Correction to the kdebase file in my KDE2 alpha builds

Christopher Molnar molnarc at
Sun Jan 30 21:46:42 GMT 2000

Do to a packageing error I had to update the kdebase-01292000-bin.tar.gz
and the kdebase-01292000-1.i386.rpm files on at 14:30pm EST on
1-30-2000. If the file you downloaded does not have that date you have the
wrong one. It is missing startkde, and kwin. The new files include those
rather important pieces.

My appologies to all, but hey... this is an alpha!

Christopher Molnar
New Enland Business Services, LLC      Aetna, Inc.
Hartford, CT USA                       Middletown, CT USA
molnarc at                    molnarc at

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