My first Linux app! :)

Carlos Perez fireant at
Thu Jan 20 15:25:19 GMT 2000

Hello everyone,

I'm a software developer with over 15 years of C/C++/VB programming
under Windows.  I recently installed my Linux box with Mandrake 6.1 and
I'm developing my first Linux application.  I'm going thru the learning
curve right now, learning how to use the development tool, etc.  There
is a lot to learn, that's what makes it exiting to me.

I have to admit I'm impressed with several development tools I found, in
particular KDevelop and the Qt. API.  Qtez also looks very promising and
is going in the right direction to be a very powerful RAD tool. I want
to thank all the people who have put their time and efforts to make
these tools available to the rest of us.

Now, my application needs to handle the serial port and modem for
incoming calls.  It also have to connect to an SQL database thru TCP/IP
sockets.  It can't block waiting for input from either the serial port
or sockets.  I have looked around and seems Qt 2.x provides the
non-blocking socket classes I need.  I haven't found any C++ class or
API that handles the serial port in a non-blocking mode.

I probably going to have to write my own SerialPort class for Qt.  I
don't want to have to reinvent the wheel. Which of the  Qt API classes
should I consider to use  as a base class?  QAsyncIO, QIODevice,
QDataSource/QDataSink/QDataPump?  Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance for your help and keep up the good work!
Carlos :)

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