linking libraries

Geert Theys toadi at
Mon Jan 17 21:25:19 GMT 2000

I have a made a standard c project. Made a program, but using SDL as extra
library. Where do I have to put this and what. I can do this on commandoline
with :

gcc -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/SDL -g -D_REENTRANT  -o test test_SDL.c  -lpthread -lSDL -ldl -lm 

But where and what have I have to do in kdevelop. SMB PLZ ...
Or plz give me a	 hint where to post this question...

---== Toadi ==---

"The three most dangerous things in the world are a programmer with a
soldering iron, a hardware type with a program patch and a user with an idea."
                                                - ancient computer saying

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