Builing KDK 1.0 on HPUX

Klaus Gillarek klgill at gmx.de
Sun Jan 9 14:08:42 GMT 2000

Thomas Matelich schrieb in einer persoenlichen Nachricht ueber "Re: Builing
KDK 1.0 on HPUX":
> I'm not sure which dependencies you are referring to, but I had no
> problems
> other than the dlfcn.h detail after I got all the libraries I needed.

There is a linking "-ldb" and "-ldl" in kdevelop. Both libraries are
part of glibc. HPUX doesn't has (need) glibc.

> > A little off topic.
> > What did you do mit glibc depencies on your machine or had you build
> > glibc?

  with best regards

  Klaus Gillarek                 klgill at gmx.de
                                 Klaus.Gillarek at gfk.de

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