Thank you so much for Amarok.

Ian Monroe ian at
Sun Jun 11 22:24:53 UTC 2006

On 6/11/06, JT <chozar at> wrote:
> I hope this is the appropriate address for this message and its
> contents.  I had tried to send this email to the one listed in (help >
> about > feedback), but it bounced and told me that it has been updated
> to this.  I dont know if that should be updated.
> I want to thank those responsible for this program, it has totally
> changed the way I listen to music, both on my pc and in general.  Ive
> been listening to mp3s since they brought my 486 to its knees from a
> DOS command line program, off to winamp using explorer to organize my
> music.  I kept doing that for the past 4 years with linux & xmms, I
> guess you keep to what works even if it doesnt work that well.  The
> gui was slow, and using separate programs to manage your library and
> listed just doesnt make sense.
> I started using amarok last year and after some initial resistance, I
> love it.  I see all of my music at a glance with extra information and
> ties to burning CDs or playing them, and finding more information.
> Its always running and always available.  Transfer to my music player
> couldnt be easier.  It always runs in my tray, and it is just there -
> you can do most anything in three clicks.  So, thank you.

Thanks for your praise, its always good to hear from a longtime user. :)

Ian Monroe

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