina
- adding additional makefile
Sandy Meier
- Library of project modules
Sandy Meier
- source code suffixes
Sandy Meier
- What has happened to configure of CVS version?
Robert Williams
- What has happened to configure of CVS version?
Frank Wallingford
- class view and new folder...
Henning Folger
- Library of project modules
Werner Modenbach
- handling of select/copy/cut/paste buffers for mouse and keyboard
Achim Spangler
- Problems with compiler option -g and configure
Sandy Meier
- Problems with compiler option -O
Joachim Ansorg
- Problems with compiler option -g and configure
Joachim Ansorg
- Want to write about KDevelop?
David Sweet
- What has happened to configure of CVS version?
Daniel Karlsson
- A question about kdevprj files
Joachim Ansorg
- A question about kdevprj files
- A question about kdevprj files
- how can i compile and run kde-programs with the qt-libraries
Prost02 at aol.com
- Problems with compiler option -g and configure
- Problems with key accelerators
Joachim Ansorg
- how can i compile and run kde-programs with the qt-librarie
Christopher Molnar
- Problems with key accelerators
W. Tasin
- c_c++reference again
Berndt Josef Wulf
- Problems with compiler option -g and configure
Joachim Ansorg
- remove
Wolfgang Schulz
- KDE 2 MDI app problem
Ralf Nolden
- how can i compile and run kde-programs with the qt-libraries
Falk Brettschneider
- Problems with key accelerators
Joachim Ansorg
- remove
Kevin Minshaw
- KDevelop caught SIGSEGV
Robert Tomanek
- The webpage of KDevelop
Joachim Ansorg
- <OT> Printing from KDevelop
- remove
Balog Jozsef
- The webpage of KDevelop
Thomas Fromm
- how can i compile and run kde-programs with the qt-librarie
Christopher Molnar
- A question about kdevprj files
Ken Brakey
- how can i compile and run kde-programs with the qt-librarie
Mr. Data
- remove
Martin Piskernig
- ANNOUNCE: KDE 2 - PRE-Alpha - 01292000 binaries available
Christopher Molnar
- KDE 2 MDI template fixed
Ralf Nolden
- KDevelop caught SIGSEGV
Bjoern Krombholz
- ANNOUNCE: KDevelop 1.1Beta2
Sandy Meier
- class view and new folder...
Sandy Meier
- Wishlist: Library application type
Eric O'Dell
- --enable-final
Matthias Duesterhoeft
- Correction to the kdebase file in my KDE2 alpha builds
Christopher Molnar
- A question about kdevprj files
Richard Moore
- NEWS: Changings... in KDevelop
W. Tasin
- Where to get c_c++reference?
Eric Damron
- An other question about kdevprj files
Ian Geiser
- KDevelop crashes while adding a existing file
Florian.Paetz at dvg.de
- Is there any patch from Kdevelop 1.1beta 1 to beta 2? (without text!)
Florian.Paetz at dvg.de
- KDevelop crashes while adding a existing file
- Where to get c_c++reference?
Bjoern Krombholz
- doc-tab-bug in beta2??(was:Re: Problems with compiler option -g and configure)
Mr. Data
- an xref Suggestion
William Gacquer
- ksgml2html -> sgml2html 1.0.9 complains about option "-N"
Achim Spangler
- Bug in classparser
Joachim Ansorg
- An other question about kdevprj files
Sandy Meier
- Is there any patch from Kdevelop 1.1beta 1 to beta 2? (without text!)
Sandy Meier
- an xref Suggestion
David Grill Watson
- doc-tab-bug in beta2??(was:Re: Problems with compiler option -g and configure)
- an xref Suggestion
Bernd Gehrmann
- installation problems
Stijn Gunst
- installation problems
Eric Sorensen
Last message date:
Mon Jan 31 22:12:50 GMT 2000
Archived on: Fri Nov 29 17:06:29 GMT 2019
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).