Error while creating KDE programs in kdevelop

ramesh krishnan rameshk at
Wed Jan 26 11:00:13 GMT 2000


     I had installed kdevelop-1.0 beta4 on my RedHat 6.1, Official
release. I installed kdevelop 1.0 beta4. The program installed normally.
However when i tried to create a program using the App Wizard, in KDE
Normal, i get the following error.

            checking  for KDE......
            librraries /usr/lib headers /usr/include/kde
            checking for extra includes.......
            checking for extra libraries...........
            checking for KDE headers installed........
            checking for KDE libraries installed........
            configure files............
            processing index.sgml

    At the bottom message screen i get the following error:

            configure :error: your program fails at linking a small
KDE application !
            check if your compiler is installed correctly, and if you
have used the same
            compiler to compile Qt and KDE libraries as you did use now.

    After i click the exit button of the Wizard the files are shown
listed normally in their windows.
    obviously when i try to compile the program, i get error messages
that kapp.h was not found and so on.
    I have checked my system and all seems to be normal.

    I then downloaded kdevelop 1.1_beta 1.0 from your ftp site from
/pub/kdevelop/binaries/Redhat6.1/ and installed it on my system. Again
the same error comes up.

    I would be glad if you can tell me what is wrong and how i can
rectify the problem.

    But when i try the Wizard to create a program in Qt there is no
problem, and i am able to create,edit ,compile and run  the program
without any problems.

    I do not use any other OS on my machine. I have a PIII 450 Mhz, 128
MB RAM, 4.3 GB HDD, with aN Intel 440 ZX motherboard.

    The same error comes up if i try to compile and install any gzipped
application for KDE.

    An early reply would be greately appreciated.

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