kdevelop crash when inserting file into project

Peter.J.Robinson at ICL.COM Peter.J.Robinson at ICL.COM
Mon Jan 10 09:38:25 GMT 2000

Watch out that the name of the directory you create to hold your Project
doesn't have a space in it.  I fell down this one for several days.  The way
the code works is to copy in files to a project by creating a command eg:
cat your_file_name > /your_proj/your_file_name (it creates the command as a
KProcess object).  If the project directory name has a space in it, eg
".../your  project" you get something like:
  cat your_file_name > /your   proj/your_file_name which won't work and
could have strange results.  This could be fixed by the code always creating
the command with the file/directory components protected.  A work around for
now is to not have spaces!!


-----Original Message-----
From: Ehmke Eggert ICN WN ES D 56 [mailto:Eggert.Ehmke at bln.siemens.de]
Sent: 07 January 2000 18:29
To: 'kdevelop at barney.cs.uni-potsdam.de'
Subject: kdevelop crash when inserting file into project

I have kdevelop 1.0, installed by SuSE 6.2 rpm. The kernel is 2.2.13. 
When I do the following steps as root:

create a new terminal C project (Hello World)
delete the main.c file from the project and from disk
copy another c file into the project directory
call the menu Project/Add existing file and add this file 

kdevelop crashes. After restart, the same steps lead to the desired result.

Eggert Ehmke

Eggert Ehmke	Siemens AG Berlin       ICN WN ES D 56
		Email:	eggert.ehmke at bln.siemens.de
		Telefon:	+49 30 386 29796
		Fax:	+49 30 386 25374

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