June 2006 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Jun 1 11:04:24 UTC 2006
Ending: Fri Jun 30 18:32:56 UTC 2006
Messages: 402
- : Amarok 1.4.1
- Summary of my arguments _pro_ name change
Jocke Andersson
- Summary of my arguments _pro_ name change
Jocke Andersson
- 2.0 plans was: Reminder: commit major changes...
Jocke Andersson
- Revert layout change, releasing beta1?
Jocke Andersson
- Layout change, next take
Jocke Andersson
- Layout change, next take
Jocke Andersson
- Layout change, next take
Jocke Andersson
- Only xine? why?
Jocke Andersson
- Layout change, next take
Jocke Andersson
- extragear/multimedia/amarok/src
Jocke Andersson
- Amarok 1.4.1 - July 2nd
Jocke Andersson
- : New layout complain
Tomás Cohen Arazi
- extragear/multimedia/amarok/src
Martin Aumueller
- : Last.fm integration
Martin Aumueller
- : MediaDevice
Martin Aumueller
- Splitting out the taglib plugins?
Martin Aumueller
- cover images for last.fm
Martin Aumueller
- suddenly >88 processes
Martin Aumueller
- Continuous play
Dan B
- Sign me up
Samuel Baldwin
- willing to help: NJB mediadevice
Andrew Barr
- willing to help: NJB mediadevice
Andrew Barr
- willing to help: NJB mediadevice
Andrew Barr
- willing to help: NJB mediadevice
Andrew Barr
- Renaming amaroK, Amarok
Stefan Bogner
- : Look and feel
Thomas Bosch
- multiple instances of amarokapp
Colin Brace
- multiple instances of amarokapp
Colin Brace
- character set issue (was: multiple instances of amarokapp)
Colin Brace
- CD Import
Colin Brace
- suddenly >88 processes
Colin Brace
- suddenly >88 processes
Colin Brace
- suddenly >88 processes
Colin Brace
- suddenly >88 processes
Colin Brace
- Amarok and encodings on id3
Christoph Burgmer
- : 1.4.1 beta1
Will C.
- comments on new gui
Jan Callewaert
- : New Layout
Jan Callewaert
- : Wow! Thanks! (and now for some suggestions)
Bart Cerneels
- : MediaDevice
Bart Cerneels
- : Last.fm integration
Bart Cerneels
- Dynamic Collection patch
Jean-Tristan Chanegue
- Your Amarok website
William Chapman
- Gst 0.10 "Roadmap"
Paul Cifarelli
- Amarok's amazing!
Paul Cifarelli
- Splitting out the taglib plugins?
Paul Cifarelli
- multiple instances of amarokapp
Paul Cifarelli
- Amarok and BBC Radio "Listen Again" (Real streams).
Paul Cifarelli
- Amarok and BBC Radio "Listen Again" (Real streams).
Paul Cifarelli
- : Great work!
Justin Danger
- CD Import
Maxsell Dickey
- : Stop the animations
Raymond Dubisky
- : New \"current\" sidebar placement.
Raymond Dubisky
- Renaming amaroK, Amarok
Bonne Eggleston
- Suggestion: playtime statistics
Christer Ekholm
- Suggestion: playtime statistics
Christer Ekholm
- Suggestion: playtime statistics
Christer Ekholm
- wikipedia suggestion
Zulu Eleven
- [mm-meeting] Re: Impression of K3M?
Florian Graessle
- Dynamic Collection: Conflicting Mount Points
Colin Guthrie
- Dynamic Collection: Conflicting Mount Points
Colin Guthrie
- : Last.fm integration
Colin Guthrie
- : frustration
Colin Guthrie
- Amarok and BBC Radio "Listen Again" (Real streams).
Colin Guthrie
- Amarok and BBC Radio "Listen Again" (Real streams).
Colin Guthrie
- : Keep UP!
Colin Guthrie
- Continuous play
Colin Guthrie
- Renaming amaroK, Amarok
Nimrod Gutman
- Renaming amaroK, Amarok
Nimrod Gutman
- Renaming amaroK, Amarok
Nimrod Gutman
- Summary of my arguments _pro_ name change
Christie Harris
- Re-examining Dynamic Mode.
Christie Harris
- : Genre aggregation feature
Christie Harris
- Thank you so much for Amarok.
Christie Harris
- 100% CPU usage with SVN trunk
Christie Harris
- 100% CPU usage with SVN trunk
Christie Harris
- Musicbraiinz Problem was Re: 100% CPU usage with SVN trunk
Christie Harris
- comments on new gui
Christie Harris
- Custom Context Browser Sections Patch
Christie Harris
- Custom Context Browser Sections Patch
Christie Harris
- : New \"current\" sidebar placement.
