project subdirectory

Massimo Morin mmorin at
Thu Jan 20 22:45:39 GMT 2000

Hi guys,
	a little question: when creating a project you have to specify the
subdirectoy on which it has to go, so for example if I have the project
GFXUtil, it will set the directory to gfxutil.
Actually I can change that directory name as I want (and I usually do)
into GFXUtil, aka the same of the project.
After that it will create that directory and a subdirectory in which the
source code will go.

What I do not understand is: why is the subdirectory always named as
kdevlop likes (gfxutil) and I cannot change it in the way I want??

So I came out from
when I wanted

Only wondering....

Another think, do we have multi project capability? That means a project
can be made up of two or more other subproject...



Massimo Morin                                .'
mmorin at                        .'
+1 (617) 484 2999                        .'
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