Answer: KDevelop on SuSE 6.3 / giflib 3.0 and glimpse

W. Tasin tasin at
Thu Jan 20 12:21:02 GMT 2000

Matthias Duesterhoeft wrote:

Hallo Matthias,

> Hallo,
> >1) configure-error 'cause missing giflib:
> >
> >The ksupp-1.1.2-15.i386.rpm, which you will find on the SuSE 6.3
> >distribution ISN'T built with the "--with-libgif=yes"-configure-switch.
> >So no giflib will be installed with these binary ksupp.rpm's.
> SuSE (6.2, I don't know it in 6.3) has extra packages for giflib and
> jpeglib (packages libgif, libjpeg). Don't these packages exist anymore in
> 6.3?
> Tschuess
>    Matthias

Exactly, this package has been substituted by libungif-4.1.0.rpm 
(for writing uncompressed gif's).
The successor of libgif.

Since almost all "acinclude.m4" are using the switch "-lgif"
(and not "-lungif") to check the presence and functionality 
of a gif-lib, a link libgif -> libungif would be another solution.

Unfortunately(??) this link won´t be created by the rpm of libungif and
I don't know if it would be a good idea
(maybe I wrong and it is: looking at the posting:  
  Re:     giflib30 ??
  Date:   Wed, 19 Jan 2000 18:17:03 -0600 (CST)
  From:   "Leonardo B. Lopes" <leo at>).

I didn´t test it on SuSE-6.3 for libungif-4.1.0.i386.rpm.


oohhh sveglia.... il mondo e' ammalato, ma x colpa di chi.........
:-------W. Tasin, FB 04,
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