- Suggestion
Andreas Heinz
- Suggestion
Andreas Heinz
- Suggestion
Andreas Heinz
- : Great! but...
Sven Hergenhahn
- : frustration
Ben Howard
- Renaming amaroK, Amarok
Max Howell
- Renaming amaroK, Amarok
Max Howell
- Renaming amaroK, Amarok
Max Howell
- : amarok sucks
Max Howell
- Summary of my arguments _pro_ name change
Max Howell
- Summary of my arguments _pro_ name change
Max Howell
- Reminder: commit major changes to branches/work/kde4 in addition to /trunk
Max Howell
- : 1.4 and libSDL
Max Howell
- [Fwd: Re: : 1.4 and libSDL]
Max Howell
- [Fwd: amarok-xine suggestion]
Max Howell
- Layout change, next take
Max Howell
- Amarok Crash Handler to KDE?
Max Howell
- Thank you so much for Amarok.
- : Typo on feature list
- Fwd: Themes
Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
- Revert layout change, releasing beta1?
Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
- Continuous play
Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
- :
- Ideas about artist names and collection
Arne Kamola
- Amarok and unicode tags?
Jared Kidd
- : Creative Nomad Support
Bill King
- Rating
Joakim Kingström
- : Arts support
Tero Kirjainen
- : Arts support
Tero Kirjainen
- Reading Annodex Clips
Jason Kivlighn
- Reading Annodex Clips
Jason Kivlighn
- Suggestion
Jason Kivlighn
- Impression of K3M?
Martijn Klingens
- [mm-meeting] Re: Impression of K3M?
Martijn Klingens
- [mm-meeting] Re: Impression of K3M?
Martijn Klingens
- [mm-meeting] Re: Impression of K3M?
Martijn Klingens
- Impression of K3M?
Martijn Klingens
- Impression of K3M?
Martijn Klingens
- USB hdd support
Maximilian Kossick
- Dynamic Collection patch
Maximilian Kossick
- Dynamic Collection patch
Maximilian Kossick
- Dynamic Collection patch
Maximilian Kossick
- Dynamic Collection: Conflicting Mount Points
Maximilian Kossick
- Dynamic Collection
Maximilian Kossick
- Fixed Dynamic Collection patch
Maximilian Kossick
- Renaming amaroK, Amarok
Mark Kretschmann
- Renaming amaroK, Amarok
Mark Kretschmann
- Summary of my arguments _pro_ name change
Mark Kretschmann
- : Great work!
Mark Kretschmann
- : Awesome!
Mark Kretschmann
- Gst 0.10 "Roadmap"
Mark Kretschmann
- Revert layout change, releasing beta1?
Mark Kretschmann
- Layout change, next take
Mark Kretschmann
- Layout change, next take
Mark Kretschmann
- a road map for 2.0
Mark Kretschmann
- Layout change, next take
Mark Kretschmann
- [Fwd: amarok-xine suggestion]
Mark Kretschmann
- 100% CPU usage with SVN trunk
Mark Kretschmann
- wikipedia suggestion
Mark Kretschmann
- Crash after clicking "Repeat -> Album"
Mark Kretschmann
- : Typo on feature list
Mark Kretschmann
- Another crash
Mark Kretschmann
- extragear/multimedia/amarok/src
Mark Kretschmann
- Amarok and unicode tags?
Mark Kretschmann
- : Creative Nomad Support
Mark Kretschmann
- Amarok 1.4.1 - July 2nd
Mark Kretschmann
- Crash with last.fm stream
Mark Kretschmann
- Crash in xine engine
Mark Kretschmann
- multiple instances of amarokapp
Mark Kretschmann
- Amarok and encodings on id3
Mark Kretschmann
- lastfm menu entry
Mark Kretschmann
- Crash with last.fm covers
Mark Kretschmann
- Crash with podcasts
Mark Kretschmann
- Last.fm with Squid proxy
Mark Kretschmann
- suddenly >88 processes
Mark Kretschmann
- Suggestion
Mark Kretschmann
- Last.fm with Squid proxy
Mark Kretschmann
- [mm-meeting] Re: Impression of K3M?
Matthias Kretz
- : New sidebar layout
Thorben Kröger
- : New sidebar layout
Thorben Kröger
- Amarok 1.4.1 - July 2nd
Stephan Kulow
- : Awesome!
Josh Kurtz
- : Keep UP!
