KDevelop 1.0 BUG

Alex Somesan resurected at crosswinds.net
Sat Jan 15 17:04:49 GMT 2000


	I got Kdevelop 1.0 from the kdk-1.0a.
	This is working wrong:
	Adding a new member method or variable to a class using the 'Add member
Variable / function' options in the right-mouse-button pop-up on the class
results in the member being added at the end of the respective header file
after the end of the class declaration ( after the }; at the end of the file )
thus the header isn't beeing parsed correctly by KDevelop nor does it compile
	Any other of you ever got this ?
	Does anybody have some idea as of why this is happening ?
	Patches maybe ? . . .

That's about it.

Alex Somesan.

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