Error while creating KDE programs in kdevelop

Mr. Data at
Wed Jan 26 18:33:46 GMT 2000

On Mit, 26 Jan 2000 you wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> >     An early reply would be greately appreciated. 
> It seems like you don't have the KDEDIR shell variable set. Let it point
> at the KDE-root-dir, e.g. "export KDEDIR=/usr/kde" then it should work.
> Martin
It is more probable, that the QTDIR variabel points to Qt2.x (afaik the default
setting on RH6.1),because it seems that your KDEDIR was found . If you want 
to build a KDE1 app, you have to make sure that QTDIR points to Qt1.4x, 
otherwise you will run into this error.

Bye M.D.

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