Luiz Felipe LIma
- converting media type does not work well with all media devices
Mikael Lammentausta
- 1.4.1-beta1: the new layout
Benjamin Lamowski
- Amarok Crash Handler to KDE?
Sébastien Laoût
- Amarok Crash Handler to KDE?
Sébastien Laoût
- Renaming amaroK, Amarok
Gábor Lehel
- Summary of my arguments _pro_ name change
Gábor Lehel
- Summary of my arguments _pro_ name change
Gábor Lehel
- Reminder: commit major changes to branches/work/kde4 in addition to /trunk
Gábor Lehel
- Revert layout change, releasing beta1?
Gábor Lehel
- a road map for 2.0
Gábor Lehel
- Layout change, next take
Gábor Lehel
- converting media type does not work well with all media devices
Alf B Lervaag
- IRC Channel (Was: Usability Expert inquiry)
Alf B Lervaag
- 100% CPU usage with SVN trunk
David R. Litwin
- 100% CPU usage with SVN trunk
David R. Litwin
- : New Layout
David R. Litwin
- extragear/multimedia/amarok/src
David R. Litwin
- : New Layout
Brett Maden
- : MediaDevice
Andreas Mair
- : New Layout
- : Thanks
John McCourt
- : MediaDevice
Roel Meeuws
- Add Supported Types functionality to Generic MediaDevices.
Roel Meeuws
- Add Supported Types functionality to Generic MediaDevices.
Roel Meeuws
- Add Supported Types functionality to Generic MediaDevices.
Roel Meeuws
- Add Supported Types functionality to Generic MediaDevices.
Roel Meeuws
- Add Supported Types functionality to Generic MediaDevices.
Roel Meeuws
- Add Supported Types functionality to Generic MediaDevices.
Roel Meeuws
- Add Supported Types functionality to Generic MediaDevices.
Roel Meeuws
- Add Supported Types functionality to Generic MediaDevices.
Roel Meeuws
- Add Supported Types functionality to Generic MediaDevices.
Roel Meeuws
- Add Supported Types functionality to Generic MediaDevices.
Roel Meeuws
- Renaming amaroK, Amarok
Dan Meltzer
- [PATCH] playlistwindow "fixes"
Dan Meltzer
- [PATCH] playlistwindow "fixes"
Dan Meltzer
- Reminder: commit major changes to branches/work/kde4 in addition to /trunk
Dan Meltzer
- Reminder: commit major changes to branches/work/kde4 in addition to /trunk
Dan Meltzer
- 2.0 plans was: Reminder: commit major changes...
Dan Meltzer
- Renaming amaroK, Amarok
Dan Meltzer
- Amarok / Music Store Integration
Dan Meltzer
- want to contribute IBM DB2 support
Dan Meltzer
- a road map for 2.0
Dan Meltzer
- Thank you so much for Amarok.
Dan Meltzer
- Dynamic Collection patch
Dan Meltzer
- 100% CPU usage with SVN trunk
Dan Meltzer
- 100% CPU usage with SVN trunk
Dan Meltzer
- Another crash
Dan Meltzer
- multiple instances of amarokapp
Dan Meltzer
- Reading Annodex Clips
Dan Meltzer
- Suggestion
Dan Meltzer
- Continuous play
Dan Meltzer
- Suggestion
Dan Meltzer
- Suggestion
Dan Meltzer
- Amarok / Music Store Integration
Greg Meyer
- [Fwd: amarok-xine suggestion]
Greg Meyer
- [Fwd: amarok-xine suggestion]
Greg Meyer
- m4a
Greg Meyer
- m4a
Greg Meyer
- Musicbraiinz Problem was Re: 100% CPU usage with SVN trunk
Greg Meyer
- Suggestion: playtime statistics
Greg Meyer
- Suggestion: playtime statistics
Greg Meyer
- Layout change, next take
Dan Miess
- USB hdd support
Jeff Mitchell
- Renaming amaroK, Amarok
Jeff Mitchell
- Renaming amaroK, Amarok
Jeff Mitchell
- : amarok sucks
Jeff Mitchell
- Summary of my arguments _pro_ name change
Jeff Mitchell
- Gst 0.10 "Roadmap"
Jeff Mitchell
- CollectionDB & ATF Handling
Jeff Mitchell
- multiple instances of amarokapp
Jeff Mitchell
- suddenly >88 processes
Jeff Mitchell
- suddenly >88 processes
Jeff Mitchell
- Usability Expert inquiry
Kelly Miyashiro
- User Usability and Layout Complaints
Kelly Miyashiro
- Only xine? why?
Mario Moles
- Re-examining Dynamic Mode.
