: Genre aggregation feature

Nathan amarok at nathan.qgl.org
Sun Jun 11 00:26:13 UTC 2006

This is an enquiry e-mail via http://amarok.kde.org from:
Nathan <amarok at nathan.qgl.org>

I have a feature to suggest (I'm using 1.3, but the 1.4 whats new page doesnt seem to suggest its been implemented) -

I listen to a lot of Hip hop music, some of which I download from the net.  Unfortunately there's much confusion over how to write the term 'hip hop' for the genre, the three variations generally being:

* Hip hop
* Hip-hop
* Hiphop

I would like to suggest that when browsing by genre Amarok ignore spaces and hyphens, so that files with the above three genres would all appear together.

Thanks for reading!


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