make: no targets

Grischa Stegemann Stegemann at Physik.TU-Berlin.DE
Fri Jan 7 16:28:00 GMT 2000

Hi there

Can anybody tell me about this:

Using kdevelop on a Suse6.3-linux system work fine as long as doing it
as a local (yast-created) user.
Using kdevelop as a user from the netwide yp will produce 
"make: no targets" 
while trying to build (F8) a project just created by the application

Strange: Entering a shell and doing a "make" in the project directory
manually will work fine!

I think it has something to do with the standard login shell (which is
tcsh in this case). I already fixed the "non-bash-bug" (./configure
instead of /.configure) in line 42 of 
which generally allowed the complete creation of a new project by the
application wizard without any error messages.

But I have no idea about this make-thing...

Maybe there is a special environment variable not correctly set by the
netwide users startup scripts. But which one?

Thanks in advance,
                         Grischa Stegemann

E-Mail: Stegemann at

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