ANNOUNCE: KDE 2 - PRE-Alpha - 01292000 binaries available

Christopher Molnar molnarc at
Sun Jan 30 13:54:29 GMT 2000

You may get dupes of this if you are on more than one list!

*Please read this whole message*

There is a new version of the KDE2 alpha builds (tar.gz and RPM's) 
available on (These are NOT official release binaries! This is alpha

and (follow links for KDE2 Alpha)

This build is built from the 01-29-2000 cvs update as of 10am EST.

These builds have been reported to work on all standard
Linux distributions.

This build includes:

all kde packages.

qt-copy has had a change. While you can try using your old copy I do not
recommend it. Please consider upgrading.

Once you install, please make sure you have KDEDIR set to /opt/kde2 and
QTDIR set to /usr/src/kde/qt-copy unless you override the default paths.
If you do, you are on your own.

Please take a moment and subscribe to the (unofficial) kde-alpha mailing
list that has been setup. The subscribe address is 
kde-alpha-request at This is the only way we can contact alpha
users without annoying everyone if there is a problem in the build we need
to tell you about. It is also a good place to ask questions and get
answers about the alpha builds without scaring off the regular kde 1.x

As with any software there is no gaurentee of what it will do to your
system, other than take up Hard Drive space. Please report all bugs to
bugs at

Please report problems with the builds to kde-alpha at I also
monitor the kde and kde-user mailing lists and try to help out there as


Christopher Molnar
New Enland Business Services, LLC      Aetna, Inc.
Hartford, CT USA                       Middletown, CT USA
molnarc at                    molnarc at

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