Ian Monroe
- extragear/multimedia/amarok/src
Ian Monroe
- Re-examining Dynamic Mode.
Ian Monroe
- Re-examining Dynamic Mode.
Ian Monroe
- Re-examining Dynamic Mode.
Ian Monroe
- extragear/multimedia/amarok/src
Ian Monroe
- 2.0 plans was: Reminder: commit major changes...
Ian Monroe
- Revert layout change, releasing beta1?
Ian Monroe
- : Amarok 1.4
Ian Monroe
- a road map for 2.0
Ian Monroe
- want to contribute IBM DB2 support
Ian Monroe
- Thank you so much for Amarok.
Ian Monroe
- Dynamic Collection patch
Ian Monroe
- Amarok's amazing!
Ian Monroe
- wikipedia suggestion
Ian Monroe
- comments on new gui
Ian Monroe
- : 1.4.1 beta1
Ian Monroe
- Amarok 1.4.1 - July 2nd
Ian Monroe
- Add Supported Types functionality to Generic MediaDevices.
Ian Monroe
- Add Supported Types functionality to Generic MediaDevices.
Ian Monroe
- : Version for Windows
Ian Monroe
- : A Simple Idea
Ian Monroe
- cover images for last.fm
Ian Monroe
- cover images for last.fm
Ian Monroe
- Crash with last.fm covers
Ian Monroe
- cover images for last.fm
Ian Monroe
- new amarok_proxy
Ian Monroe
- User Usability and Layout Complaints
Ian Monroe
- Layout feedback - are you sick of it yet? ;-)
John Mulligan
- : user interface comment
Jorge N.
- : Genre aggregation feature
- extragear/multimedia/amarok/src
Peter C. Ndikuwera
- want to contribute IBM DB2 support
Peter C. Ndikuwera
- extragear/multimedia/amarok/src
Peter C. Ndikuwera
- New amaroK
Peter C. Ndikuwera
- Magnatune Integration
Nikolaj Hald Nielsen
- Custom Context Browser Sections Patch
Nikolaj Hald Nielsen
- Magnatune Integration
Nikolaj Hald Nielsen
- extragear/multimedia/amarok/src
Alexandre Oliveira
- willing to help: NJB mediadevice
Andrés Otón
- Fwd: willing to help: NJB mediadevice
Andrés Otón
- Summary of my arguments _pro_ name change
Elliot Pahl
- Re-examining Dynamic Mode.
Elliot Pahl
- want to contribute IBM DB2 support
Elliot Pahl
- Displaying history in the playlist suggestion
Elliot Pahl
- m4a
Shane Par-Due
- Re-examining Dynamic Mode.
Joel Wiramu Pauling
- Re-examining Dynamic Mode.
Joel Wiramu Pauling
- Re-examining Dynamic Mode.
Joel Wiramu Pauling
- Re-examining Dynamic Mode.
Joel Wiramu Pauling
- Re-examining Dynamic Mode.
Joel Wiramu Pauling
- Re-examining Dynamic Mode.
Joel Wiramu Pauling
- Re-examining Dynamic Mode.
Joel Wiramu Pauling
- Custom Context Browser Sections Patch
Joel Wiramu Pauling
- : Last.fm integration
Joel Wiramu Pauling
- : Last.fm integration
Joel Wiramu Pauling
- : A Simple Idea
Ido Perelmutter
- : Awesome Job
Wayne Perkins
- Custom Context Browser Sections Patch
Bradley Pesicka
- Amarok Digest, Vol 2, Issue 15
Bradley Pesicka
- Dynamic Collection: Conflicting Mount Points
Bradley Pesicka
- Dynamic Collection: Conflicting Mount Points
Bradley Pesicka
- Custom Context Browser Sections Patch
Bradley Pesicka
- Custom Context Browser Sections Patch
Bradley Pesicka
- Custom Context Browser Sections Patch
Bradley Pesicka
- Splitting out the taglib plugins?
Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò
- Amarok's amazing!
Umakanth Puppala
- Renaming amaroK, Amarok
Reigo Reinmets
- Renaming amaroK, Amarok
Reigo Reinmets
- Summary of my arguments _pro_ name change
Seb Ruiz
- Impression of K3M?
Seb Ruiz
- NJB mediadevice (download items and plugin name)
Seb Ruiz
- Layout change, next take
Seb Ruiz
- Only xine? why?
Seb Ruiz
- NJB mediadevice (download items and plugin name)
Seb Ruiz
- Layout change, next take
Seb Ruiz
- Impression of K3M?
