My first Linux app! :)

Richard Moore rich at
Thu Jan 20 22:25:46 GMT 2000

Carlos Perez wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm a software developer with over 15 years of C/C++/VB programming
> under Windows.  I recently installed my Linux box with Mandrake 6.1 and
> I'm developing my first Linux application.  I'm going thru the learning
> curve right now, learning how to use the development tool, etc.  There
> is a lot to learn, that's what makes it exiting to me.
> I have to admit I'm impressed with several development tools I found, in
> particular KDevelop and the Qt. API.  Qtez also looks very promising and
> is going in the right direction to be a very powerful RAD tool. I want
> to thank all the people who have put their time and efforts to make
> these tools available to the rest of us.
> Now, my application needs to handle the serial port and modem for
> incoming calls.  It also have to connect to an SQL database thru TCP/IP
> sockets.  It can't block waiting for input from either the serial port
> or sockets.  I have looked around and seems Qt 2.x provides the
> non-blocking socket classes I need.  I haven't found any C++ class or
> API that handles the serial port in a non-blocking mode.

I vaguely remember someone discussing something like this on the
kde-devel or kde-core-devel lists a while back (months). It may
have been Kalle, but I'm not sure. I'd suggest that one of those
places (and perhaps the qt-interest list) would be your best bet
for finding code like this.

> I probably going to have to write my own SerialPort class for Qt.  I
> don't want to have to reinvent the wheel. Which of the  Qt API classes
> should I consider to use  as a base class?  QAsyncIO, QIODevice,
> QDataSource/QDataSink/QDataPump?  Any suggestions?

Hmm, you should definitely discuss this on kde-devel. This would
be useful tool for everyone needing serial port access so it might
make sense to put it in a library when you've got something working.



> Thanks in advance for your help and keep up the good work!
> Carlos :)

     Richard Moore		rich at	richard at	rich at

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