linking libraries

Sandy Meier smeier at
Mon Jan 17 21:33:18 GMT 2000

On Mon, 17 Jan 2000 you wrote:
> I have a made a standard c project. Made a program, but using SDL as extra
> library. Where do I have to put this and what. I can do this on commandoline
> with :
> gcc -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/SDL -g -D_REENTRANT  -o test test_SDL.c  -lpthread -lSDL -ldl -lm 
> But where and what have I have to do in kdevelop. SMB PLZ ...
> Or plz give me a	 hint where to post this question...

>From the KDevelop user manual:
9.4 Linker Options 

The Linker Options for your current project can be set by the last page of the project options dialog. You have to enable those libraries that your application
uses to link them to your binary with the Linker, e.g. your application uses the class KFileDialog. As the class KFileDialog is part of the KFile library, you
have to enable kfile. For classes or functions that are not listed as checkboxes, use the "additional libraries" field
additional libraries: Here you can enter additional libraries that your application needs, e.g. the KOM library. Set the libraries with the -l option; for the
example -lkom. 


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