
Dmitry Semenov hatter at
Thu Jan 20 08:24:14 GMT 2000

I can provide small hint for people using namespace. It is well known that
kdevelop has problem with that kind of parsing. It's coming too difficult to
use class browser; even Kdevelop shows class it is impossible to make any
navigation through class sources sometimes.
The simple solution for this problem is to put "return" statement in the
begin of function "void CclassParser::parseNamespace(...)" This function is
located in classParser source.
Unfortunately kdevelop cannot find some derived classes after this fixing.
If anyone knows why I will be glad to hear it.
I take away my question about including assembler sources. Just today I made
myself familiar with GCC inline assembler.

Best Regards, Dmitry Semenov
EMail: hatter at

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