Seb Ruiz
- : Awesome Job
Seb Ruiz
- Custom Context Browser Sections Patch
Seb Ruiz
- Custom Context Browser Sections Patch
Seb Ruiz
- Custom Context Browser Sections Patch
Seb Ruiz
- :
Seb Ruiz
- : Last.fm integration
Seb Ruiz
- : Arts support
Seb Ruiz
- Your Amarok website
Seb Ruiz
- change in lastfm stream bt
Seb Ruiz
- CollectionDB & ATF Handling
Seb Ruiz
- multiple instances of amarokapp
Seb Ruiz
- lastfm menu entry
Seb Ruiz
- : frustration
Seb Ruiz
- cover images for last.fm
Seb Ruiz
- Reading Annodex Clips
Seb Ruiz
- extragear/multimedia/amarok/src
Seb Ruiz
- New amaroK
Bastian Schlösser
- Amarok 1.4.1 - July 2nd
Bram Schoenmakers
- Amarok 1.4.1 - July 2nd
Bram Schoenmakers
- : Version for Windows
Bernhard Schuler
- Renaming amaroK, Amarok
Thomas Schwarzgruber
- : Amarok 1.4
- : Wow! Thanks! (and now for some suggestions)
Jon Shell
- amarok 1.4a skiping tracks
Ljubomir Simin
- : A Simple Idea
Ljubomir Simin
- Ideas about artist names and collection
Ljubomir Simin
- Renaming amaroK, Amarok
Harald Sitter
- Renaming amaroK, Amarok
Harald Sitter
- Renaming amaroK, Amarok
Harald Sitter
- Renaming amaroK, Amarok
Harald Sitter
- Usability Expert inquiry
Harald Sitter
- IRC Channel (Was: Usability Expert inquiry)
Harald Sitter
- Revert layout change, releasing beta1?
Harald Sitter
- a road map for 2.0
Harald Sitter
- 1.4.1 beta1 - do your fixes
Harald Sitter
- string freeze
Harald Sitter
- : Arts support
Harald Sitter
- Only xine? why?
Torgil Svensson
- willing to help: NJB mediadevice
- willing to help: NJB mediadevice
- NJB mediadevice (download items and plugin name)
- NJB mediadevice (download items and plugin name)
- NJB mediadevice (download items and plugin name)
- NJB mediadevice (download items and plugin name)
- One more fix to the NJB mediadevice
- Custom Context Browser Sections Patch
- : Creative Nomad Support
- : Stop the animations
- multiple instances of amarokapp
- : Last.fm integration
Boyan Tabakov
- Patch for a bug in the amazon cover fetcher
Joseph Tate
- want to contribute IBM DB2 support
Helmut Tessarek
- want to contribute IBM DB2 support
Helmut Tessarek
- want to contribute IBM DB2 support
Helmut Tessarek
- want to contribute IBM DB2 support
Helmut Tessarek
- Renaming amaroK, Amarok
Nick Tryon
- Summary of my arguments _pro_ name change
Nick Tryon
- Dynamic Collection patch
Nick Tryon
- : 1.4.1 beta1
Nick Tryon
- : New layount of 1.4.1
Jyri Turkia
- USB hdd support
Andrew Turner
- Renaming amaroK, Amarok
Andrew Turner
- Summary of my arguments _pro_ name change
Andrew Turner
- Summary of my arguments _pro_ name change
Andrew Turner
- Remote and Removable Collections
Andrew Turner
- Dynamic Collection patch
Andrew Turner
- Dynamic Collection: Conflicting Mount Points
Andrew Turner
- extragear/multimedia/amarok/src
Andrew Turner
- extragear/multimedia/amarok/src
Andrew Turner
- Another backtrace for your consumption
Andrew Turner
- : Stop the animations
Andrew Turner
- : Kudos and a Kuestion?
Guy Via
- : 1.4 and libSDL
Donn Washburn
- : amarok sucks
Carsten Weiss
- : Stop the animations
George Welch
- Amarok and unicode tags?
- Suggestion
- Suggestion
- Reminder: commit major changes to branches/work/kde4 in addition to /trunk
ian at monroe.nu
- Gst 0.10 "Roadmap"
paulc2 at optonline.net
- Gst 0.10 "Roadmap"
paulc2 at optonline.net
- suddenly >88 processes
paulc2 at optonline.net
- suddenly >88 processes
paulc2 at optonline.net
- : Amarok does not work in Ubuntu 6.06
ubuntu user
- : amarok sucks
ubuntu user
Last message date:
Fri Jun 30 18:32:56 UTC 2006
Archived on: Wed Jun 18 07:45:15 UTC 2014
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).