KFileDialog::getExistingDirectory? Why are we using this method?

dep dep at snet.net
Wed Jan 26 16:22:57 GMT 2000

On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, Falk Brettschneider wrote:

| There is a note in the ChangeLog list of the KDevelop web page:
| KDevelop-HEAD branch is compatible with KDE2-snapshot of 14/1/2K.

problem is, kde2 compiled against the current head branch qt-copy will 
not run against the qt-2.1 snapshot of 1/14 and vice versa. i know, 
because i tried it. 

| There is a agreement that we will stay at this snapshot as long as
| possible.
| If we updated each and every day, we wouln't have time to develop on
| KDevelop itself. ;-(

which makes me wonder -- last time i asked this, i kinda got slapped 
for it -- the extent to which there is forking of qt via patches or 
something in qt-copy.


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